Climate Turmoil

April 4th, 2019

I Bill Basaar wrote the novel 2020 Torn Asunder; originally titled, SECRET GREEN MEETINGS. I penned the saga between 2005 & 2011 believing that when the socialist/communist took control of our federal government our Constitution would be completely TORN ASUNDER by 2020. And then Donald Trump was elected, an historical event that delayed socialism. But it still may be our future, for almost daily we hear of the New Green Deal, and that if we do not implement it the world will soon be destroyed by climate turmoil. But what they do not tell you is that if we accept the New Green Deal or any new Government regulations, America will become a hell zone of evil; for our future will be, no jobs, no money, chaos and death as portrayed in the saga, 2020 Torn Asunder.

This is the first reading from 2020 Torn Asunder, a story of new government regulations and New Secret Green Controls that destroyed our freedoms.

Chapter 1

“From New York, this is Trans-World Authority with breaking news. Just minutes ago in Paris, leaders of the world’s nations signed the Global Climate Treaty along with our President. Moments after the President signed the treaty he reported on the new climate findings that show the Earth is warming at an alarming rate and then stated his belief that this global accord will be extremely beneficial to the lowering of climate temperatures world-wide. The President went on to say that the U.S. Senate will soon vote to include the United States in the Global Climate Treaty because we are a compassionate nation that wants no human being or living thing in the world to succumb to the increasing chaotic climate change that will surely come to pass if the treaty isn’t ratified.”

Abel Expozay watched from behind the two-way mirror as the TV news broadcasting team reported from his written script. Since it was his duty to arrange the stories, he often came over to the broadcast building to observe the mechanics of the show. He stretched his arms amidst a big yawn as his fingers fluffed up his shoulder length hair. He reflected on the words used in the broadcast while he found inner comfort from his fingers that fiddled with his one-inch long, full beard.

Just as the news network went to an advertising break---it happened. His heart tried to do a flip-flop when he again saw the stranger who at this second lingered all alone directly behind the camera crew. This same man in recent weeks had become a frequent visitor to the newsroom. The man was not associated with TWA and always came dressed in black. At first he showed up every other week, then once a week and now he had been there twice this week. Abel frowned as he questioned inwardly. His heart raced. He wished to go up to the outsider and ask tons of questions, but his boss, the network’s owner, told him not to approach the bothersome guy. These daunting facts greatly bothered Abel, and though he must follow the orders, he resolved to find out what was going on behind the scenes at TWA.

The broadcast came back on the air with a news flash concerning climate turmoil in the world. There is a drought in France’s vineyard regions that would result in less wine in the world. Next, the network news reported that sever climate change was responsible for the torrential rains and winds in Asia that may continue for at least another week. The drone of news continued as Abel kept his eyes focused on the stranger who once in a while wrote on a small tablet. He heard words that told of Brazil’s jungle besieged by hotter weather than ever in its recorded history. TWA’S news anchor went on to say that for the good of the world’s climate health, the Seattle World Climatology Conference would begin next week as climatologists from around the world will come to an agreement as what nations must do to create a healthier climate for mankind.

Another advertisement session came and went, and now Abel wanted to talk to his boss more than ever about that man. As he walked away from the mirror he heard the newscast mention that companies who advertised on radio talk shows will be taxed at a 68.5% rate on their increased revenue created from these advertisements and that all will be audited at the end of each year by the IRS. He hurried toward his office knowing the hidden details of every story and wished each one could be explained to the country’s citizenry. But for some reason his boss refused to allow any explanations over the airwaves.

America’s Warning

If you chose to accept the New Green Deal or any Global Climate Treaty, you grant your federal government the right to annihilate your liberties and destroy the nation’s economy and thusly make you a slave of congressional bureaucracy.

You have just read the first scene of the saga, 2020 Torn Asunder, but soon, there will be another reading. But I offer up some advise, you must read the whole story, after which, you will never trust government laws again. Therefore, purchase the novel and read about your disastrous future after Congress implements New Green Deals into law.

I thank-you for taking the time to visit my website, please come again, Bill Basaar.

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