Preface: reason however you might, it is obvious, that mankind cannot save his life and cannot solve the soul problem of mankind and cannot find a solution to stop evil. In fact, man cannot govern with only his wisdom and knowledge; take a moment and recall the deplorable, depraved, wicked history of governments since recorded history; mankind is incapable of solving wickedness, because all leaders in governments are evil unless God is in control.

Thusly, I offer the second of four blogs that give the solution for our county’s people that if accepted by millions of We the People, We could save our freedoms from those who intend to completely destroy our Constitution.

It Seems That Nobody Can Solve Your Problems

. Nobody tells you the truth all the time?

. What people taught you, was it the truth?

. Can you prove what you know is the truth?

. Family always seems to exasperate your problems.

. Doctors, drugs & counseling don’t seem to help.

. All people have lied. All have sinned.

. Politicians speak part truths and lies all the time.

. The government will not solve your problems.

. Drug addiction no longer gives you a joyful life.

. There is no liberty from depression that plagues you.

. Suicide is considered as an escape from your problems.

. Is there a solution that will stop your misery in a world of untruths?

Do You Want to be Free of Depression and Addictions?

If you want to get rid of your addictions and oppressions that plague your life, you must believe that every word in the Bible is God’s truth. Think on this mathematical fact that also proves that the Bible is God’s Truth; all of the over 300 prophecies that foretold of Jesus happened as written in the Bible and for all to occur as written is mathematically impossible, for you would need to cover the state of Texas with 2 feet of silver dollars and mix in one ‘marked’ dollar somewhere, and then have a blindfolded person go somewhere in the state and find that ‘marked’ dollar the first time they picked up a dollar. Only God could find the ‘marked’ dollar.

The only Truth: the Bible, God’s Words

The Disciples of Jesus, the brother of Jesus, the Apostle Paul and thousand’s upon thousand’s of Christians were martyred, for they would not recant their belief in Jesus (God) who died on the cross for their sins and then rose form the dead and ascended into Heaven. I ask; why did they NOT RECANT? Because they knew without a shadow of doubt that JESUS was GOD and everything He did and every miracle He performed happened and every word He said was the TRUTH, and the martyrs knew they would be in Heaven with Jesus forever. Jesus said, “I am the Way the Truth and the Life” John 14:6. If Jesus was a hoax, all of these early church Christians most certainly would not have died for such lies and deception.

Look at the Universe with a Clear Mind

Do you hate God? Do you hate the Bible? Are you a Christian? No matter how you answered, please take the time to ask some poignant questions about yourself and the world in which you live. Look up into the universe with new clarity and explain how every star, every planet and the sun are perfectly set in orbit and never hit each other. Did the planets and stars merely fall into their precise spots? Explain how our sun is always exactly the same distance from Earth. Explain how the earth rotates and the fact we always have perfect gravity. Observe nature; perceive how animals and humans are so delicately made with red blood cells, white blood cells and all the blood vessels, and then ask yourself a few other questions. Is it at all possible that your extremely complex human body came into existence just by chance? Is it possible that how humans and animals reproduce, just came about by happenstance? How could you, the universe, and all the wonderful life around you have come into existence by accident?

Did You Evolve? Did God Create You?

To calculate the scientific chance that all plant and animal life came into existence by unaided chance is so ridiculous that there are not enough zeroes to show the odds that there was not and is not a chance that creation merely came into existence as the evolution liars have taught. Their theory is just a puffed up evil lie. Their theory needs a fact to base the theory on. There is not one fact to prove evolution. For instance, if all life came from an amoeba, where did the amoeba come from? Note: if this happened, where is there even one replica of a thing in a stage between the amoeba and human? It does not exist; evolution did not happen.

Consider this different, rather disgusting picture of how evolution would have worked, if by a fluke of the untruthful evolution scheme that a one-cell amoeba could ever become a human. If an amoeba finally came to be almost as you are but still not a human as you are, he or she would have been walking around with urine continually dripping to the ground. In evolution the bladder came when the living thing realized it was messy, it was stinky and definitely annoying and somehow it decided to grow a bladder, and as one can understand, that is how evolution would have worked. At first stage it would have at least a few thousands of years with only a stomach and no intestine and yet somehow survive and even make a replica of itself. Explain how the thing decided that it needed to develop a brain, etcetera, etcetera. The evolution nonsense is just an unbelievable evil fairy tale that is intent on disclaiming the truth about God creating everything as written in the Bible. If evolution is as evolutionist believes, their faith is in the unbelievable whodunit realm that has and had no chance that any living body could ever have survived such irresolvable stages, even if it had a billion years to procreate.

God Really, Really Loves You

God in His love has made a way of redemption for all mankind. Jesus (God) was born of a woman. He was equally man and God, yet all He did on earth He did as a man, the perfect man without sin. Jesus died on the cross for all people’s sins so that you and anybody can ask for forgiveness of sins and be redeemed and live forever with Him in Heaven. In John 14:15-20, Jesus said that His Holy Spirit is living in those who believe on Him and any person that believes in Him is born again (John 3:3) and if they ask for His help they will overcome Satan’s power. Satan constantly attempts to kill you or he will destroy your happiness and then he controls your mind and soul that leads you into addictions, (I Peter 5:8). The Bible says that Lucifer, the Devil (Satan) was defeated when Jesus died for all mankind. Jesus provided what makes one victorious over evil. When you repent and accept Jesus as your Savior, peace and joy flows over you as you feel the heavy sin inflicted bondages float away and are now gone forever, and you are free at last (I John 3:8, I John 4:4).

Born Again Joy

When you are Born Again the power of God falls on you and it completely overhauls your heart, soul and spirit, wherein a sensational, overwhelming, Almighty Glory consumes your being. You will never be the same. God has forgiven you. Your mind is renewed, bondages are eradicated, addictions annihilated, hate extinct, dissension forgotten, depression departed, and oppression obliterated. Imagine the almost unbelievable euphoria in your soul and spirit that is now healed from the bruises of life. You are overwhelmed by the cleansing sense that comes within, it a refreshing new creation in your mind, soul and spirit when everything in the world now comes in clearly and even how the government operates as everything political comes into focus. You now see and hear and understand God’s Word, you now know the truth about God’s salvation plan and are Born Again and able to live in society free from the old evil bondages of sin; you are free in body, mind, soul and spirit for the first time in your life (John 3:3). Place your faith in Jesus alone for what He did for you when He died on the cross and every word written here will be your future!

Consider ‘Eternal Thoughts’

You can have a relationship with God. Indeed, everyone can and must talk to Jesus daily. We all need a personal connection with the God of creation and not a religion of ceremonies and rituals created by man or woman. If you communicate with God, He will direct your life and help with decisions along the way. God loves you. He created you and desires to talk with you daily, and of course He gave mankind the Bible that we must read daily.

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