February 9,2020


Preface: I will constantly warn We the People of the United States that terrible times are ahead if most do not respond by implementing the only true solution. If my words do not offend, I will not have done justice to the calling of my soul and spirit that cries out to all citizens of America. My blogs are about the wrongs in America; my books express studies into thoughts of written constitutional wrongs; and reason however you might, it is obvious, that mankind cannot save his life and cannot solve the soul problem of mankind and cannot find a solution to stop evil. In fact, man cannot govern with only his wisdom and knowledge; take a moment and recall the deplorable, depraved, wicked history of governments since recorded history; mankind is incapable of solving wickedness, because all leaders in governments are evil unless God is in control. Thusly, I offer the first of four blogs that give the solution for our county’s people, that if accepted by millions of We the People, We could save our freedoms from those who intend to completely destroy our Constitution.


Do drugs control you? Do you ever consider suicide? Do you have anxiety attacks? Do fears race within your mind? Is there no real peace in your soul? Is your mind in constant turmoil? Are you one of millions in counseling or on antidepressants? Does the only peace come when you become inebriated by alcoholic beverages? Are you one of the countless people becoming more distraught and angrier at the slightest problem in your family or at your workplace? Are you depressed most of the time? Prescription addictions, illegal drug addiction, and yet, you have total distress within.

Are you cursed by constant physical pain or afflicted by any of the other hundreds of stressful problems that plague people? Does it feel like there is no outside source to solve the deep down distresses in your soul?  Are you alone with no promise of help as a deepening darkness gathers and nothing can free you from the demons? You are spiraling downward in hopelessness that has plagued your yesterdays, but… TODAY, THERE IS HELP FOR YOU!

To Be Free You Must Believe the Truth

No matter there are extreme family conflicts, no matter you are emotionally hurt by others, no matter friends have turn against you, no matter it aches badly when nobody seems to care for you, and no matter that there is a constant emptiness within you, there is a truthful solution that will deliver you from the problems that afflict your soul.

You must know the difference between the only TRUTH from false truths. You must learn what is a partial truth or just an out and out lie that informs you that any of your problems big or small, physical or emotional will go away if you really want them to and that all you must do is just work harder at changing your ways. Yet no matter what others say, nothing you do seems to work. But there is a solution that will free you from your emotional and physical bondages if you accept the only true remedy. Yes, you really can overcome the hopelessness within and be free from whatever the problem that plagues you. But be warned, when you read or hear about the true solution, you must believe the TRUTH and apply the TRUTH.

Who or What Can You Trust?

The dictionary reports that the essence of truth is the existence of a true recorded history of facts in regard to a document or person that is as they have always been that reveal no lies, and given these facts, all details of their existence are the essence of trustworthiness and honesty. If you want real freedom from any of the multitude of problems, you must read every word written here and you must be open-minded to the truth presented, or the dark abyss is your future. You must not be satisfied with your taught untruths and you must be willing to believe the truth when you hear it.

Herein the words that you are about to read could be considered righteous words, but they are not written by a pastor or priest nor do the words contain quotes by religious people who tell you to follow their religious ceremonies. These sentences are not about mere human ideas that will lead you into religious rules of do and thou shall not. Instead, the words will make you a person at peace within and full of joy, a person who now has hope of a more stress-free daily life and a future life in Heaven for eternity.

Reconsider as to What is the Truth

Think deep into your soul. Are you caught in countless overwhelming pressures of life that will not go away and nothing really soothes the stresses? Is there a constant lack of peace in your soul and you sense that you are doomed to greater troubles? Have faith in the truth and your troubles will begin to disappear.

The Truth report containing the solution that will soothe your soul is a very sensitive subject, a subject that is a delicate, sore spot in some of your souls, but, you must read more. First you must answer these next questions. Is the Bible really God’s word? Did the stories in the Bible really happen as written? Is there proof that a True and Living God does exist? Have you read every page of the Bible from the front cover to the back cover, many times? If not, why not? The probability is that you are in the majority of people who have only read a few chapters, and since that is probably true, how can you declare that the Bible is not God’s word, and the Bible stories are mere fables? If you have not studied the book, how can you give a true report as to what it says or what it means?

How Can You Know What is the Truth?

Think clearly. What you are about to read is probably something you have never heard explained; here is proof that the Bible is God’s Words.

Over 300 Prophecies In The Bible Foretold Of Jesus: His Birth and Ministry, Death and Resurrection. All these prophecies were foretold many hundreds to over a thousand years before the birth of Jesus and came to pass exactly as prophesied by many different prophets who lived hundreds of years apart as written in the Bible. The mathematical odds of 48 of the 300 detailed prophecies to come true as written in the Bible by chance would be a 1 followed by 157 zeroes.

The Bible is God’s word. It is the truth. Only God could tell the prophets the prophetic words and then have all of them come to fulfillment as written.

God Loves You

God in His love has made a way of redemption for all mankind. Jesus (God) was born of a woman. He was equally man and God, yet all He did on earth He did as a man, the perfect man without sin. Jesus died on the cross for all people’s sins so that you and anybody can ask for forgiveness of sins and be redeemed and live forever with Him in Heaven. In John 14:15-20, Jesus said that His Holy Spirit is living in those who believe on Him and any person that believes in Him is born again (John 3:3) and if they ask for His help they will overcome Satan’s power. Satan constantly attempts to kill you or he will destroy your happiness and then he controls your mind and soul that leads you into addictions, (I Peter 5:8). The Bible says that Lucifer, the Devil (Satan) was defeated when Jesus died for all mankind. Jesus provided what makes one victorious over evil. When you repent and accept Jesus as your Savior, peace and joy flows over you as you feel the heavy sin inflicted bondages float away and are now gone forever, and you are free at last (I John 3:8, I John 4:4).  Next is your freedom, born again Prayer.

Pray this Born Again Prayer

Dear God in Heaven, I believe that you sent Jesus to die on the cross for my sins and that He rose from the dead. Forgive me for all my sins. Jesus, I accept you into my heart. I will trust you for everything. I will tell others that I am a new creation in Christ Jesus.  I’m born again, (John 3:3.) God, I’m powerless in myself, and I ask, fill me with your Holy Spirit so that I will be victorious over all that Satan throws at me, (Acts Chapters 1 and 2). Thank you Jesus!

Born Again Joy

When you are Born Again the power of God falls on you and it completely overhauls your heart, soul and spirit, wherein a sensational, overwhelming, Almighty Glory consumes your being. You will never be the same. God has forgiven you. Your mind is renewed, bondages are eradicated, addictions annihilated, hate extinct, dissension forgotten, depression departed, and oppression obliterated. Imagine the almost unbelievable euphoria in your soul and spirit that is now healed from the bruises of life. You are overwhelmed by the cleansing sense that comes within, it a refreshing new creation in your mind, soul and spirit when everything in the world now comes in clearly and even how the government operates as everything political comes into focus. You now see and hear and understand God’s Word, you now know the truth about God’s salvation plan and are Born Again and able to live in society free from the old evil bondages of sin; you are free in body, mind, soul and spirit for the first time in your life (John 3:3). Place your faith in Jesus alone for what He did for you when He died on the cross and every word written here will be your future on EARTH AND IN HEAVEN FOREVER, John 3:16.

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