May 2, 2019

The Green Zone Blues

Preview: (Episode, blog 4) I believe that A few written comments from the author are appropriate at this time in the process of the 2020 Torn Asunder blogs. I proclaim Americas Warning: accept any New Green Deal bill as in 2020 Torn Asunder and your freedoms are annihilated. Your future life, liberty and happiness are in danger! Unless socialism is abolished as unconstitutional, the Constitution is gone forever. Hence, We the People must stop those in Congress who hate your climate views or your beliefs, for they will blatantly destroy the Constitution; that is what they want to do. Although, this future life may not happen by 2020, it will happen. I suggest that you read about your future that most likely will come to pass, for if nothing changes these immoral evil politicians into virtuous, moral people, you will be living in the Green Zone Blues.

The Blue Zone

Every dark, drawn-out, stressful, sleepy hour seemed endless. Every tick of the lone clock on the green painted wall meant only more time for humid stickiness. All night long with the windows open, nary a comforting breeze wafted into the bedroom. In every hour of darkness the city noises, like sleepless accomplices, complained with constant sounds that clanged clearly from beyond the bare walls, and each clang grated upon the young ladies nerves.

Now the same humid, sleepless night determinedly rolled away as the crack of dawn crept into the hot, stuffy bedroom and soon, a stress filled night in Seattle would end. Methodically, the morning light meandered across the room’s beige carpet until its cheerful rays played across the face of the stressed, sleepless, young lady who still tossed about upon the bed on which no sleep had come.

“Crabgrass!” Jude grumbled as she stretched her well-proportioned, sweaty body corner-to-corner across the bed.

With another roll of her body, she sought a different position hoping to get a little sleep before the day fully began. More blatant sounds arose from the city. A train whistled. The large clock ticked loudly. A car alarm went off somewhere. A police siren sounded. Someone slammed a door.

“Blast it all!” She thrashed onto her back. “Think clearly!” she demanded aloud of herself. All night her mind had rambled about within worries and questions, and the same irritations remained as morning dawned. Nothing made any sense. It seemed that every second had been spent going over the stressful details of dad’s ways and decisions.

Why did Dad change his mind in regards to the grant money? Why did he suddenly develop a conscience after all those years of doing exactly what everyone in power wanted and expected? Dad’s words echoed in her head. Our research shows that there is no climate change. The New Green Deals are destroying our Constitution freedoms and our Bill of Rights. The government is racing like a freight train toward a total control of scientific research, corporations, and businesses large and small? “Dad, I really think you sound insane when you say things like that? Don’t you know that you are ruining my reputation too? Why do you listen to and quote talk-show people all of the time? Why all this honesty when the economy still labored to overcome a recent freefall that resembled the 1930’s? What is the truth?” Jude mumbled.

“Ridiculous!” she grumbled and rolled onto her other side in a huff.

She questioned silently in great stress. Why on earth did those two skinny guys chase me through the wilderness? Why did they want the computer equipment? Did they really intend to kill me?

Free of covers, she tossed about the bed top. “It doesn’t make sense!” she fumed aloud. Another glance at the noisy clock on the wall revealed the time to be about six o’clock a.m. “Ugh!” she groaned. It seemed hopeless for sleep to come.

Preview Of next scene: It was near the end of what was a terrible day for Jude, first a sleepless night, a terrible breakfast, a terrible baseball game and now she is quite upset with Bucky, her boyfriend, as we now read from the text.

Jude walked toward her plain, simple condo in the gathering darkness while a fully exasperated Bucky raced away in his car.

“He’s crazy,” she said as her thoughts went over the last few minutes, during which she had refused his verbal demands that they have sex.

“Blast it all!” she spewed out one of her agitated phrases accompanied by her longer determined strides in the direction of her home. Oddly enough, she felt some sense of gladness after escaping an angry, mixed-up boyfriend, who supposedly would soon be working for some unknown rich man. But no matter how hard she tried, it seemed impossible to get completely away from Bucky and his troublesome views that haunted her soul. The whole time over lattes and dinner, he explained that he wants the whole world to live in harmony and share rich people’s money in order to make everybody’s life better. He’s insisting that I agree. He makes me mad. He thinks that I don’t care for the world’s poor people.

In the evening dimness, her fingers searched for the ever elusive condo key hiding somewhere in her purse. “Crabgrass,” she grumbled, having a hard time finding the key. I can’t believe it. Bucky thinks I’m crazy for using the word crabgrass when something upsets me or hinders my thinking or what I’m doing. Crabgrass is hard to kill. It chokes out flowers and vegetables. It’s a better word to use than, nuts, crap, hell or holy this and that.

In the next instant an eerie question arose. Why isn’t my outside porch light on? She glanced around the building. The light comes on automatically. “Oh, well, I’ll need to report it,” she whispered softly

Her frustrations multiplied into even more serious thoughts that refused to stop. The country was full of mixed up people, and now her key was missing. Her anxious inner-self wanted to shout the words, but she only lipped the irritations. “Everything is crazy! Bucky---you’re an idiot to work for some rich stranger! And why do you always forget what I believe? And who are those two guys anyway. Why do they keep following me?”

At last, she found the wayward key in a deepening darkness with her mind still stressed. What’s my world coming to? Where has peace gone? She pushed the key into lock. The welcoming solid white door opened. In a moment she would be in a nice, long workout on her treadmill, and afterwards she would lift some weights, these her daily routines that kept sanity in her life these days.

I’m looking forward to a wonderful long shower. In the next split second her body forcefully flew thru the doorway. She landed face down in her utility room as a body landed on top of her. Pain raced everywhere, her torso, knees and arms hurt badly. Someone had tackled her, and now they tried to tie her hands together. She attempted to scream, yet heard nothing, her mouth smothered by some sort of fabric. It seemed that two bodies smashed against her. Fierce panic consumed her. She cried out in her spirit to overcome whoever they were. She twisted wildly, turning legs and arms as in any method possible she fought to escape. She pounded her fists knowing that a few hit the attacker’s faces. She scratched at their faces. Momentarily she separated from them, and abruptly got off a hard kick to one man’s groin. He instantly lay groaning. In a flash she spun away and jumped to her feet. It was dark. She leaped up on the washer and dryer. She could see the two intruder’s physical outlines. The slender twosome seemed confused. Jude instantly found her .38 revolver on the shelf above the washer. The attackers swore. One grabbed at her feet. Quickly, she moved tightly against the back wall, and turned on the lights.

She brazenly showed the two skinny men her gun. “Get out or I’ll shoot!” she yelled.

They froze. She could see the shock on their faces through the black nylon stockings. She again threatened to shoot, and at that instant the two fled.

Shocking weakness swept over her whole body. She quickly bolted the door and slumped to the floor with breaths coming hard. My life is at stake. I’ll report this to the police, but it doesn’t matter what they can or can’t do. Crabgrass, my life has suddenly changed for the worst. Without a doubt, the attackers are the same brothers that desired to finish me off in the wilderness and have shown their true intentions. Her thoughts raced to find anything of help. Yeah, that’s it. Maybe my policewoman friend Julie can help me plan something for my safety.

Thanks for reading along with me, Bill Basaar. I hope your day is, or was much better than Jude’s. Her life will only get worse and worse, maybe you should buy the book and follow her terrible journey through hell on earth.

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