You Are A Domestic Terrorist

Preview: (2020 Torn Asunder Episode blog 5) Climatologist Jude Jacobson has been attacked twice and naturally she is quite frightened, thusly we find her at her friend’s home.

A Helpful Friend

The Federal Justice Department has ordered all police forces to watch, listen and follow those they deem to be against the U. S. government and report them to the FBI. Jude had heard Julie say those words months ago but she still did not believe it was true. She wiped away the sweat form her forehead as she watched her undercover policewoman friend prepare the French-press coffee pot.

“What can I help you with that you said must be said in person?” Julie asked

“Trouble follows me,” Jude said, taking a few steps toward the breakfast nook.

“How so?”

“Well---not sure why---but two guys have tried to kidnap me…twice.”

“What!” Julie stopped mid-scoop of adding more fresh ground beans into the coffee-press. “Really?” she exclaimed; then stared at Jude with open mouth.

“Yeah, it’s scary. They tried to follow me today.”

“No way! You sure?”

“Oh yes, I’m sure!” Jude declared emphatically.  “They’ve even said they would kill me. I’m scared. I need your help. The police have nothing to go on. Dad won’t believe me if I told him. Blast it all, Julie, what can I do?” Jude questioned and then plopped down onto a bar stool.

“OK, OK, tell me all you know. I said I would help. It’s no problem for me to provide my expertise on this matter. But, you must tell no one about my involvement. In fact, you will swear complete silence.”

“Thanks Jules,” Jude called her friend by her nick-name. “So glad you are my best friend. I swear total silence!” The two best friends went to movies, went on picnics, took hikes together, but Jude had never been allowed to visit Julie at her house since it had been built one year ago; it had something to do with security.

Over the next fifteen minutes, Jude attempted to explain every detail of her life. There were the two old men in her life and their crazy actions. She also complained about her dad’s stupid actions that included him listening to the radio conservative talk-shows nut cases: Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Michael Medved, Levin, Savage and all the others.

But when melancholy Jules responded, Jude figured that her friend could be as nutty as Dad, for she explained that the old men were not crazy and that they were right to fear the government.

Jude attempted to restrain from speaking her mind, but could not. “But Beck is crazy!” she retorted loudly.

“Well, Jude, a few years back the Federal Justice Department ordered all police forces to watch, listen and follow those they deem to be against the U.S. Government. Those who voice displeasure with the authorities in weather matters, education, Congress, health care decisions, military actions or money and taxes are considered domestic terrorists. We must take care and detail all words and everything they do in these areas. We even must observe paper trails as to where and what people watch all in the name of being better keepers of the earth and healthier humans. If we know of any of these law breakers we are to report them to the FBI which will soon include some sort of ‘green’ teams. Hey, as workers of the state and local municipals we must shop at government owned businesses if we want to get pay raises and health coverage.”

Jude wrinkled her brow. These things have nothing to do with my problems.

Julie saw her friend’s reaction and continued talking. “I know, I know, you think this has nothing to do with you, but, I also listen to these talk-show guys. They are correct in everything they say. Your dad and the good Doc Sam have probably known all this and more than we ever will in these matters. Possibly, there’s a connection between your father and what has happened to you.”

“What?” Jude questioned and then stood up. “How do you mean?” she asked.

“Jude my girl, you’re a bit naïve. The government is involved in almost every aspect of our lives these days. Haven’t you heard of the Tea Party that probably will replace the Republican Party? Those people caused havoc in the election results because of the government over-stepping its role in the daily life of its citizens. Heck, I realize you figure these things trivial, but they aren’t. I think that somehow you and your Professor Dad have caused a stir.”

Jude stomped into Julie’s little office. I’m beleaguered by this crazy stuff. I just want to run. She turned with her eyes pleading. “Please Jules, help me. Everything is crashing in on me and now you’re making it worse. I hope all of you are off your rockers and that these two skinny guys are a couple of lousy bums. I don’t know anything any more! Crabgrass, it doesn’t matter who’s the President. I’ve never heard of the Tea Party. Who cares what happened to the Republicans. I care little for the stupid government people. They have nothing to do with my problems,” Jude spouted angrily.

Jules she placed her arm around Jude’s waist and slowly led her friend to the nook’s small, round table where they sat down side-by-side on cushioned chairs as one of Seattle’s best cops prepared to help Jude work through her troublesome dilemma.

“Now Jude, once more I insist that you realize one very important detail. We have never talked on any of these details that we are about to plan for you from this day forth!”

Jude smiled. The two hugged. “Yes boss, I get it,” Jude whispered. “We never met tonight. Yes, I’ll become as you. I thank you in advance for everything you’ll do to help me and I think that I had better follow your advice.”


Maybe we should consider that it is good to be on the domestic terrorist list, for you would be in the group of We the people that are trying to save our freedoms that are quickly slipping over the great abyss of New Green Deals. Are You A Domestic Terrorist?

I thank you for reading today’s newsworthy episode, Bill Basaar.

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