Why Our Democracy Will Fail

Preface: Nearly every word in this blog came from my book, Hell’s Fork Advances /America’s Warning, published in 2016, with a few new written thoughts about this years so-called pandemic and the response of Americans to the virus; a crisis that people believe, even though it is the doctored diagnoses of the evil intentions of those who are in the imperious medical echelon that continually order a verdict of butchered facts that continually change, which proves they will distort facts in order to destroy Americas free way of life. There is no real truth in science where there are various scientific facts of what people should or should not do about any disease of which the truth cannot be a known truth. Different diagnoses cannot be truth; but a majority of Americans act as sheep being lead to the slaughter of our democracy and the eventual death to all our freedoms. Fear kills all things that are good. Note: this whole preface can be added to the end of Conformity section. Please make use of the informational website and blogs at the end of this blog, they give you data that will better inform you about the pandemic true facts about face masks, vaccines, medical studies and many other planned medical controls upon the worlds people under the rule of their world government.

Democracy Will Always Fail

In 1831, Alexis de Tocqueville, the famous French social philosopher, statesman/historian toured the United States of America in an attempt to see why democracy worked in America when all other democracies had failed.

In his two part work, Democracy in America, published in 1835 and 1840, de Tocqueville warns that a democracy is dangerous. He argues that certain attitudes create problems that are inherent to a democracy and that a democratic people are susceptible to these attitudes that will undo most of the freedoms gained from the democracy and that a democracy will always fail for the exact same reasons.


#1 Selfish Individualism: In a democratic society, citizens tend to be disconnected from their larger family and community. They lose the roots of their past and the help that is available when still living near the larger family. Hence, a person’s interests are limited to those around him. He forgets that a family is to meet his greater needs.

#2 Consumerism: There is the love of comfort and the need to make life easier and more comfortable that creates a need to satisfy pleasures all available in the social mobility of a democracy. The people appear to get drunk on the mere idea that they could possibly achieve greater wealth and comfort.

#3 Conformity: People isolated by their individualism prefer to think for themselves. When people think for themselves they become educated. Equality soon is a common thought, and although they distrust the opinions of others, it leads them to almost place complete trust in the judgment of the public. (New words as of 2020; when the unconstitutional mandates are issued, even if there are little proven safety facts and many hurtful aspects to social distancing and face masks, we American sheep follow the unconstitutional mandates as the gospel truth, when in fact there is definite physical, medical and economic harm to all of We the People).

CONSIDER A FEW QUESTIONS in this year of 2020.

Are you ready to wear face masks the rest of your life?

Are you ready to remain jailed in your houses till you die?

There could be no sports in schools ever again, is this what you want?

There may be no classes in school ever again; can you accept that possibility?

Are you ready to obey the new laws that will forbid pastors from preaching the Bible Truth of Jesus dying on the cross, forbid calling out the truth of sin and repentance, with the love of God presented for unbelievers to accept with the promise of eternal life in heaven?

Those paying for the evil protests and destroying our normal way of life do not care for your social an economic welfare for they want you to be their slaves forever in a communist/socialist government that will keep you very poor as will feed you, clothe you with masks & lock you up if you do not obey their mandates. Is this what you want for the remainder of your life? Are you content with the ruin of our Constitutional American way of life that will plague your kids & grandkids lives forever?

Obey the unconstitutional mandates and all the above & worst things will be the new normal for most Americans.

The 4th Attitude Is Equality: There soon is a lust for equality that slowly slips into the passions of a society. Equality in conditions, equality of freedom, and if not that, equality of slavery, and in this lust of equality they desire the sameness in everything even if they have to give up a liberty. (2020 thoughts: consider the loss of our freedom to assemble, our freedom to worship God in churches, our freedom of businesses to remain open, our freedom to go anywhere, our freedom to wear our type of clothing; yes, if we obey unconstitutional mandates, America will be subject to these evil tactics of the medical hierarchy and the kings of states.


In the years past, there have been and still are constant divisive claims from the devious, obstructive politicians along with continuous proclamations of hate from the evil media liars. Under the guise of love there are cries of compassion from these hateful disillusioned Americans. There are calls of lawless evil all across America in demonstrations that spew forth more and more hate-filled ideas from souls immersed in sinful selfishness.

These lost souls are consumed by lust for equality and completely overcome by their lust for possessions; they totally given over to depravity. In this sorry state of a democracy gone awry, such self-centered attitudes in Americans will have no answer for the hard times ahead. Even now most of We the People are unaware that our federal and state governments have become overbearing nanny care centers, and that today, just about every person is under the control of the federal government in some area of their life. Therefore, when lawlessness runs wild across our country, selfish Americans will cry out to their government for more help and happily the overbearing nanny government centers will make all life decisions for all its citizens.

Although most of We the People do not know this, we at first tolerate the loss of a few freedoms for the sake of security.  Under this deluge of fear instilled by the hysterical media, selfishness has led to where America is today; we are under the rule of a despotic government. But I warn America, our conniving politicians, the fictional drama media, the authoritative medical people and many socialist/communist operatives in the deep state of this government will soon become evil beyond the realm of any news event in our country’s history. They as a group are in lock-step and they will not tolerate opposition. If We the People vote in politicians that desire to stop the onslaught of despotism, the battle between good and evil will become extremely intense with any new freedom loving member becoming the scapegoat that the entrenched evil political operatives will say has caused all the problems in America. These scandalmongers will never stop their evil scheming, smearing lies of opinionated hate.

Even as I write these words about those I mentioned a few lines ago, they will never stop their evil resistance against our President that We the People elected 2016. The character destruction of anybody good is all they care about and they will use any means to accomplish their evil desires. Democracy is on the verge of failure.

Although I show throughout Hells Fork Advances and my blogs that our government does not obey the Constitution, there is a sliver of hope that our freedom will remain intact. We need to collectively stand up and take our rightful Constitutional authority, but is that the real solution? If Democracy will eventually fail, is there anyway to protect it from failing? Read Hell’s Fork Advances and soon you will read of America’s freedom saving map which will provide the way on the ‘Freedom Thoughts Roadway’ and I hope that you will decide to join in our freedom fight. But for you who will not purchase books, you will learn from my next few blogs as to how to save our freedoms. You will be told in written form the irrefutable proof as to what can save our Constitution freedoms

Alexis de Tocqueville was right; democracy in the United Sates of America has been nearly destroyed by We the People who have become and done just as the philosopher said we would do, it just took a lot longer. Consider this question; Why did our democracy last this long?

The French philosopher traveled extensively across America and discovered that only one area in the citizens’ lives protected the democracy. Our Founding Fathers also agreed with what de Tocqueville discovered. This protection is the silver thread in my considerations throughout Hell’s Fork Advances, with several chapters devoted to it; but I have devote a step by step study in my blogs which show that our democratic republic government has disintegrated into a government of lawlessness, yet there is a definite silver line that if applied could slow down or reverse the lawlessness.

Founding Father Quotes

“Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself.” John Adams       

“Democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security or of the rights of property; and have been in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their death.” James Madison

In the Coming Days and Months The Events in Our Nation will Get Worse.

Therefore, I will increase my posts. In the next week or two I will post 3 blogs that will prove what the solution is to our nation’s problems, after which I will in 3 other blogs give you an abundance of Founding Fathers quotes that agree with what will solve our nation’s terrible crisis that it is happening everyday and will get worse as fall approaches.

It is of great importance that all must Pray for an outpouring of God’s power to fall upon millions of Americans to stave off the evil that is running rampant in the United States.

Thanks for reading my blogs, Bill Basaar

Go to the website that follows this paragraph and then click onto links that will reveal to you all the evil crazy events that are really happening in the world. They just might scare you! Get ready for tomorrow; you must place you life into the hands of Jesus or what is really happening might scare you to death.

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