December 9, 2019


Webster’s Dictionary of what is TRUTH:

“Trustworthiness; genuineness; honesty; the quality of being in accordance with experience, facts, or reality; conformity with fact; actual existence; an established principle.”


The truth is the truth if what is said or written has a long established track record of verified set principles; in other words, there is an existence of proof that shows the essence of the matter. There is a history of no deceit, no lies, and no perversions, along with no unfaithfulness in regards to everything a person or document has attributed to them.


  • Is there anybody that can be trusted to say or write the truth? NO!
  • What people taught you, was it the truth?
  • If you think you know what is true, can you prove that it is the truth?
  • It is probable that there is no truth in politicians.
  • It is very probable that the media speak forth lies or partial truths.
  • It is likely that there is no absolute truth in the world of humans.
  • All mankind have lied. All have sinned.
  • Therefore the Constitution is worthless if even judges lie.
  • The government will not solve our nation’s problems, they are liars
  • The real truth does not come from any human, for all have lied.


Per the human dictionary, truth is the existence of a long track record of somebody or something that is experienced in the facts, and that the person or document conforms to this fact, and therefore, they or it are the perfect example of the essence of truth. Thus, truth is the existence of a true, long recorded history of facts in regard to a document or person. Real truth is the experiences of facts that reveal no lies and given these facts, all details of their existence are the essence of trustworthiness and honesty.


Think deep in your soul my dear fellow Americans; if we as a whole do not change what we are doing and admit that we have been ignorant of the truth and accept that this is a true report which tells us that if we do not believe it all of the troubles in our souls, our troubles in society and in government are doomed to greater troubles. Millions more Americans must place their faith in this reported Truth or our freedoms will soon be gone forever.

I feel deep in my soul that a very sensitive subject needs to be introduced, a subject that is a delicate, sore spot in some of your souls, but I will proceed. I dare ask, is the Bible really God’s word? Did the stories in the Bible really happen as written? Is there proof that a True and Living God does exist? Another question must be asked, have you read every page of the Bible from the front cover to the back cover, at least a few times? The probability is that a majority of Americans have only read a few chapters, and since that is true, how is it that all those Americans are the same people who either declare that the Bible is not God’s word, or the stories are mere fables. And I ask; if one has not studied the Book, how can one give a true report as to what it says or what it really means?

What you are about to read is probably something you have never heard explained, and with hope and prayer I present proofs that you may not have known existed.


Over 300 Prophecies In The Bible Foretold Of Jesus: His Birth, Ministry, Death & Resurrection, all these prophecies were foretold many hundreds to over a thousand years before the birth of Jesus and came to pass exactly as prophesied by many different prophets whom lived hundreds of years apart as written in the Bible. To show the impossibility of over 300 prophecies to just come true by chance, I will inform you of the mathematical odds of 48 detailed prophecies that could by mere happenstance be fulfilled as written in the Bible. It was impossible for all 48 to be fulfilled by chance, the odds would be 1 followed by 157 zeroes.

To demonstrate this another way; for the mathematical possibility of these prophecies to be fulfilled, you would need to cover the state of Texas with 2 feet of silver dollars and mix in one marked dollar somewhere, and then have a blindfolded person go somewhere in the state and find that marked dollar the first time they picked up a dollar. Only God could find the marked dollar.


The Bible is God’s word. It is the truth. Only God could tell the prophets the prophetic words and then have all of them come to fulfillment as written. The prophecies foretelling Jesus is a small portion of all the Bibles prophecies that are approximately 1/3 of the words in the Bible with ½ of them already fulfilled as written and the other ½ will soon come to pass as written. The stories in the Bible happened just as they are told. Go to the internet, read what first century historians confirmed took place in the Bible. There is archeology evidence that prove the Bible stories, in fact Jesus while on Earth recounted many of these factual stories. God is God. He is the God of the Universe. Jesus is God Who came in the flesh to Earth as written in the New Testament. Jesus created everything (John 1:3), He can do anything, which includes revealing to men what He wanted written in the Bible (2 Timothy 3:16, 2 Peter 2:21).


The Disciples of Jesus, the brothers of Jesus, the Apostle Paul and 1,000’s upon 1,000’s of Christians were martyred, for they would not recant of their belief in Jesus (God) who died on the cross for their sins and then rose from the dead and ascended into Heaven. I ask; why did they NOT RECANT? Because they knew without a shadow of doubt that JESUS was GOD and everything He did and every miracle He performed happened and every word He said was the TRUTH, and the martyrs knew they would be in Heaven with Jesus forever. If Jesus was a hoax, all of these early church Christians most certainly would not have died for such lies and deception.


I ask you, the one who hates God, the one who hates the Bible, and even the one who says you are a Christian, would you please take the time to ask some poignant questions about yourself and the world in which you live. Look up into the universe with new clarity and explain how every star, every sun and every planet are perfectly set in orbit and never hit each other. Did the universe’s planets and stars merely fall into their precise spots? Explain how our sun is always exactly the same distance from Earth. Explain how the earth rotates and the fact we always have perfect gravity. Observe nature; perceive how animals and humans are so delicately made with red blood cells, white blood cells and all the blood vessels, and then ask yourself a few other questions. Is it at all possible that your extremely complex human body came into existence just by chance? Is it possible that how humans and animals reproduce, just came about by happenstance?  How could I and you and all the wonderful life around us have come into existence by accident? Evolution is an evil lie.

Your first thought might be that what I’m writing is untrue, and therefore, you think that you cannot read on! However, I admonish you, read on; a few paragraphs ago the positive proof was given; the Bible is the True Word of God. If one studies the Bible in seriousness that person will believe that it could not have been written without our Creator’s directions, for by chance all the prophecies could not have been fulfilled.

I just hope and pray that all of you will believe the true report, for most of We the People have been taught untruths; most believe that the U.S. Constitution is out of date and that the Bible is full of fables and that God is merely a figment of a person’s imagination. It is by way of evil, sinister liars that most churches are denying the truth of the Bible and many pastors and priests are preaching only what the itching ears of their parishioners wants to hear. Because of the abundance of political lies and Biblical untruths taught by these same evil liars our government bans prayer, the Constitution is rejected and the Bible tossed aside. Thereby, our godless minds, souls and spirits are totally screwed up by satanic sin viruses making us of way less value to society than what God intended. God Forbid! Americans Forbid!

Accept the TRUTH from our Maker, the one and only True God of the Bible, and almost immediately an unreal, almost euphoric, joyful sense within will begin to flow throughout your once depressed soul and spirit, and if millions more of We the People would accept the only TRUTH, maybe our freedoms will be saved.

If my views are not the truth, then what is truth? If the Bible is merely composed of fairy tales, then what is of any value in the world that is worth following? If most Americans and most politicians do not believe God’s TRUTH, they will believe that our Constitution is worthless, those lies are from the pit of Hell and Satan is in control of our government.

What is the standard of Truth? What is undeniably believable?

If you do not accept my words of truth, I guarantee that what you believe is just a figment of someone’s falsified imaginations. What all people must come to realize is that without God and His Word, the Bible, all mankind’s opinions and thoughts are based upon feelings and wants and are nothing but contaminated evil intentions from within their virus infected minds which have no truthful, virtuous comprehension and no moral precepts to base their facts upon, and they do not know what is truth, for the father of lies is ruling America, yes Satan is in Control, John 8:44.


Reason however you might, but it is obvious, that mankind cannot save his life and cannot solve the soul problem of mankind and cannot find a solution to stop evil in government. In fact, man cannot govern with only his wisdom and knowledge; take a moment and recall the deplorable, depraved, wicked history of governments since recorded time; mankind is incapable of solving wickedness, because all leaders in governments are evil unless God is in control. Evil cannot stop evil.


Truth has facts that prove the human physical body is a marvelous creation that could not have just evolved into existence. The only True and living God, Jesus, (John 1:1-17) created all things; it is He that gave the inspired Words in the Bible. It is He who came to die on the cross in our place for all our sins. It is God that loves each of us and He wants all of us to allow Him to change our lives for the better. God and the Bible is our only TRUTH that all people need and it is free. All each person has to do is believe in Jesus as their Savior, your salvation is free for the asking!

Jesus says in John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that He gave His Only Begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have Everlasting Life.”

Have a very Merry Christmas

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