March 22, 2020


PREVIEW: when a United States citizen’s family has lived many generations in the same county, has shopped or lived in the same town for over a hundred years and worked in the same mill for decades or farmed the same land one hundred and thirty years, and then almost overnight new farming laws and new banking rules plus hundreds of new socialist government laws are imposed on the community making the small town a ghost town. It is the worst trauma a family will ever go through except for death of your most beloved. This is our country’s futuredepicted in this small town story. That is unless millions of We the People, the employers and employees quit rebelling against God and the Bible, a change that will have a very positive impact on those who are the teachers, lawyers, judges, and politicians that may change America from a socialist unconstitutional country that will again return to a strict Constitution obeying government which will turn our leaders from evil scheming, conniving, and deceitful unconstitutional liars that will again become moral, virtuous Christian citizens. Pray for this miracle to be our future. But if no such miracle happens, this 2020 Torn Asunder saga will have you living within theses pages from now into forever.


2020 Torn Asunder was written between the years of 2005-2012, and published in 2012, it a political fiction as I saw what America would be in this year of 2020, wherein We the People are living today. The story in my book will get much worst than what we face today, but if God does not intervene, all of our freedoms could disappear almost overnight. I knew in my spirit it would happen, and it could and will get much worst as the saga does in 2020 Torn Asunder.

HERE IS THE LIST OF THE ASUNDER BLOGS, #1 to today’s blog, #12.

(#1)Climate Turmoil, (#2) Top-secret Weather Instruments, (#3) Government Controls All New Green Deals, (#4) 2020 Torn Asunder Socialism Green Zone Blues, (#5) Domestic Terrorist, (#6) Socialism Must Rule, (#7) There Is No God, (#8) Political Heaven, (#9) New Green Deal Restrictions, (#10) Socialism Is Not America’s Benevolent God) (#11) Future Daily Life in the New Green Deal, (#12) New America.

New America, as written in 2020 Torn Aunder

Jude pondered the unreal scene as she slowly drove her old pickup through the main street of the once busy little city that she remembered as being a prosperous mid-America farming community. For some reason the town’s business district resembled a ghost town in the middle of the work week. A feeling of desperation swept over her. The gas gauge was on empty, the three cans in back were empty and soon they would be at a standstill. Her mind raced, How can this be? What can I do? Oh God, is there anyone here that will help me find gas?

A sense of hopelessness swept over her when again she recalled the despondent people she had met on this trip. She looked for any good sign. Four or five blocks up ahead she saw one car parked in front of a once booming restaurant. Nobody walked on the sidewalks and by all appearances it seemed that nobody had been in the town for months.

After driving a few more blocks, the reality of the situation shocked Jude into realizing that the people she had met on this trip were possibly right in what they had said.

“Crabgrass, I don’t believe it! All the stores are closed, they have nothing in them. What has happened?” Jude wondered aloud as she parked the truck.

“All gone to the big cities,” Star answered.

Jude glared at Star who was nursing her four-month old daughter, Ivy. Although, the young mother acted like a very nice lady, she could not be trusted because she had lied to them about the ten mile distance to her parent’s place. They had already traveled thirty miles to this city and it would be another hundred miles to her parent’s house.

“Why they gone to big cities?” Kim asked.

“With the farmers out of business, there are no jobs at the grain elevator, nor truck driving jobs. There’s no money to buy products, no banks for loans and no stores to buy food or gas, and on and on it goes,” Star said angrily.

“We’ve heard this before,” Jude reflected aloud. She noticed that a woman had come out of a closed restaurant. “How do you know of these things?” she asked Star.

“I grew up in this town.”

“Oh, I see.”

“You see, my husband worked nearby for one of the largest farms in the state. That farmer went out of business because the bank would not cooperate with loans already agreed to. Then my man lost his job. I couldn’t pay the electric bill that now costs 10,000 dollars a year. You see, we lived near where my car broke down. I’m with you because my hubby saw fit to leave me and go to the city and find a job. I haven’t seen him or heard from him in nine months. I just lost our house in foreclosure to a big bank back East.”

Jude frowned. “Blasted money people! I’m sorry that I doubted you.”

“No problem, Jude. You’ve already helped me a lot.”

The threesome lingered in somber silence. Jude put the old vehicle in gear and turned to drive along a residential street. “Look, over there, why there are at least fifty people and even kids,” she blurted out and pointed up the side street.

Star turned her face away when she first saw the crowd, but then took another peek. She groaned loudly. “Oh, my God, they are illegal immigrant workers!”

“What?” Kim questioned when she saw Star’s face go ashen white.

“Blasted crabgrass, who are those in the dark green vests?” Jude wondered aloud.

“My God!” Star muttered as she tried to stop her baby from fussing.

“Now what?” Jude asked.

Star acted upset. “Oh, Jude, haven’t you heard?” she asked disgustedly. “They are the President’s so-called green teams who go in and fix up the foreclosed houses to meet the new ‘green’ earth guidelines, like new windows, insulation and whatever.”

“But, why are there so many Mexicans in town?”

“Golly, Jude, where have you been? These green teams fix up the foreclosed homes for the illegals to live in,” Star explained.

Jude could see from the facial expressions of their new friend that something really bothered the distressed mother as she tried to change Ivy’s diaper. Her hands trembled. Sweat poured down Stars’ face. Tears trickled from her eyes.

“Dear, what’s wrong?” Jude asked, reaching out to softly touch her new friend’s arm.

“I saw Jason. He’s on that green team.”


“Jason---my husband!”

Jude instantly stopped the truck and merely stared at Star. How could this happen in America?  Did politicians want these things to happen to U.S. citizens, and if so---why?

All three jumped when a woman hit the front of the truck and in seconds knocked on the truck driver’s door. Jude rolled down the window a few inches to see what the pleasant looking lady wanted. “Hi ladies, saw you in town. Can I help you with anything?” the plain looking lady inquired.

Star immediately grinned at the woman who had come out of the restaurant. “Oh. Hi, Mrs. Dykstra, we need gas,” she said pleasantly.

“My, my, my dear, Star, I certainly hope I can help a lovely dear like you. Just so sorry that we were forced to quit farming. Now, let me see.” The older woman’s dark brown eyes squinted as if in deep thought. She acted quit nervous. Her feet shifted from left to right while her fingers drummed on the cab’s door. “Well, I’m not sure, OK, yeah, you guys wait a few minutes. I’ll be right back. Oh---it’s best you drive behind my restaurant back there. Best not let the green team people see you. You better hurry. OK then, I’ll meet you there. I covered your license plates.”

“Oh, uhh, well, thank-you ma’am,” Jude responded calmly not knowing what the woman meant, though she sensed a strange event seemingly headed their way.

Star’s hazel eyes darted from house to house in the neighborhood. “Let’s get out of here, I mean now,” she yelled.

Jude nodded. “Sure, we’ll do as Mrs. Dykstra’s said. We’ll wait at the back of the restaurant,” she quickly assured the young mother.

A Tense Delay

Three hours after Fred Dykstra had left with the Ford truck to fill it with gas, he returned to the former best restaurant in town. Jude nervously eyed the farmer as he entered the windowless back room where she, Kim and Star still nibbled on their last tasty bites of food that the man’s wife had prepared for them. I don’t trust him. It’ll happen at any moment, I just know it; the FBI will rush in and end my trip. I know not to trust anybody, but we needed the gas that is so hard to find and nearly impossible to buy with cash.

Jude sat at an old, cracked wooden table while she mulled over the conversation she had overheard three hours earlier between Star and the farmer. When Star revealed all she knew about me, his actions and words quickly softened and soon sounded like the man who had bought our gas at that first gas station with his credit card.

Mr. Dykstra strolled over to her with obvious ease of manners. I just don’t trust him.

The weather-worn farmer slapped the truck’s keys on the table directly beside her hands and then addressed her. “Jude, the food we give you for the rest of your trip and the gas are free. But, young lady, you had better do something good for our country wherever you go. I know you will, I feel it in my gut.”

Jude felt dumbfounded. She nervously picked up the keys and stuffed them in her pocket. “Well sir---I thank-you. And sir, please say nothing about us to anybody.”

“No way, I couldn’t, or I’d be in jail,” Mr. Dykstra said with seriousness. “You see, all the new Federal Government rules and regulations on farming drove me out of the business that my family has done for a hundred and thirty years. But, I will still make it unless these lousy green teams find out about my underground barter system that includes hidden stuff all across the three thousand acres they haven’t taken from me, yet. These unconstitutional green teams are authorized to arrest anybody they think is suspicious of anything against the new idiotic unconstitutional laws. You ladies must stay away from them, at all costs.”

Mr. Dykstra stopped talking and pivoted as if to leave, then whirled around angrily. He glared at Jude. “Young lady, if they had seen that your truck is from Montana, they would have arrested you. No one travels out of state unless they are certified, which costs thousands of dollars. That’s why my wife slapped the magnetic license of our state on your truck. You must get out of here soon. The green team and illegals have left town for today. Take only the roads that I told you about. It’s for the sake of your freedom. And yeah, the different license plates we gave you, remember to change them for each state you travel through on your journey to Washington, D.C.”

Jude felt as if a shock bomb hit her mind. I absolutely will not be going to D. C. Although I do sense the gravity in our country’s state of affairs, that includes Mr. Dykstra’s dilemma. I now know that he’s a man with principle. He’s willing to risk everything to help me. Then he goes and says crazy stuff about Washington D.C. All I plan to do is hurry to Dad.

“Open up!” a man abruptly yelled from outside the restaurant. “Who’s in there?” The bolted back door shook from what sounded like a sledge hammer hitting it repeatedly.

For a brief second nobody moved. Mr. Dykstra gave directions to the mysterious travelers with a nod of head. Jude, Kim and Star with her baby followed his instructions and quickly went through a secret, well-hidden, fourteen inch wide doorway embedded in a two-foot thick, sound-proofed wall that opened into a tiny, three-foot by six-foot, room where they found water jugs, blankets, dried foods on shelves and several potty chambers on the floor.

Jude stood against the inner room’s closed door, in hopes they wouldn’t arrest Mr. and Mrs. Dykstra and leave them locked in the tiny area. Kim and Star hurriedly seated themselves along the end wall behind several stacked up boxes. Then Jude saw the metal bars designed to lock the room from inside. She quickly placed them across the door just when she heard Mr. Dykstra let the man into the restaurant’s back room. She again looked at Star and saw that Ivy was nursing, a brief smile crossed Jude’s face.

The women could hear every word that the green team leader said. “I heard that strangers were in town today. We saw you driving a different truck. What’s going on?”

“Sir, no strangers here, just my relatives from across state and that different truck you saw was probably their truck.”

“Where are they?”

“Somewhere on the farm.”


“Way out back, picking apples.”

“Where is the truck?”

“It was outside a few minutes ago.”

“You lie.”

“No, no really, it was there a few minutes ago.”

With her heart pounding in her chest and her mind stressing over the latest dilemma; Jude pulled the keys from her pocket. Blast it all, these aren’t my keys. They must be for Mr. Dykstra’s pickup. Holy crabgrass, I remember seeing Mrs. Dykstra leaving right after her husband came back. What are they planning next, drive me to D.C.?

The man continued to noisily search the whole restaurant. He opened every cabinet door and every ordinary door and even pounded on all the walls, then he struck the door directly in front of Jude with a huge hammer, not once, but several times. For what seemed like forever, he remained motionless; the silence felt unbearable, feet shuffled just outside the secret room’s door. He yelled a long list of swear words mixed into with info that accused Mr. Dykstra of treason as well as warning him that his every move from now on would be watched. Jude could feel her heart pounding. Then at last, she heard the man’s footsteps shuffle away and heard the outside door opened, closed and then bolted. And finally, many seconds later, Fred Dykstra gave the all clear call.

Another Good-Bye

One hour later, Jude, Kim and Star thanked the Dykstra’s as the three got into their truck that Mrs. Dykstra had hidden. Her husband had seen the green team leader come back into town when he had returned with the old truck. He gave Jude his keys, hoping she didn’t catch on so she wouldn’t worry while they hid her truck until the man had left the area.

Jude touched the farmer’s arm and profusely thanked him. Mr. Fred Dykstra smiled kindly. “We are in a new unconstitutional period in America. Those people dressed in green are called ‘The Federal Green Army,’ ” he said, looking intently at her. “Jude, I know that you’ll go to Washington D.C. and once there, you’ll become involved somehow in stopping the encroaching tyranny. May God protect and guide you.”

Jude felt stunned by the man’s words. I’ll never forget this couple. She started the truck, waved at the Dykstra’s and again thanked them; when once again, the old truck sped eastward.


If it was not a virus that has caused great fear, it a panic that soon becomes the loss of all freedoms, it would have been climate change as written in 2020 Torn Asunder that totally destroyed America’s freedoms. Fear becomes Panic that kills freedoms. Fear of a virus is only good if you use your God-given peace to ask God for safety and help. If Americans will humble themselves and pray, and seek God’s face, and turn from their wicked ways; then I (God) will hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land (2 Chronicles 7:14.) Panic will absolutely kill our freedoms. What Americans must fear our governments of the cities, states and the federal governments that have seized upon most Americans Godlessness that creates fears that is based upon their Constitution freedom mindlessness.

Psalms 91:2&3 says, “…the Lord is my Refuge and My Fortress: My God; in Him will I trust. Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence.” (noisome pestilence means rushing calamity)

In the scriptures, Isaiah 41 41:10-13 God speaks to YOU and I paraphrase, “Fear you not; for I am with you always; be not dismayed: for I am your Lord and I your God will hold your right hand. Fear not; I will help you.”


If you have not accepted Jesus as your Redeemer, Savior, Healer and Lord of your life, please read my blogs: No Freedom from Addictions, No Freedom from Depression and Is Your Life Just Pain and Misery.

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