Hell’s Warriors are Marching

Hell’s warriors are marching with everybody in lock-step. Hence, extreme wrongs infect America. “Many countries have lost their liberty, and ours may lose hers. I know that the great volcano at Washington, aroused and directed by the evil spirit that reigns there, is belching forth the lava of political corruption in a current broad and deep, which is sweeping with frightful velocity over the whole length and breadth of the land, bidding fair to leave unscathed no green spot or living thing; while on its bosom are riding, like demons on the waves of hell, the imps of that evil spirit, and fiendishly taunting all those who dare resist its destroying course with the hopelessness of their effort; and, knowing this, I cannot deny that all may be swept away. Broken by it I, too, may be; bow to it I never will.”  Abraham Lincoln’s Quote

America’s Warning!

There are severe wrongs that plague America.The conditions of our society, its schools, its politicians, its churches, its courts, and most of its citizens, are so unprincipled and immoral that soon all hell on earth will break loose upon us and everybody will be completely surprised by the demons from hell that will descend upon our nation for it will be the worst nation-wide crisis in our history, and a majority of We the People in America, are the exact reasons why the deadly crisis will lay siege on our country. Hell’s warriors are marching and most of We the People are in lock-step with them and do not even know it.

While most citizens do nothing to save our freedoms, our President and his Cabinet, advisors and legal team are in a fierce battle to halt the evil onslaught of corruption buried in a cesspool of political dung hidden in the lower echelons of Washington D.C. They are in a war of good against evil and they and We the People must use the only solution that will work or we will not be able to curtail the evil practices of the bureaucracy nor halt the devious ways of Congress in their pretense of love.

These warriors of Hell show obvious delight as they demonstrate their love through evil political scams. Most national broadcasting networks artistically deliver their love expressions contained in lie packages that use aspersions in attempts to murder people’s character as well as destroy America’s liberties. Congress offers its love in the guise of gifts that destroy the legality of the Constitution, this openly demonstrated by promises of more benefits that in reality are bribes offered to you the voters, they knowing you will vote for them in return.

There is a nefarious confederacy provoking Americans into believing that a socialist/communist government will save all your freedoms and take care of all your needs. There is the facade of love from Hollywood cohorts whom hate the freedoms that are provided by the Constitution while they use a scheme of subornation under granted freedoms. There is the gangster mobs of city mayors and state governments that despise the law of the land under the delusion of their rights called sanctuaries that are nothing but an evil rampage of lawlessness promoted by specious love for the illegal immigrants; which in reality is greater numbers of illegals in their hell on earth safe havens just to pad the U.S. Census that will create more congressional members from their state. It is obvious, that our country is in a war between the evil unholy forces and the Good Holy forces.

Purposefully, most politicians continue to destroy the U. S. Constitution, and thus, Hell’s Fork Advances with these political leaders becoming more outspoken and bolder as with greater evil determination they are promoting the destruction of all civil liberties under the guise of safety and morality. Politicians use skillful words that tug at emotions; they talk and act compassionately about safety, but all the while, they are intent on tearing asunder everyone’s liberty!

It is their goal to stir up evil excitement against our form of government as under an evil charade of care created by their spiritual leader Satan, they inform the citizens of our country that their type of government will provide for all medical and economic aid and they will save the world with their New Green Deal (read 2020 Torn Asunder) and all the while deviously claim to save your liberties, which is a lie from the pit of Hell as they secretly plan to rip away your rights provided by the Constitution. Communism or socialism is their goal that in affect only provides wealth to those who are the victorious leaders in their war that will annihilate our freedoms.


Our country is in a war between Good and Evil. We the People act as if our freedoms will last forever but they will not unless we wakeup and politically and spiritually battle for our children’s and grandchildren’s future. You must take Hell’s Fork by the handle and control its actions! If not, the radical communist will rule over you from Congress and from inside the bureaucracy.

For much more information, I suggest that you read Hell’s Fork Advances, Americas Warning, wherein I reveal unconstitutional activities of our federal government that in reality is a reflection of We the People that has contributed to most of our country’s problems, and they can only be corrected by applying the only true solution, which is examined thoroughly in the book.

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