August 10, 2019


America Must Be Good Before She Can Be Great. In the world all around us there is good and there is evil. There are evil governments and perhaps a couple good ones. There are a few good people and countless numbers of evil people. There seems to be a sinister side that lurks inside everybody. Anger hides in there. A proud heart waits to be aroused. Hateful words lie in wait to be shouted. Sexual desires are hidden and ready to explode into reality. A desire to do wrong lingers near the surface of most people’s souls. What is the source of evil? From where does good come? Think on these questions a few minutes as you read the meaning of evil and good and then scan the list of evil traits versus good traits.

Webster’s Dictionary Definition Of Evil

EVIL is: moral depravity; sinful; wicked; corrupt; perverse; causes pain, desire to cause misfortune, trouble or suffering; threatening or bringing misfortune; destructive; causes displeasure; disagreeable; devilish, connected to the evil one, the Devil.

EVIL is: when the deceitful manipulates truth to be wrong or to cause a change in truth perceptions that are now wrongs. Evil is to pervert the plain meaning of words. Belligerent anger, temper, drunkenness, drug hallucination, any perversion, all is evil.

EVIL is: when a politician threatens or causes misfortune or when they incite greater trouble with the use of inflammatory words.

Webster’s Dictionary Definition of Good

Good: valid; reliable; morally sound; virtuous; legally firm; true, genuine; right, as is right from wrong; the Bible, a good book.

EVIL                        VERSES                 GOOD

  • Disobey law--------------------------Obey laws
  • Hate----------------------------------------Love
  • Anger---------------------------------Calm
  • Troubled-----------------------------------Peaceful
  • Impatience----------------------------Patience
  • Strife---------------------------------------Gentleness
  • Liar-----------------------------------Truthful
  • Envious------------------------------------Satisfied
  • Drunkenness--------------------------Temperance
  • Fornication--------------------------------Purity
  • Perverse-------------------------------Man and Woman marriage
  • Malign--------------------------------------Praise something or someone
  • Unprincipled---------------------------Principled
  • Immoral------------------------------------Moral
  • Wrong---------------------------------Right
  • Proud----------------------------------------Humble
  • Destroy Somebody’s Name------------Say Positive words
  • Selfish---------------------------------------Others First
  • Tyranny/Treason-----------------------Honor and Obey Constitution
  • Despotic------------------------------------Republic Democracy
  • Dictatorship----------------------------Constitution as is, Rule of Law
  • Prayer Halted------------------------------Public prayers are legal
  • Bibles Banned--------------------------Bible in schools
  • Godless--------------------------------------God-fearing
  • Discord/Chaos--------------------------Harmony
  • Discontented-------------------------------Contented

REJECT GOD = EVIL                     ACCEPT GOD = GOOD                       

  • Sin-------------------------------------------Sins Forgiven By Jesus
  • Wicked-------------------------------------Born Again
  • Unrighteous-------------------------------Righteous
  • Rebellion against Jesus----------------Peace within/forgiven
  • Unhappy------------------------------------Joyful
  • Hallucination------------------------------Holy Spirit Filled/Jesus within
  • Corrupt--------------------------------------Honor the laws
  • Deceitful------------------------------------Truthful/Honest
  • Rebel/Discord-----------------------------Peaceful Debate
  • Injustice-------------------------------------Justice


Galatians 5:22-23, I paraphrase; if you follow God, you will be full of love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, meekness and temperance, there is no law against such good character.

Mark 12:28-31, I paraphrase; the greatest commandment is to love God with all your heart, with all your mind and with all your strength. In everything you do, in all your thinking, with all your passion, with all your will, and with all your strength, pray to God to help you to do as He desires. You must love your neighbor as yourself; love all people of all races, love everybody, have no hate, harbor no jealousy, say no evil, speak no gossip, create no contention or dissension, and again I say, treat all others as you would want to be treated. To love God and others is, indeed, the greatest good.

Evil Described In the Bible

“He who commits sin is of the Devil: for the Devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested to destroy the works of the Devil” (1 John 3:8).

Seven Sins God Hates (Proverbs 6:16-19):

A proud look

A lying tongue

Hands that shed innocent blood

A heart that devises wicked imaginations

A person swift to do mischief

A false witness that speaks lies

A person who sows discord


A proud look refers to the person who thinks that they are never wrong, and therefore they are rebellious and do not desire to follow any rules or principles. A person with a lying tongue will only tell the truth if it is to their advantage, otherwise the evil person will lie. A false witness premeditates lies then concocts lying schemes in order to carry out a deceitful evil plan. Hands that shed innocent blood, also pertains to those who murder one’s character. Any person, any politician or any media person who murders one’s character, or demeans, smears and lies, about someone or deceives others about anything or propagates dissension amongst the country’s citizens for the purpose of carrying out wicked political schemes is a person that is swift to do mischief, they are full of wicked imaginations, and therefore practices all the evil things that God hates. It does not matter who you are or what you do for a living, it does not matter if you are an elected politician or a millionaire or a doctor or a business person, for if you inflict or even promote any of the sins that God hates, unless you repent and believe in Jesus as your Savior, your eternal future will be in a place that most of you denies exists, for you believe that what Satan injects into your mind is the truth and thus you to not believe the God’s Truth in the Bible, and in essence Lucifer called Satan has used Hell’s Fork to commit you to Hell forever.


What most Americans would attest to is that they do not know much about the Bible. What most also realize is that the topic of God and the Bible causes them great discomfort. Some feel that it is a book that can only cause more emotional trouble than comfort. But I encourage all; the Bible will not harm you one iota. If people knew what good the Bible had in store for them, they would read and study it daily. Would it not be wise if people read the Words of God and allow His message to enlighten their mind and reveal what is important in life and in the hereafter? If one would read the Bible, then that one would know God loves them and that He wishes for all to spend eternity in Heaven with Him.


Per God’s Word, know this; Satan started the evil on earth. If one would read the Bible they would know who Satan is and that God has no tolerance for sin. Lucifer the most powerful angel created by God led a rebellion against God with one third of the angels, and God threw them out of Heaven. Ever since, Lucifer now called Satan or the Devil, has tried to destroy God’s plans (Luke 10:18, Isaiah 14:12-15, Revelation 12:7-9). Satan is extremely powerful. He wishes to destroy everyone and everything that is good.

He is more powerful than everyone (Ephesians 6:11-16). No human being can resist him, no matter how great one’s will power is, Satan and his demons will overpower ones will. When mankind sinned, Satan caused it. When you rebel against God you are in Satan’s army, thus you are a sinner. But God in His love has made a way of redemption for all. Jesus (God) was born as man. He was equally man and equally God, yet all He did on earth He did as a man, the perfect man without sin. Jesus died on the cross for all people’s sins so that you and me and anybody could ask for forgiveness of sins and be redeemed and live forever with Him in Heaven, (John 3:16). In John 14:15-20, Jesus said that His Holy Spirit is living in those who believe on Him and any person that believes is born again (John 3:3) and if they ask for His help they will overcome the power of Satan. Think on this, Lucifer, the Devil (Satan), was defeated when Jesus died for all mankind. Jesus provided what makes one victorious over evil. When you repent and accept Jesus as your Savior, peace and joy flows over you as you feel the heavy sin inflicted bondages float away and are now gone forever, and you are free at last (I John 3:8, I Peter 5:8, I John 4:4).

The words in the Bible inform us, “The Devil as a roaring lion, walks about seeking whom he may devour” (1 Peter 5:8).  Yes, he wishes to kill. He causes sicknesses and diseases. Satan controls the sin nature in mankind and nothing can be done by humans to stop him. We are all born sinners. All sin is evil. Rebellion against God is the sin that condemns all mankind to Hell. Jesus said, “Men love darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil. For every one who does evil hates the Light,” Jesus is the Light (John 3:19-20). Though we are in rebellion against Jesus, there is hope for all of us, there is hope for America, but will you follow God’s plan or the Hell’s Fork plans of Satan?

Consider the options: do as most of We the People are doing, continue the evil way that America is going, it an evil path that will get worse and worse, ending our freedoms with chaos in control, or try GOD’S Way, and thusly, make AMERICA GOOD!

Founding Father Quotes

Daniel Webster quote, (1782-1852, Constitutional lawyer, Secretary of State under three presidents) “If religious books are not widely circulated among the masses in this country, I do not know what is going to become of us as a nation. If truth be not diffused, error will be; If God and His Word are not known and received, the devil and his works will gain the ascendancy, If the evangelical volume does not reach every hamlet, the pages of a corrupt and licentious literature will; If the power of the Gospel is not felt throughout the length and breadth of the land, anarchy and misrule, degradation and misery, corruption and darkness will reign without mitigation or end.”

Robert Winthrop quote (Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives December 6, 1847 – March 4, 1849) “Men, in a word, must necessarily be controlled either by a power within them or by a power without them; either by the word of God or by the strong arm of man; either by the Bible or by the bayonet.”

WILL YOU HELP MAKE AMERICA GOOD?                                                                                                       

If you want the truth about your future and if you want the truth about America’s political future, read the Bible and read my book, Hell’s Fork Advances. There is so many problems in our country, that it would take multiple volumes of books to address  them thoroughly, but I was finally able cover America’s moral, spiritual and political wrongs in a comprehensive study in Hell’s Fork Advances, based upon Founding Father Quotes and their Biblical answers, and when you at last read my warning to all Americans, I hope and pray that everybody will do what is the RIGHT and GOOD for America. Use your ‘Freedom Thoughts’, buy and read the book, and then tell and proclaim the truth to everybody!




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