May 1, 2019

Government Controls All New Green Deals

Preview: (Blog, Episode 3) In this scene you will begin to hear the green agenda politics of 2020 Torn Asunder saga. Throughout the story, political agendas and greed will be noticed as evil plots unfold, for it is soon obvious that those with power or mega dollars only care about their desires, which is control all the people in America.


“Good shot, sir,” praised Stub.

“Stop the sir stuff.”

“Sure boss.”

“Please, please quit the sir and boss crap. We are friends.”

“Understood, but you are the President now. You see, my real concern is your re-election and how to accomplish that task,” Stub Mooch said as he looked directly into the President’s eyes. “So, sir, how should we proceed?”

“Preach about my great accomplishments. Expound on the good that will come to everyone when all the programs are fully implemented. We now have fantastic health care for the elderly and poor, an Affordable Health Insurance Bill, no more coal mine deaths, no more oil messes thanks to our new ‘green’ energy. We also have financial security from bank failures, better EPA controls on farm pollution, and a healthier American people put in place by food industry businesses that are required to make comfort food that builds the body. Hey, my executive orders rule the day!”

“OK, Mr. President, but remember the people voted against these types of measures in the off-year election.”

“Yeah, yeah, but we need to remember our goal was to transform the country. Besides, the lame duck Congress got some of our agenda done. Just remember, neither the courts nor Congress will stop my Executive Orders. If they try, it will take years, they are too methodical.”

Both men sat down and soon cigars puffed from their lips as they continued to converse. Each could see the Secret Service nestled amongst the bushes and trees nearby as the two decided to talk a little longer.

“You know, Stub, first we must show that those against us intend to harm the country. We must belittle their ability to govern. Our media will say that we care for America and want an equal playing field for everyone. Also, we must constantly preach that our side will look out and care for each person better than any business, who only wants to make a big profit. Another thing, yeah, we must continue to tell the voters that these government teetotalers are obstructionist. Anyway Stub, you know this stuff.”

“Yeah, I think we can silence those against our plans.”

“That’s good,” the President said. “But remember, some of the others are wise old men who can cause us harm if we don’t act fast. The ‘Green’ bill must become law and the Global Climate Treaty must be ratified by the Senate. In regards to that, I think we have two senators who are against these measures and somehow must be won over to our side.”

“You mean Ram Fleece and Fable Fabrication?”


“How do you propose we get them to vote with us?”

“Well, let’s say it could be done one of three ways or all three ways. Get others to befriend them, I mean wine and dine them, make them like you. Being nasty about their records won’t get their votes. After we charm them or catch them in the wrong, then maybe use deceit in the New Green Deal bills.”

“But sir, those men will not change enough in principals to vote for what they disagree with. Anyway you slice it; we need sixty-seven senators to vote in favor of the treaty.”

“Stub, my man, I’ve a secret inside helper.”


“I can’t reveal this secret.”

The country’s leader stood to his feet, cleared his throat and then reminded his friend, “Now you listen to me, Stub. I know that we already control the banks and can rule over most businesses. Hey man, the health and financial bills passed give me far reaching controls. Medicare has been merged into the health care system. My appointed people will have total control as they regulate what medical procedures can be done and to whom. All we need to do is somehow silence those who are against our methods of governance. But none of us on our team can know all our side’s details. You see, others work to enable me to be President a lot longer. Now, you just get the desired treaty votes. Oh, but don’t forget, we need to first pass the ‘Green’ bill.”

“I see, Yes sir”


That is the end of the story for today. Note: Did you catch the phrase; we have controls and rules that dictate to businesses that they must make comfort food that builds a healthier American people?

Please take my advice; it would be better for you if you purchased 2020 Torn Asunder. Yes, the thrilling story will keep you spell-bound as common people take on the unconstitutional government.

But no matter, I thank-you for visiting my website, hope to hear from you soon, Bill Basaar.

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