October 30, 2019COULD THIS BE TREASON? PART IIWhen a person or social/political group of people willfully conspires to not obey our Constitution, could it not be treasonous actions? I will elaborate on this thought. If any group of politicians actions or rallying war cries are intent on destroying our freedoms provided by the Constitution, then per the definitions of the dictionary, it appears that these people promoting the destruction of government laws are committing treason. Let me continue on this evil treasonous path whereon the lists that follow are what many politicians today are promoting, and they openly tell America that will destroy our Constitution, fully knowing it will be the death of all our freedoms If anybody or any organized people despise any article or Amendment in the Constitution and actively work to get judges, Congress or any political person to overrule the law that grants Americans their freedoms, these political operatives are in a political war that urges people to help overthrow our freedoms and they are evil enemies of our government and they should be called for what they are. Is it possible that their war is a treasonous war? I appears so. Therefore, We the People should not allow these despots a platform to voice their battle cry against the only law that our government must obey. It is ludicrous to allow speech that calls for the annihilation of our freedoms, freedoms laws that our government must honor and obey, laws that Americans fought to preserve for over 230 years. COULD NOT ALL BELOW BE TREASONOUS ACTIONS?Knowing what treason means per Part I, answer the title question of this section. SOCIALISM/COMMUNISM will control every aspect of your life or own everything =NO FREEDOMS! They demand that our government run these areas: health, wealth, religion, construction, manufacturing, farming, recreation, all schools, elementary and colleges; and this list will continue to grow when the Socialist or Communist control everything in America, all these promotions and acts of government control are anti-Constitution and are comparable to treasonous actions. Socialism/Communism control = RESULTS LISTED AS FOLLOWSNO PRIVATE BUSINESSES = Government will make all the PROFITS $$$$$$$$ Calls to ban all guns = no hunting = no guns for protection = government is in total control = guns in the hands of the criminals and government will rule. Anti-God rhetoric = eventually will prohibit sermons on sin = jail time, etc Anti-Christian speech = Christians will be forbidden to speak in public, nor biblical words on TV, nor Words from the Bible in the public arena, which will lead to imprisonment or death Anti-Constitution laws demanded by politicians = Restrictions on travel/no cars, etc = All buildings must be up to new green law codes =100,000’s of dollars per house, etc. = Farming practices will be forbidden/no fertilizers/no irrigation, etc., government will control everything ANARCHY WILL BE THE NORMAnarchy tactics will be used by socialist and communist to achieve control Freedom loving Americans are already called racist, haters, liars, foul mouth, evil controlled, hate-filled souls, Socialist, Communist, show you that they hate freedom loving conservatives, they hate Jesus loving Christians, they hate Bible preaching people, for they already instruct anarchist to be in your face with hate, spit spewing and screaming, they will eventually by everywhere, even on your block demanding their evil rights with you having NO RIGHTS. Whereever you are they will be there. Cries of destruction and death will become Death and Destruction SOCIALIST/COMMUNIST COUNTRIES Would you want to live in any of these socialist or communist countries where they do not have freedoms or back in history they did not have any freedoms?
COULD IT BE SAID that the words written next in this sentence are true, that SOCIALISM and COMMUNISM IS TREASON AGAINST OUR CONSTITUTION? IF all the words in part I & II are true, could it not be written that most in the Democratic Party Leadership debate gatherings use treasonous words through the evidence of their hate of the Constitution in those debates? I believe that their words will lead to treason against the Constitution, if not treason now. These treasonous type of words should not be allowed. Everything they call for is anti-Constitution and it is really scary. Is that what Americans desire? God forbid! God save our freedoms from these freedom Bandits! They are in a war of deadly words that will completely destroy our freedoms. Why do we allow the definitely heard anti-Constitution and hate-Constitution words that blatantly reveal that these politicians absolutely hate your freedoms? All they want is absolute power that is evident all over the world in every socialist and commuist country. BEWARE AMERICANS, the Socialist and Communist Hell’s Warriors are marching, they are advancing to kill all of America’s freedoms which include all Christian freedoms, all gun freedoms, destruction of all health freedoms, all freedoms of employment choices, all laws which will be the death to our economy, and soon chaos will run rampant and government troops will rule! OUR FREEDOMS GRANTED BY THE CONSTITUTION ARE IN GRAVE DANGER. WE THE PEOPLE MUST WARN ALL WE THE PEOPLE WE KNOW, BUT IS THAT ENOUGH? I ASK; WHY DO TOO MANY AMERICANS BELIEVE THAT THE GOVERNMENT IS THEIR WAY TO HAPPINESS ON EARTH??????????????? SUMMARY/ QUESTIONS & THOUGHTS THAT WILL BE EXPOUNDED UPON NEXT TIMEQUESTION # 1: I ASK; WHAT IS THE TRUTH? QUESTION # 2: DO YOU KNOW THE TRUTH? EVERYBODY THINKS THEY KNOW THE TRUTH. DOES EVERYBODY KNOW THE TRUTH? HOW CAN EVERYTHING BELIEVED ON EARTH BE THE TRUTH? FROM WHERE DOES THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH COME? QUESTION # 3: WHAT IS THE FOUNDATION FOR THE TRUTH? TELL ME, Do YOU KNOW THE TRUTH? AMERICA’S SOLUTION FOR MOST OF HER SOCIAL & POLITICAL PROBLEMS IS POSSIBLE, that is, if we answer questions #1, #2, & #3 truthfully, and implement them properly, yes, then we could solve America’s social and political problems. A THOUGHT THAT MAY HELP YOU COME UP WITH THE SOLUTION TO AMERICA’S PROBLEMS When you use a camera you get a most accurate photograph for there are many lens elements that direct the path of light rays to recreate the image as accurately as possible. Therefore it is a true image, it the truth. As in a camera, we have lifeline lenses that direct our beliefs and ethics, etc. What are your lifetime lenses? Could it be that most of Americans have the wrong type of lenses and therefore they think that Socialism is great and that the Constitution is old and worthless? Please, dwell on the idea of what is the truth. Who really knows the TRUTH? What can the TRUTH be based upon to be the absolute TRUTH? |