August 16, 2019


All governing and almost all people are sick and have the same disease that causes most of America’s Problems. The disease is in each of us, it is in our politicians, in our judges, in our educators, in our executive branch and in every function of every person in America. The disease has caused a toxicity that taints our thoughts, contaminates our consciousness and putrefies our soul’s perception of what America was and still should be. This disease slowly poisons what we believe, how we vote and how we understand what the politician is really saying. Almost all Americans are filled with the poisons from the disease; it is in the owners of small businesses, it is in the corporation executives, it is in the rich people and the poor people, it is in the talk show hosts and in the pastors and preachers.

I believe this awful disease is caused by a putrefying heart disease that must be cured. It is a deep down in the soul of mankind disease? What is this sickness? How can we cure it?

Could the toxicity be that the governed are lazy on account the disease tires the soul? Perhaps the disease is caused by something in the spirit realm, of which, most people have no concept. But one thing I know, our politicians are intoxicated by the disease, they are delirious, they are delusional, they are schemers and deceivers as daily their sinister actions destroy freedoms in the guise of care and safety as all the while in every evil action they connive to stay in power forever.


Why are mass killings on the rise in our country? Why are terrorist attacks on the rise? Why is race dissension getting worse? Why are there more stressful confrontations caused by Supreme Court decisions? Why are auto accident deaths caused by drunkenness and drug use on the rise? Why is it that as a whole, Americans seemingly are prone to have a greater number of sicknesses and are on almost innumerable prescription drugs? Why are deaths from opioids on the rise? Why are there more suicides? Why are greater numbers of Americans having anxiety attacks? Why are millions living under severe fear? Why is it that there are very few people at peace with themselves? Why is it that millions of employees are in counseling or on antidepressants? Why are millions of Americans becoming more distraught and angrier at the slightest problem in their family or with the first sign of stress at their workplace?

No matter what anybody says, no matter what the government does, when people feel intense inner stresses, no outside source can solve this deep down disturbance in the soul of these humans.

There will not be one new state law or one new federal law that will solve these deep-seated emotions; not even another law against guns or drugs will solve these harmful issues that plague people. In other straight forward words, the government cannot change immoral problems, no politician can solve the problems and if the churches in our country do not get back to spiritual biblical solutions, the United States will reap the whirlwind of Hell’s Fork as it advances to destroy America as she was known in the past to be a good nation. It is a fact, that most Americans, all state governments and the federal government and America’s churches are the reason why America is in a moral crisis.

I guarantee that there is only one true solution for these problem issues that plague our nation, and as I have written throughout Hell’s Fork Advances, American’s Warning, and in great detail in many chapters towards the end of the book, I inform everybody, politicians and government have no solution for our country’s problems.


As a whole, Americans are a morally degenerate people, an emotionally, spiritually sickened people, who race along life’s pathway caring little about the future, for it is in the lust of their eyes, it is in the lust of their flesh, it is in their pride, it is their lust of money and it is in the lust of thoughts that energizes their addicted soul that forces nearly everyone to worship their god of self-glory in their freedom to be foolish that will soon lead all of us into a wretched future.

I declare, Americans are fully warned; if millions of We the People do not repent before God of their sins and wrongs, if our federal government does not return to honoring God and the Bible, our economy will collapse and all our freedoms will vanish.


Gouverneur Morris quote: (Mr. Morris represented Pennsylvania at the, Constitutional Convention; known as the ‘Penman of the Constitution’) “Religion is the only solid basis of good morals; therefore education should teach the precepts of religion and the duties of man toward God.”

John Adams quote: “We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge, or gallantry, would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

Charles Carroll quote: (He signed the Declaration of Independence) “Without morals a republic cannot subsist any length of time; they therefore who are decrying the Christian religion, whose morality is so sublime and pure(and) which insures to the good eternal happiness, are undermining the solid foundation of morals, the best security for the duration of free governments.”


Passivity did not found this nation. Passivity did not write our Constitution. Passivity did not make America GOOD. Passivity did not make this nation GREAT. Passivity did not win our wars. Passivity did not create our inventions, nor establish us as a world power nor did it give us freedom. Your passivity will not keep you and your family safe! Passivity did not breathe life into this nation nor will passivity keep it free! Your passivity will not solve our country’s moral problems.

You must take action. All American’s must change into people of GODLY Good actions. Actions from God given directions that change millions of We the People into good moral actions is the only way to save America from the moral crisis in our country.

You must do your part!


  • Just read?
  • Just listen?
  • Will you read the Bible?
  • Is God out of your equation?
  • Will you consider telling others about Hell’s Fork Advances?
  • Do the morals of Americans bother you enough to make you change?
  • Imagine the change in our society if millions allowed Jesus to help them through their life’s bruises and heartbroken problems, for He will heal your soul of the inner hurts that plague you if you only ask Him for His help.
  • Will you pray to God and ask Him help you change into a good person?
  • Will you let Jesus sooth away the hurts and fears of everyday life?
  • Have you read John chapter three where Jesus informs all humanity how to become a person that is born again spiritually, saved, changed morally and ready for eternal life?
  • You should consider what your life could be with God helping you live daily.
  • You must read the Bible and pray, it is you duty, it is your reason to become a good and moral person that will help save our freedoms and way of life in America.
  • Let us Make America GOOD.


Thomas Paine quote: “Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom, must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it.” Patrick Henry quote: “Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect every one who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are ruined.”

James Garfield quote: (Twentieth president of the United States, 1877) “Now more than ever before, the people are responsible for the character of their Congress. If that body be ignorant, reckless and corrupt, it is because the people tolerate ignorance, recklessness and corruption. If it be intelligent, brave and pure, it is because the people demand these high qualities to represent them in the national legislature.... If the next centennial does not find us a great nation ... it will be because those who represent the enterprise, the culture, and the morality of the nation do not aid in controlling the political forces.”


Let go of self-control and let GOD control your every thought and every action.

Set aside some time to read the Bible and pray for God’s help.

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