March 29, 2020

Lenin’s Destruction of America Is Complete

Preface: completed is my fourth blog On No Freedom From Addictions, NO Freedom from Depression & all is just Pain& Misery; But I have ordered it shutdown. Ready to become another blog is one more part in 2020 Torn Asunder that is almost a prophecy as it is written in the book, wherein I wrote from 2005-2012 as I saw America in this year of 2020, not knowing how close it is coming to pass and will get much worse; yet, it is hereby declared unessential.  A third blog is nigh completed that warns and declares and even proclaims why the United States Churches are today banned; Yes, their pastors and parishioners lukewarm Christianity is why our country is in the last throes of freedom.

Yea, I present why & how we have gotten to this point in loosing our freedoms, for it is from within our sick, brainwashed mindless brains that we have freely given away our Constitution; I again show the quote of the former Soviet Unions leader, Valadimir Lenin.


“Corrupt the young: Get them away from religion. Encourage their interest in sex. Make them superficial by focusing their attention on sports, sensual entertainments and other trivialities. Always preach true democracy but seize power as fast and as ruthlessly as possible. Encourage government extravaganza, destroy its credit. Produce fear with rising prices, inflation and general discontent. Encourage disorders and foster a lenient attitude towards disorders by specious argument cause the breakdown of the old moral virtues: Honesty, sobriety, self-restraint. Cause registration of firearms to leave the population defenseless.”Valadimir Lenin, 1921 (abridged).

NOTICE THIS LINE: ALWAYS PREACH TRUE DEMOCRACY BUT SEIZE POWER AS FAST AND AS RUTHLESSLY AS POSSIBLE. I never thought that this virus fear would almost instantly destroy America’s freedoms. God, save America.

The Plan: How To Create A Socialist/Communist State

1. Control Healthcare

2. Increase Poverty

3. Increase Debt

4. Gun Control

5. Welfare

6. Control education

7. Remove Religion

8. Class Warfare


Lenin said it, our educators teach it, the media endorses it, our politicians implement it, judges approve it, and We the People accept it. By doing nothing to stop the communist state plan, most Americans must agree with Lenin’s plan; it seems that even most church leaders and most conservative voices agree.

Out of the eight objectives that will create a Communist State, there are only two that are yet to be completely taken over by the evil ones who are daily blasting away at our gun rights and our rights of Christian beliefs and the freedom to assemble, and the freedom of religious expression, NO they are GONE! The hand writing is on the wall. The guns will be taken in short order.

The Only Solution for the RETURNING Of Our Constitution Freedoms

2 Chronicles 7:14, “If my people, who are called by my name, shall humble themselves, & pray, & seek My Face, & turn from their wicked ways (true repentance, trust God, do as Jesus desires) then I will hear from Heaven, & will forgive their sin, and will heal their land” (forget self, seek what Jesus wants, have compassion, witness, pray for others, no fear of virus knowing Jesus will protect you and provide for all your needs. We must see miracles take place, right NOW, from sea to shinning sea).

We must demonstrate freedom from Fear, freedom from addictions, freedom from depression & freedom from passivity. CALL OUT TO JESUS FOR HIS POWER TO CHANGE US DO NOTHING CHRISTIANS INTO WARRIORS AS WERE HIS DISCIPLES IN THE BOOK OF ACTS.

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