August 2, 2019


I have decided to present the introduction as it is in my book, Hell’s Fork Advances, subtitled, Americas Warning. If you have not yet purchased the book, I hope that these words will help each of you to better understand what the book is all about so that you will buy it and then consider the freedom thoughts presented in the Constitution study that are for your freedom benefit. Keep in mind, there is only one true solution for America’s problems that must be debated, discussed and accepted if We the People want to keep our freedoms.

The opinions given by me the author are meant for debate and discussion between We the people of the United States in our struggle to return to a government that operates strictly under the rule of our U.S. Constitution.


I encourage you, I implore you, and I pray that you will read this book with an open mind. Put aside your biases and prejudices, and even try to recall what you know about the Bible and the U.S. Constitution. Did you study the Constitution in school? Have you ever read the Constitution all the way through? Have you ever read the Bible? Have you ever studied the Bible? You may question as to why I refer to the Bible, and I ask, have you studied our Founding Fathers beliefs in regards to the Bible? Did your teachers tell you anything good about our country’s Founding Fathers? If your answer to any of theses questions was, “I know very little,” or if you answered “No” to even one question, you must read this book!

During the time I wrote my first two books, I figured that if only I could tell more Americans the truth about our federal government’s unconstitutional activities and if only more Americans would read the Founding Fathers’ quotes and understood their Constitutional intents then maybe most of We the People would begin to elect politicians that would obey the Constitution. I was absolutely wrong to think those thoughts. And then political and spiritual ‘Freedom Thoughts’, started to spring-up in my mind.

I must be honest with all who read theses words, at first I did not want to write this book. No matter the thoughts that kept coming into my mind and then onto paper and then finally into the computer, I still resisted the book idea, yet this book began to take shape. I know without a shadow of doubt that the opinions I present are true based upon the actual words of our Founding Fathers. I also realize that most of my ‘Freedom Thoughts’ will seem like foreign ideas to most Americans, therefore I ask you the reader to consider the logical arguments that I hope will cause you to think deeply and then begin to debate and discuss these strange new ideas between as many of We the people of the United States as you can in our struggle to return to a government that must operate strictly under the rule of our U.S. Constitution, that if accomplished, we will save our freedoms.

From under the duress of my mind, and from deep within my grieved soul and spirit, I finally decided to write this book, and that it is a message that must be made known to all the people in the United States of America. It is imperative that I tell everybody that they are being called into account for their selfish humanistic acts of negligence. It is of vital importance that Americans be warned against their selfish attitudes that are destroying We the People’s freedoms. As a whole, our country is now a society with the mindset that everyone has need of every entitlement they deem that is owed to them. You ask, what do I mean by that statement? Read on, and then buy the book, and do not stop reading this book, for it is of absolute importance for America’s future of freedoms, or no freedoms.

Throughout this book, one will soon realize that many of the Constitution explanations originate from an allegory that reveals our country’s very serious political problems. After several chapters of the nations most serious problems are studied from a Constitution view point, the only true solution will be presented, it the answer that could save our freedoms and perhaps resolve all the controversial issues that plague our nation. Both the nation’s problems and the solution will be based upon several areas of great importance, the Constitution, our Founding Fathers quotes, our country’s history, as well as biblical words that our Founding Fathers applied to our constitutional way of life.

Although our Founding Fathers talked and wrote about God and the Bible, this book is not a sermon based upon the Bible, but it is an declaration on what is good and evil and the source of both. I will examine the difference between evil deeds and good deeds based upon commonly considered wrongs and rights. I hope that the common examples used will help all of you understand why most Americans must change from their selfish attitudes and become more concerned about what is good and right for everybody.

Considering the possible hundreds of topics, of which any of them could make a book, written herein are no detailed lessons about America’s history, nor lengthy lessons on the Constitution’s past events. There are no pointed declarations of which political party is wrong or right. It is not a book of proclamations from the Republicans. It is not an agenda notice from the Democrats. There are no claims as to what political agenda is better, be it progressive or conservative. Thereby, every area of the political establishment and within every aspect of social demographics in America; all will be called into account for their wrongs.

After years of study and contemplating on America’s wrongs and the hours of conversing with peoples from all walks of life, it is obvious to me that almost all Americans have no idea what the Constitution says, nor could they care less if our government does not obey the laws as our Founding Fathers intended. If that distressing fact is not bad enough, what is most troubling is the fact that most Americans absolutely dislike talking about God and the Bible. With these two obvious facts, these two subjects will be considered from many different aspects since both topics play a part in our country’s history.

Therefore as one reads this book, I urge everybody to attempt to go deeper into their mind processes that I will call the ‘Freedom Thoughts Roadway.’ Upon this roadway one must carefully clear their present day common misconceptions of what is constitutional and think upon my unequivocal truthful opinions based upon the true facts that our Founding Fathers left for us to read and study, quotes that will reveal their freedom ideas obtained from their faith in God and a belief that only a moral people could obey the Laws written in the Constitution.

Thereby, based upon the premise used in the last paragraph, I will use words that condemn. The use of severe criticism will be leveled at both the Democrats and Republicans, and at most judges, and at most educators, and at most radio and TV commentators, be they progressive or conservative; for all of them will come under scathing denunciations. They, along with most of We the People need to understand that all Americans are at fault for all our nation’s distresses. Even so-called Christians in America will be called into account and warned that they must change from their wayward actions that have also contributed to our country’s problems, and that most of these so-call Christian actions are really non-biblical actions that will be dealt with in the latter part of this book.

The world is descending into a seething mess of people killing in the name of religion. Our nation is battling inner turmoil as our citizens demand greater benefits and more sinful liberties. And in this world of instability, Americans are unhappy with their condition in society, for there is dissention between races and there is equality unrest amongst all who consider themselves mistreated. Most who consider themselves poor, hate the rich. A majority of Americans hate the mention of God and despise the Bible. And therein all this turmoil, our country’s freedoms are nearly extinct, and if you do not know this as fact, you definitely must read to the end of this book. And to show how I use our Founding Father quotes in this book, I present two quotes that back up my opinion that reveals that our freedoms are nearly extinct.

Abraham Lincoln: “America will never be destroyed from the outside, if we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”

Benjamin Franklin: “Man will ultimately be governed by God or by tyrants.”

In the pages of this study I have attempted to show what is wrong and what is right in government, in society and in the churches of America. It is not my intent that we need go into any legalese that lawyers or judges would write, for I consider this book an easy to understand survey of the most important areas of the Constitution that will show why our country has so many major problems. Therefore not every area of the Constitution will be studied, but only the Articles and Sections that I believe are the most pertinent to saving our freedoms. What will be noticed is that this book is a study of the Constitution from the perspective of those who debated, wrote, adopted, and then implemented the Constitution into the daily government affairs. As we read the words and study the words of the Founders it will be quickly understood that our Founding Fathers intended for everybody in America to understand the law, for it is the people’s law that their government must obey.

Yet today, most people in our country have the idea lodged in their minds that it takes a lawyer or judge or a legal professor or perhaps a politician to understand the Constitution, but those people are absolutely wrong to believe that foolish thought. Read the words of a Founding Father.

Thomas Jefferson: “Laws are made for men of ordinary understanding and should, therefore, be construed by the ordinary rules of common sense. Their meaning is not to be sought for in metaphysical subtleties which may make anything mean everything or nothing at pleasure.”

Let me be clear about this Constitution report called Hell’s Fork Advances, a plain and to the point warning unto all Americans, a book that reveals why our country has divers problems that plague all Americans. With my great interest in politics and the Bible instilled in me from an early age, I strived to study history and the Constitution, wherein all my private studies were done without liberal toxicity. I have studied the Constitution over and over, and each time it was from the viewpoints of our Founding Fathers who debated, adopted and implemented the only law the Government is require to obey. Although I am not a lawyer and I have never held a political position, I do have a MA in Teaching, endorsed in History, and a BA in Bible Literature. And I emphatically declare, everybody must study the Constitution and study it from our Founding Fathers perspectives, whom knew what they debated and adopted and thereby knew what every jot and tittle meant. This is not just my opinion, but it is the view of our Founding Fathers.


James Wilson:(Original justice of the Supreme Court) “The first and governing maxim in the interpretation of a statute is to discover the meaning of those who made it.”

Thomas Jefferson: “On every question of construction, let us carry ourselves back to the time when the Constitution was adopted, recollect the spirit manifested in the debates, and instead of trying what meaning may be squeezed out of the text, or invented against it, conform to the probable one in which it was passed.”

What will be explained about the unconstitutional operations of our state governments and federal government will be contrary to most people’s beliefs. These so-called constitutional operations started over one hundred years ago and all of We the People are immersed in the system, and because of this fact it is engrained inside our minds and souls. Therefore, everything I reveal will be almost impossible to change, but we must start making changes. So get ready for the battle to overcome Hell’s Fork evil intents to rule over America.

I seriously ask each who reads these words; take my ‘Freedom Thoughts’ and allow each new thought to stimulate a true ‘Freedom Thought’ within your mind, soul and spirit and let our country’s freedoms ring forever.

I believe that if our federal government can return to govern as our Founding Fathers intended, America will reap many blessings both economically and socially. I believe that if the only true solution is applied to millions of We the People lives; all Americans will reap innumerable whirlwinds of blessings.

I sincerely thank everybody for taking the time to read this book and I pray you will be blessed enough to take the challenge and prepare yourself to be a better American citizen, but most of all, I pray that I will see each of you in Heaven.


You Hold The Solution To America’s Problems

What You Do With The Solution Will Determine Your Future!

Do You Care Enough For Your Family’s Future?

Will You Change Your Inactions Into Freedom Actions?

Your Country’s Future Is In Your Hands!

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