

The Freedom Thoughts that follow are written so that you can be aware of the possible disastrous collapse of our democracy in the near future of the United States of America. Consider the seriousness of the dictionary meanings of the words and how they apply to the news reports we hear every day.

With heart-felt sincerity I warn everybody that every freedom loss hurts every person in our country and I ask you to think upon the concepts presented as to what I believe could be We the Peoples last stand against the evils that are destroying our Constitution. I hope each of you will come to understood how people in control of our country are intent on destroying America as the Founding Fathers desired. If we do not get into the freedom saving battle, America’s freedoms will not survive the onslaught of treasonous actions.

If you have read my latest book, Hell’s Fork Advances, America’s Warning, you will fully understand why I use the words that are explained in this blog, but if you have read the other blogs at this website, you can understand in part what I write.

Remember, the words that are addressed in detail must be given very serious Freedom Thoughts as you reason if I am correct or not; and if you believe that I may be correct in what I show and that indeed my perception is reality, I declare that We the People must warn everybody we know that these extremely important perceptions are real and they will gravely impact all our Freedoms, for soon they will be gone forever!


Treason is an act or actions of government employees and politicians disobeying our Constitution that they have swore to uphold and obey and they giving or allowing ruthless despots, oppressive, tyrannical, arbitrary rulers to take control of our government. The truth is, any tyrannical action against Constitution law is treasonous actions. Tyranny is treason and treason is tyranny; both actions taken are from ideas that plan to and must destroy our Constitution, for these evil people to succeed in their sinister thinking, We the People will have no freedoms.


  1. The betrayal of a trust
  2. The offense of attempting by overt actions to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance
  3. Betrayal of country: a violation of loyalty owed by somebody to the country, to the president and to the Constitution
  4. Treachery is to deceive; a violation of allegiance of faith and confidence, an act of betrayal or disloyalty
  5. Conspiracy is collusion: a scheme to overthrow the rule of law by use of false information

TREASON SYNONYMS: Sedition, Duplicity, Subversion, Perfidy, Destabilizing

Sedition: troublemaking, actions or words that cause incitement to rebellion against government authority.

Duplicity: deceit, deception, misleading information; uses lies, disloyal; pretend to be loyal to Constitution, but is against the law of the land.

Subversion: actions or plans to undermine the government, plans to destroy the Constitution.

Perfidy: deliberate treachery using lies and deceit.

Destabilizing: is to make our government and economy unstable in order to bring about the collapse of government and the economy, thus it explains the rational of those against the Trump administration and his borders and economy agenda.


It is the rule of law that the states and federal government swear to obey. It is the only laws that they must honor and obey.

Therefore, answer these questions: Could not it be called a treasonous act when Congress creates laws that are unconstitutional?  Read what the words general welfare means in the Constitution per our Founding Fathers in an earlier blog.

Is it not an act of deceit and disloyalty, it a treasonous act such as when Congress gives benevolent promises and free gifts to We the People? Again, read the Founding Father quotes.

When cities, counties, states and the federal government order guns illegal, is not that an act of betrayal of trust, an overt act of disobedience to the Constitution, it the law that they swore to obey?

The fact is, most bills Congress passes are unconstitutional; therefore, it could be said that Congress does not honor and obey the Constitution, and that they could care less about their swore allegiance to the Law of the Land, and in doing these illegal actions it could be said that they in reality commit treason. Am I correct or am I wrong to believe such astrue facts?

Treason must be called for what it is, for it is disloyalty to the Constitution, an act of no regard to follow the Law of the Land. When politicians, professors, teachers, news media people, judges or anybody for that matter is disloyal to the constitution’s laws they will use deceptive words, or fabricated schemes and stories filled with lies all intended to rile up people to be against the Constitution for these evil people are fully intending to take away our freedoms. They want NO GOD=RIDICULE CHRISTIANS=NO CHRISTIANS= NO FREEDOM of RELIGION=NO BIBLES=NO GUNS=NO CONSTITUTION=TREASON.

Is it possible that the dictionary is wrong and therefore what I write is wrong when I say it is treasonous acts when God hating leaders and Constitution hating politicians and bureaucrats and the God hating Constitutional hating media people deceive millions of Americans by questioning the actions of anybody in elected and appointed government positions by saying they have committed grievous crimes when there is no evidence of a crime, for it is obvious that all their evil words said are said and broadcast in an attempt to openly try to overthrow our duly elected President and anybody close to him, and therefore it is a treachery act, it an act of treason. It is not yet an open military overthrow, but it is an attempt to take over our government by use of treasonous words in hopes We the People will agree with their disloyal actions and untrustworthy lies that are actions of treason.


This is only the first blog of several more to come on Could It Be Treason.

Consider this blog as serious freedom thoughts, for our freedoms are under severe attack. Consider what treason means, and then consider what is written on this website, and I ask, is it treason or is it not treason when politicians and judges wish to undermine the laws of the Constitution?

How about some interaction? But, maybe one should first read Hell’s Fork Advances Americas Warning; you can purchase the book at

Thank you for visiting my website!!!!

Bill Basaar

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