The Infallible Solution To Americas Problems, Part II ... click here

If a majority of people read the Bible and trust in God, there is much freedom; if few people read the Bible and trust in God, there is little freedom.

The Infallible Solution To Americas Problems, Part I ... click here

Americans must be involved in the solution to the very serious problems in the United States because We the People are the problem. Will you join the solution?

Why Our Democracy Will Fail ... click here

Obey unconstitutional evil mandates of the medical hierarchy and kings of states & forever we will be subjected to them & our freedoms are gone forever

America's Only Remedy for Race Hate ... click here

The Remedy for race hate, illegal mandates and lawlessness is given By I AM THAT I AM, but we must obey His solution or chaos & lawlessness will rule


By order of the President, all personal possessions in the U S is the property of all people. Houses, vehicles, animals, clothes, food, are free to everybody.

Fear Kills: Part I ... click here

America today Proves that when Godless people Rule Your World, they under the pretense of safety concerns purposely instill fear that kills freedoms.

There is Freedom from Life's Stresses ... click here

Accept the free soul virus protection that destroys addictions, stresses and depressions, as well as places you on the only way to Heaven.

Lenin's Destuction of America Is Complete ... click here

Lenin said, preach democracy but seize power fast and ruthlessly, and the passive Christians in America is why our country is in the last throes of freedom.

America's Towns and Cities In the Near Future ... click here

New edicts controls Americans lives; our Constitution is dead; laws are what politicians say. Our freedoms are only words in a worthless historical document.

Is The Coronavirus (Covid-19) of 2020 A Real Pandemic? ... click here

Is the corona virus a hyped up lie concocted by Constitution hating, socialist media, billionaires and politicians? Read the facts; our freedoms are almost gone

Is Your Life Just Pain And Misery? ... click here

You are a living marvelous, elite computer made by God, but with no accepted virus protection you are contaminated by viruses, Trojan Horses and worms


Imagine: mind renewed, bondages eradicated, addictions annihilated, hate extinct, dissension forgotten, depression departed & oppression obliterated.

No Freedom From Addictions ... click here

Do drugs control you? Do you ever consider suicide? Do you have anxiety attacks? No peace as fears race within your mind? TODAY THERE IS HELP FOR YOU!

Americas Warning 2020 Proclamation ... click here

The cause of Americas Constitution & social problems is that the churches, pastors, priest and parishioners to not follow the Bible doctrines of Jesus

Your Christmas Gift, The Truth ... click here

Your Christmas gift is the Bible the only source of Truth. Jesus is God, believe His words & if not, you will believe the lies of Satan.

Future Daily Life in the New Green Deal Era ... click here

For travel from state to state a yearly $10,000 permit must be purchased, and if your vehicle was manufactured before 2010 a yearly $3,000 fee is required.

Could This Be Treason? Part II ... click here

When socialist politicians openly speak out against our Constitution and actively work to create laws that destroy our freedoms, could they be acts of treason?

Socialism Is Not America's Benevolent God ... click here

Your future is, no job, 40% undmployed, green laws requiring upgrades on your house costing a quarter million, with loans denied, illegals now live in your house.

Could This Be Treason? Part I ... click here

Is it treason when politicians disobey the Constitution thus allowing ruthless, tyrannical, socialist rulers to take control of everything in America?

New Green Deal Restrictions ... click here

Oceans will cover cities, crops will fail, forests will die, deserts will expand, with growing lists of diseases and insects, all causing millions of deaths.

America's Problems And Why ... click here

No new gun or drug law solves America’s moral problems; when there are deep-seated soul troubles plaguing people, only one solution will solve the crisis.

America's Battle Between Good And Evil ... click here

The book, Hell’s Fork Advances, will offend you, for it declares that America must first be good before she can become great. Without God, Evil rules.

Hell's Fork Advances Introduction ... click here

Hell’s Fork, a Constitution study exposing why America has moral and political problems, to which, if the only solution is not adopted, freedoms are gone.

Gun Rights Per Constitution Law ... click here

All gun laws are unconstitutional per Amendment II and Article VI of the Constitution, any contrary Supreme Court edict is wrong; read Founding Father quotes.

Political Heaven ... click here

This had to be Heaven; he had forced Congress to pass a domestic terrorist law that demands the FBI catch those who are against the Global Climate treaty.

An Act Of God Is Needed To Save America ... click here

America is in a full-scale war between Evil and Good; will we surrender to the evils of Socialism/Communism? Evil=Hate=Anti-God=No Constitution=No Christians.

There Is No God ... click here

Evil billionaires and corrupt politicians do what benefits themsevles, therefore the Constitution is not obeyed and nothing they do will benefit We the People.

Government Mandated Religion Part II ... click here

The Supreme Court high order of religious priests and wizards of evil sorcery have mandated that Americans worship in the government instituted religion of Sin

Government Mandated Religion Part I ... click here

Abortion and same sex marriage laws are evil hate God laws inspired from the pit of Hell that order Bible sins legal, thus Christian beliefs are forbidden.

Socialism Must Rule ... click here

Nobody cares if we do not obey the Constitution, so if we must use inexplicable words in the New Green Deal to get it ratified, we will. we will Rule.

I Choose to Murder My Baby, I Dare God, Stop Me ... click here

In anticipation of sexual freedom and fornicating pleasure with no negative outcome, leads to the demonic sacrificing of unborn babies to the god of self

The True Meaning Of General Welfare ... click here

In devious racist politics, general Welfare means what Congress wishes, hence they defy the Constitution they swore to obey, which makes them lawless radicals.

2020 Torn Asunder Socialism Green Zone Blues ... click here

Americas warning, accept any new green deal as in 2020 Torn Asunder and your freedoms are annihilated. Unless socialism is abolished, the Constitution is gone.

Do You Know What True Freedom Is? ... click here

Daily sinister dark forces strike to destroy our God given freedoms, hourly evil forces rage against our Bill of Rights and soon all liberties will be gone

Top-Secret Weather Instruments ... click here

Climatologist must be factual, and only report the truth. There is no climate disaster alarm going off. Earth has always gone through warmer and cooler phases.

Climate Turmoil ... click here

We hear, implement the New Green Deal or climate turmoil will destroy the world, but what we do not hear is that the law will make America a hell zone.

Government Controls All New Green Deals ... click here

The Green bill will be law; the Global Climate Tready will be ratified. Use secret plots, charm them or catch them in the wrong or use deceit in the bill.

United States Constitutution Article I Section 8 ... click here

Americans have been brainwashed. Colleges and law schools teach teachers, lawyers and politicians socialism communism doctrines that destroy our Constitution.

Immigration Lawlessness Vs Immigration Law ... click here

Considering what is evil versus what is good, is it not evil when politicians encourage lawlessness?

You Are A Domestic Terrorist ... click here

The Justice Department ordered all police forces to watch, listen and follow those they deem to be against the U S government and report them to the FBI

Hell's Warriors are Marching ... click here

Hell's warriors are marching with everybody in lock-step, hence extreme wrongs infect America. Many countries have lost their liberty, and ours may lose hers.

2020 Torn Asunder ... click here

Climatologist Jude Jacobson never listens to the news and cares less about politics until two men attempt to kidnap her as she retrieves her father's highly secret weather instruments.

God Created Our Founding Fathers ... click here

Climatologist Jude Jacobson never listens to the news and cares less about politics until two men attempt to kidnap her as she retrieves her father's highly secret weather instruments.

Hell's Fork ... click here

It is near midnight in the history of the United States for in this year of 2013 our Constitution is in its darkest hour as evil forces rage against our freedoms. Hells Fork in Washington D.C. nightly attacks!

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