May 1, 2019

Do You Know What True Freedom Is?

It is near midnight in the history of the United States, for in this year 2019 our Constitution is in its darkest hour as evil forces relentlessly rage against our freedoms. From inside Washington D.C., sinister dark forces ferociously strike to destroy our God given liberties! Daily they hurl evil assaults upon our democracy! Hourly they attack our Bill of Rights and soon all freedoms will have been destroyed and every middle income and poor American will be living in HELL on Earth.

The terrible truthful fact is that our freedoms are hanging onto a thin thread of hope, a truth that remains known to only a few steadfast citizens in America who remain assured by the astute laws provided in the Constitution. In part, this tiny thread of hope hangs upon our country’s history when unfathomable true happenings shocked the world at the moment our Founding Fathers brought America to the forefront of world powers. It was their immeasurable government knowledge and their profound belief on God’s Words and its proven virtuous, moral changes within mankind’s character from which our government must and would obey the Constitution.

But woe is America today, for an insufficient number of We the People believe these truths and stand firmly upon our Constitution so that freedom will be truly free. Henceforth, we the lowly percentage of American souls must become many more millions so that we can overcome the corrupt powers which are ever trying to destroy the freedoms from our God given soil.

I hope that this brief presentation will help you better understand the political and social dilemma in the United States of America.

My heart felt desire is that all readers will know that I want a free America, and the reason that I write is for our Constitution freedoms to become a reality as our Founding Fathers intended. Most Americans have no concept of what liberty really is. It is obvious that most people do not understand what the Founding Fathers meant when they used the words freedom, free, liberty, or rights. Therefore, I will show the meaning of the words from Webster’s Dictionary, as well as the meaning of bureaucracy, of which most know little of its impact on our freedoms.


Free: allowed, permitted; unrestricted, unhampered, unburdened; exempt from, not subject to rules, not restricted in rights; not subject to censorship; not controlled by government; enjoying civil liberties.

Freedom: able to act and live as you choose without being subject to any undue restraints or restrictions.

Rights: entitlement; possession; title ownership of freedom; the right to speak or act without fear of restriction, interference or obstruction.

Liberty: the power to do as one pleases, free from arbitrary or despotic control; the authority and permission to have positive enjoyment of political, social, and economic rights.

Bureaucracy: non-elected officials, a paid hierarchy of authority that carry out and implement frustrating, fixed complex rules and regulations applied rigidly. Bureaucracy is the opposite of freedom.

Consider this explanation. Is it good or evil when the bureaucracy creates hundreds of thousands of restrictions and laws that abridge and infringe upon our freedoms and rights? The answer; it is evil. Based upon my answer, I must offer a brief explanation. I could use the word wrong, or I could use wicked, or perhaps words such as corrupt, perverse or depraved, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera, but the word evil seems to be the word that best describes those in our country that desire to destroy our freedoms provided in the Constitution.


EVIL is: moral depravity; sinful; wicked; corrupt; perverse; causes pain, desire to cause misfortune; sin; causing trouble or suffering; bad conduct; threatening or bringing misfortune; destructive; causes displeasure; disagreeable; devilish, connected to the evil one, the Devil.


Is there anything in the meaning of EVIL that is GOOD? Absolutely not! Many people will probably reflect; why bring up evil? Think on this a moment; if it is a deliberate effort to take away a good thing, such as our freedoms, is not that an evil plan?

Take the time to review a few lines from the lists in my book, Hell’s Fork Advances, America’s Warning. They are of the utmost importance for your future, for your children’s future and for your grandchildren’s future. Contemplate on the freedoms that have been taken for granted; consider the liberties that we assumed would always be there. If you assume all our Rights are safe, I will prove otherwise in these blogs, and after you hopefully read them, I truly hope that each of you will determine never again to presume that elected politicians are guarding freedoms guaranteed in the Constitution.

We must be alert. We must be on guard. We must not be deceived. But WE HAVE BEEN DECEIVED. We do not realize that We the People’s ‘Freedom Thoughts’ are contaminated by evil educators who hate the Constitution and We their students are the politicians that legislate constitutional laws and the judges whom must rule that our rights are protected by the Constitution from unconstitutional laws, and therein is our freedoms threatened.

We the People think that all legislation and all practices of the federal government conform to the Constitution. What most people think are constitutional laws passed by Congress are actually unconstitutional laws promoted by socialistic, progressive politicians and judges that consider the Constitution a hindrance to their cause. I ask a question; why have most members of Congress and most presidents and most judges in our country for the last one hundred and fifteen years gotten away with their blatantly unconstitutional schemes? They have, and this is the truth. Think on that for a while. Perhaps the unconstitutional problems will never go away and we are doomed to destruction. But whatever the outcome and whatever I ask or cogitate on, it only matters that we continue on this roadway called ‘Freedom Thoughts’. (To read the complete Truly Free details, buy Hell’s Fork Advances, subtitled, America’s Warning.)


  • True freedom is to live free of any federal government restrictions.
  • True freedom is carrying your weapons from city to city, state to state with no permits needed and with no restrictions.
  • True freedom is praying to God and reading the Bible in public schools and at public events.
  • True freedom is preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ in all public places with no permits and no fear of government interference.
  • True freedom is the Bible taught in schools, creating a kinder society.
  • True freedom is when tax dollars are not used to abort/kill babies.
  • True freedom is when each land owner may use their own property without restrictions.
  • True freedom is money in the bank with the total known only to you.
  • True freedom is when the Bill of Rights protects you from those who try to unconstitutionally place restraints on your religion or property.
  • True freedom is you knowing that the government will not offer aid or loans to anybody thus encouraging a society wherein entrepreneurs can create more jobs; enable more people to work, and thus create a society wherein We the People are able to help the truly poor and hurting.
  • True freedom is the contentment that comes when you freely cut a tree on your property, pump life-giving water, clear some land, clean the stream, all done without any negative affect on any neighbor’s property, and then someday sell said property according to the ordinances the day you purchased it without government meddling.
  • True freedom is the ownership of property with property tax forbidden; with the freedom of true ownership knowing that city, county, state or federal government cannot take your property for non-payment of such taxes.True freedom is operating your business without government intervention that orders who to hire, how to provide for the employees and do whatever else they mandate or be forced out of business.

Will You Pursue Freedom As Our Founding Fathers?

Most of the first settlers who came to American came so that they could live free from government controls, free to worship God, free to pray to Jesus, free to own property, free from government regulations, and have the sovereignty to buy and sell free from government seizure. From the beginning of world history until 1787, most people in the world lived under the rule of evil politicians that created any law they decided would benefit their power as well as make their way of life better, even if it forced the common people to live in poverty or die.

Before 1787 Americans Were Never Free:

  • Never free to worship God without fear of prison or death
  • Never free to own land without fear of government seizure
  • Never were businesses free of government regulations
  • Never the freedom to speak without fear of imprisonment
  • Never lived under a very limited government, for despots ruled
  • Never domestic tranquility, government enforcement watching
  • Never justice, never free of biases, prejudices, or Bible haters
  • Never secure in possessions from government confiscation
  • Never free to write or say your thoughts without fear of prison
  • Never free to assemble without government spies in the midst
  • Never free to bear arms without government intervention
  • Never protected from outside forces or from your government


In 1787 the Constitution provided Americans all the freedoms that most people in the world’s history never had. Assess our freedoms today with American freedoms in 1787. Are you truly free? Is your business free from Government restrictions? Do you rejoice in your ability to live on your property as you see fit as long as you do not infringe on your neighbors use of their property? Is it not evil if the government under the pretense of good infringes on The Bill of Rights which are your freedoms? Considering what freedom truly is, do you agree, that We the People have very serious problems in our country?

You Are Already In Bondage To Your Government!!


We must apply true freedom thoughts upon every aspect of the today American way. In my book, Hell’s Fork Advances, America’s Warning, the Constitution explanations go into much greater detail. Albeit, I have difficulty keeping my written thoughts brief, I hope that my blogs will offer enough details about our nation’s problems and the reasons for these problems so that one can truly understand the truthful explanations that reveal the issues from a Constitution perspective. Be opened minded. Every problem is rooted in unconstitutional laws and operations of both the federal and state governments that I prove from the words of the Founding Fathers. Who better to trust that the men who debated and adopted the Constitution? You must believe the truth that will be made known or we the People will soon loose our freedoms.

Fear not the problems that are hard to fathom as truth. Do not tremble as to why the problems exist that are far beyond the realm of American ideals. And then as the solution for our nation’s problems becomes clearer, trust the new concept, when at that moment, an unfamiliar stress overwhelms you as the crazy idea hits you that you must change your mind-set and believe the glorious true solution. No doubt, after the true solution is revealed, there will be many who will vehemently disagree with the absolute truthful resolution that will save America’s freedoms. But I hope the reasoning of what is wrong with America leaps from the blogs as well as the eventual proven solution, that when believed, will change your way of life and bring greater peace to America.

Note: everybody must first accept the facts that our federal government and state governments are not obeying the Constitution before people will realize there is a need for a solution.

It is probable that those who visit understand that we have problems in this country, and why. But my blogs will proceed as if nobody knows the extent of the problems, and why. Therefore the true and only solution will come later. But no matter what I write, we must start electing politicians that will honor and obey the Constitution.

Founding Father Quotes

Patrick Henry “The Constitution is not a document for the government to restrain the people: it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government lest it come to dominate our lives and our interests”

Thomas Paine “Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom, must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it.”

John Adams “Be not intimidated... nor suffer yourselves to be wheedled out of your liberties by any pretense of politeness, delicacy, or decency. These, as they are often used, are but three different names for hypocrisy, chicanery and  cowardice.”

Are You On The Side Of True Freedom?

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