January 14, 2020


New Website Information

Here is some new website information for 2020. Soon the Home Page will have a new look, I’m not sure, but it will probably have a completely new first page. Many of you bypass the home page, so I will inform you that this Blog will be on the new Home Page. The book info will probably be the 2nd page with perhaps added features.


It is near midnight in the history of the United States, for in this year 2020 our Constitution is in its darkest hour as evil forces relentlessly rage against our freedoms. A majority of We the People have been deceived, our minds contaminated by educators who hate the Constitution, and We their students elect their politicians that legislate so-called constitutional laws upon which their judges rule if they are constitutional or unconstitutional, and therein our freedoms are threatened.

In my books, 95 Theses, and Hell’s Fork Advances, a detailed analysis of the Constitution is studied from Founding Father perspectives that prove the unconstitutional rule of law in all areas of the government today.

Duly noted on the pages is that millions of Americans despise God and hate the Bible, an attitude that infects the minds of politicians with freedom destroying corruption and also destroys people’s social life that is in a quandary of emotional stresses and bondages of addictions.

A review of our nation’s history proves that when most denominations, their pastors, priests and parishioners do not believe all the words of the Bible is God’s Words and there is no preaching to live righteously, these so-called Christians are the major contributor to America’s problems. Therefore if most Americans do not believe the Bible is the authority of God, there are few people who believe the Constitution is the authority over all government actions.

A Brief Review of America’s Four Major Problems

1. Nearly all Americans have no idea what the Constitution says, nor could they care less.

2. A majority of We the People absolutely hate the Bible and God.

3. Most Americans are plagued by emotional and physical disorders with no hope of a solution.

4. The main cause of America’s problems is that most churches, pastor, priests and almost all Christians do not follow the Bible doctrines that Jesus taught.

America’s Major Problem Affects Everybody

Countless Americans are tormented by terrible stresses or addictions. Hate and dissension is rampant. There are over 20 million alcoholics and 30 million problem drinkers, with innumerable millions addicted to illegal drugs. Millions take anti-depressants, 40 million have anxiety attacks, and a myriad of citizens have no peace within their soul and mind that adds up to inner misery that becomes serious depression. Oppression of sicknesses and diseases become evil attacks on the mind that soon becomes death by suicide. And if you believe there is anybody that can help for these horrific problems in people’s souls, you are WRONG! Do prescription drugs truly answer all our physical and emotional conditions? Do educators, politicians and judges solve all our problems? Do Christians as a whole help the distressed? Do most churches, pastors and priest offer the True solution for America’s problems? Do conservative talk shows change any social and moral facts? No! No! No! No and no! You can camouflage the problem, but every problem continues to get worse and it appears that no matter what We the People do, nothing stops the political corruption, and it is obvious that nobody can solve the horrible social conditions of Americans.


In 2016 I traveled to 12 state capitals where the Constitution truths and Gospel Truth of Jesus were proclaimed. And as of today in 2020, I sense in my spirit that God has another mission for me to do. I believe that He has called me to go to Idaho where I must proclaim the Gospel of Jesus to the lost souls. I ask for your prayers. Pray that God will confirm where exactly I am to go and also that He will provide the necessary needs for His mission. I feel compelled that I must do what Jesus did. In John 14:12-13&15, Jesus said, “He who believes on Me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do…and whatsoever he asks in My Name, that I will do.”

I thank everybody who has come to this website and I pray that God will bless every one of you!


Jesus said in Luke 4:18, “I have come to preach the Gospel to the poor,” (the humble and helpless in spirit); “I have been sent to heal the brokenhearted,” (Jesus came to bind up people dashed to pieces from life’s hurts and sins); “I came to preach Deliverance to the captives,” (Jesus offers freedom to you who are bound by drugs, alcohol, pornography, any addiction that holds you prisoner); “and recovering of sight to the blind,” (If you believe Jesus is God Who came in the flesh of man to die for your sins, you will see the truth); then Jesus read, “I came to set at liberty them who are bruised,” (Jesus came so you can be released from emotional calamity that oppresses, to be set free from those things that weigh you down).

Jesus says in John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that He gave His Only Begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have Everlasting Life.”

I must and shall preach and teach the full Gospel of Jesus. My mission is for Jesus to heal the sick, to set people free from their bondages of stresses and addictions, with their spirits Born Again (John 3:3-5), and I pray this is your mission. With God’s help we can save America’s freedoms.

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