2020 Torn Asunder

2020 Torn Asunder

June 27, 2013
by Bill Basaar

Climatologist Jude Jacobson never listens to the news and cares less about politics until two men attempt to kidnap her as she retrieves her father's highly secret weather instruments. Irked by her dad's many secrets, she hacks into his computer where she finds shocking family DNA data and death threats; but what she doesn't know is that lobbyists and politicians are scheming to silence anyone who speaks out against their global climate agenda. After several attempts on her life and not understanding why the FBI is after her, Jude races eastward from Seattle trying to find Dad who has gone into hiding. On this perilous journey she encounters a drastically changed America with new restrictive laws, roving gangs, high prices and green-clad environmentalist forces that have taken control of towns. Jude hates Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, but tunes into their shows to discover why the FBI is searching for her. She finds Dad who insists that they race for D.C. where he hopes to testify against the Senate's green agenda even though they risk capture or death at the hands of corrupt politicians who are radically transforming America.

95 Theses Project - Lets Save our Constitution

95 Theses Project: Let’s Save our Constitution

January 14, 2020
by Bill Basaar

This book is a provocative political manual listing 95 theses that are propositions which expose the unconstitutional actions and laws of our federal and state governments with the purpose of drawing attention to pertinent Constitutional issues worth debating. The theses are backed by hundreds of Founding Father quotes as well as a list of a vocabulary from the time period in order to promote a better understanding. The author weaves a compelling, thought-provoking discussion regarding the constitutional role of government as a servant of the people, revealing how both federal and state governments have redefined and even discarded the unchanging U.S. Constitution. 95 Theses Project: Let’s Save Our Constitution declares that both the federal and state governments in the spirit of greed and power rule over America with unconstitutional, tyrannical, fear-based laws. With this book you will have an easy tool to use as we teach the ill-informed the truth about our Constitution. You will be armed with the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, quotes of the Founders and a list of grievances against our present-day government. Through your new weapon’s telescopic, intelligence lenses you will clearly see what the Founding Fathers intended and have the knowledgeable ammunition to battle against our present-day government for our Constitutional freedoms and for our Constitution. We the People must become more passionate about saving our freedoms. We must shout out the truth about the tyranny. We must stir up a storm! We must awaken the masses of the ill-informed.

95 Theses Project - Lets Save our Constitution

Hell's Fork Advances: America's Warning

August 30, 2016
by Bill Basaar

Evil Forces Intend to Destroy America’s Freedoms and Capitalistic Economy and I the author feel compelled within my spirit to warn Americans about our politicians and other influential people who are determined to lead our country into socialism. These evil unconstitutional advocates promise to save the earth from climate change, they pledge free aid, they will pay welfare and college, all offered to compel a gratuitous addicted people to vote for these same corrupt politicians who promise greater gratuities. It is a treacherous ruse of the socialist/communist who will force all Americans to be slaves of the federal government.

The first six chapters unmask incorrect freedom thoughts of most Americans that have allowed the unconstitutional problems in government. Chapters Seven through Twelve reveal the actual meanings of the Constitution in all aspects of government using over 200 Founding Father quotes and historical writings to prove the unconstitutional activities of Congress, the President, FBI, CIA, the Cabinet Departments and the Supreme Court, be it immigration laws, tax laws, gun laws, city versus federal laws, federal regulations against freedoms and the Supreme Court rulings on major issues such as abortion and same-sex marriage. Explanations reveal that most political arguments and Court rulings are battles between good and evil influences in the spiritual realm, and believe it or not, evil forces cause the social issues of addictions, depressions, fear, anxieties, suicide, alcoholism, and the innumerable stresses that have most citizens caught in hopeless bondage with no real solution for their problems.

Chapters Thirteen through Eighteen clarifies why the United States has mega problems and the methods that Satan uses to destroy our freedoms. But, the truth is, God intervened in our history, when He held back the evil influences in our nation and that it is today’s solution for our problems. But those who can be the solution are the people who have caused most of America’s problems. And therein we have a dilemma that is exposed in the last seven chapters, wherein the undeniable proof shows that a majority of churches and their pastors, priests and ministers do not preach and teach the Message of Jesus in the Bible; and therefore they and their parishioners are responsible for most of America’s problems. It is the truth that many Churches pick and chose what they believe and in so doing people are not Born Again, people are not healed and addictions are not annihilated, etc, etc. If so-called Christians and ministers of God do not believe the Bible is God’s Words to which they must follow exclusively, it is no wonder that most politicians and a majority of people in America hate God, hate the Bible, and hate the Constitution.

America’s Solution for the Social and Political Problems

This book may offend you, but there is only one perfect answer for anybody’s problems. Jesus is the solution for the saving of our freedoms. He offers you redemption, He desires you healed from physical and emotional turmoil, all guaranteed eradicated if you truly believe and accept Jesus as your Savior, at which time His Power comes in with unspeakable joy and His Glory will renew your spirit. Almost immediately and for the first time you will see everything clearly, including politics.

AMERICA’S WARNING: either millions of Americans accept the solution or Hell’s Fork will inflict every person in America with economic and social chaos. 

Some chapter titles: True Freedom, The Great American Cult, What Does General Welfare Mean? Hell’s Fork, Evil vs Good, Bill Of Rights, Democracy Will Fail, Our Nation’s Problems From a Constitutional Perspective, America’s Warning, The Supreme Court Hates God, America’s Harlots, Our Nation’s Solution…, A Warning to America’s Church Members, and I AM THAT I AM.

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