June 10,2019


Preview: This scene comes to the heart of evil, political deals that is hell-bent to rule without any consequences for socialist governance issuing dictates with no concerns for Constitution rule of law. The news media and government are in cahoots as to what is newsworthy, and what must remain secret. In America today, the reality is that Socialism is already strongly embedded in every aspect of the laws and regulations of government operations with the policies of the political parties in agreement to implement more controls that obviously most Americans want, because they believe that it gives them a sort of security, that is nothing but a false sense of security.

We Will Rule

Frank Newsman pulled two cigars from the inside pocket of his suit-coat and offered one to the President. The world’s most powerful leader took it with a smile and soon the twosome lit the special smokes, sat down and puffed away filling the room with savory smoke.

After a lengthy satisfied silence midst the aromatic puffs that filled the room with a gratifying haze, Mr. Newsman finally spoke. “Mr. President, we thank you for your great service to our country. Remember, we’re sworn to secrecy. We news people never divulge what goes on behind your closed doors and we do not report anything that is harmful unto you.”

 “Why, Mr. Newsman, I would hope all media folks do likewise, since we are on the same team, that’s the way it should be. If not, I have my ways,” the President said with authority.

From within the dense, delightful, cigar billows, Frank Newsman looked over, nodded and smiled at Abel who a few minutes before had been introduced to the President, but, for the most part, the young man remained silent after refusing a cigar. “Now you know, Mr. President, it is much better that our government takes the money from the rich in order to help the poor in our country. It is better for the world that our country becomes a poorer, weaker nation in order to allow the other countries to become stronger.” Frank said calmly. He took a major suck on his cigar then sent a large puff of smoke into the air.

After a solemn presidential frown, the U.S. President responded, “Anyway my man Frank, now let’s not get too serious, we have Abel here. It is best I get to know him better, don’t you think? Let’s see, how many times in the past has it been you and me discussing political harvests?”

“Oh, sir, probably forty to fifty times,” Frank answered.

“So, my friend, why not talk about little stuff, like just us.”

The President quickly turned and faced Abel directly. “Well, Abel Expozay, do you agree with my agenda?”

“Oh, yes, sir,” Abe answered. Instantly, his stomach ached worst than ever.

The President seemed almost angry. “So, Abel, do you agree with how we get things done? Does it really matter that I work with lobbyists? Do you care if we twist or tweak the Constitution law in order to get legislation through the House and Senate? Does it matter to you that through my executive orders the many agencies of the government, like the EPA, works toward our desired results? Does it bother you that we have the unemployment rate at 20% for the last year? Does the country need to know any of these details?” he asked angrily as if he was in a hurry to get them out of there.

Abel’s belly fluttered with butterflies. He sensed that the man thought of him as a young whippersnapper who could not be trusted. Albeit, he gave his rehearsed speech that Mr. Newsman had ordered he prepare for this occasion.

The President sent more puffs of cigar smoke into the room. He stared at Abel.

“Well, Abel, I believe you have met one of my many national ‘green’ workers several times in the TWA studio? Hope the two of you got along.” Abel could only nod ‘yes.’ The enlightening words sent his mind into a tailspin. It was clear that the government controlled the news stories. He sighed with relief when the dialog returned to a one-on-one conversation between one of the world’s richest men and the world’s most powerful. Their conversation seemed to revolve around giving billions of dollars with no strings attached to the different media corporations overcome by the economic hard times.

Meanwhile, Abel wandered around the oval office, when he recalled the day TWA first hired him. On that great day he had merely hoped the people of the media giant would like him and eventually trust him. Then, after they trusted him enough, he would be asked to gather daily news stories from the computers. Perhaps then he might come across the secrets of how news organizations handled their daily affairs in hopes to better his position. Then it happened, and for whatever crazy reason, Mr. Newsman nearly adopted him as a son, then promoted him into the inner workings of the company and today he owned a quarter of the man’s giant media organization.

From that shocking day forward, he still pinched himself to see if it was all true. Almost daily he uncovered more highly, secret facts that documented how everything operated. Up to now he had found several possible trails of huge sums of money that flowed between corporations, banks and the federal government. But the how and why was murky and in reality, there was nothing he could do with the information.

He stood before a large clock that hung on the wall, and in that tick of the clock, a discernable tension filled the awesome room. The two powerful men seemed to be secretive. Abel refocused on what the two men talked about in lowered tones. He pretended to focus on the room’s décor and acted as if he heard nothing, but the premise of conversation came clearly.  The President’s re-election, the New Green Deal agenda, names of people, actions of organizations, as well as elected people and even personal close friends and employees were mentioned. Then one person of seemingly great importance became the topic of their discussion. It sounded as if Hugh Hankiless did things that nobody else would do. But no matter how hard Abel tried to catch more of the words, he heard nothing more about the man, except that he seemed to be a key cog in the President’s process to get the newest bills through Congress.

“Well, Frank, my good friend, see you soon,” the President said loudly as they shook hands. “Remember, we must stay silent on what we discuss and how we send information to you media people. Remember, we are together for the cause.”

Frank Newsman patted Abel on the shoulder as his young partner came alongside, then for some crazy, mindless reason the elderly man mentioned Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity.

The President frowned. He swore. Sweat began to bead on his forehead. His voice grew deep and scary. “The country would be far better off if those conservative talk-show nuts departed from the airwaves. Anyway, guys, for now those of us who are on the sane path in politics---well, we must merely put up with them. Remember, you and our other numerous cohorts, if we overwhelm the masses, we will overcome talk-radio and Fox. Even now we have infiltrated their ranks. We must overcome the evils of these off-the-wall talking heads. We have a plan and, yes, we will rule the day,” the President said emphatically.” He nodded his head and then added, “no, Socialism must rule.”

“Amen to that!” Abel declared, after which the President gave him a solid handshake and a hearty thank-you, along with good wishes for their team’s future.


I hope that all who read these blogs will inform others about the dire straights We the People will be in if everything written in 2020 Torn Asunder comes to pass. If Americans to not change from living for only self, which includes very little moral values of virtue, and love that only comes from God, our country will reap the socialism seeds that we have sown and the 2020 saga will happen. It may not all happen by 2020, but it will come to pass. (Read Hell’s Fork Advances).

Founding Father Quote

Daniel Webster (1782-1852, Secretary of State for three Presidents) “If we abide by the principles taught in the Bible, our country will go on prospering and to prosper; but if we and our posterity neglect its instructions and authority, no man can tell how sudden a catastrophe may overwhelm us and bury all our glory in profound obscurity.”;

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