April 17 2019

Top-Secret Weather Instruments

Preview: I introduce you to Jude Jacobson, the main character of 2020 Torn Asunder. You will soon come to love this beautiful, tough woman in her struggle to survive the evil onslaught cast at her from those behind the New Green Deal Laws that have and will be enacted into law in the United States of America.

Climate Turmoil--Second Scene

Jude stood high atop the Cascade Mountains somewhere near Seattle, Washington, recalling the words of caution from her mentor, as her trembling fingers touched the previously hidden, top-secret weather equipment. Remember, no one must know.

“Wow, they really do exist,” she whispered. With due diligence she removed the mysterious box of strange scientific instruments from the underground cement container and over the next few minutes took great care to pack the unique computer in its special large cloth bag, when again the words of her mentor echoed through her mind. ‘You must not tell anyone where you are going nor may you take anyone with you. It is top secret,’ Dr. Samuel Delight had directed two years before. ‘It must remain a secret for your safety’s sake. These climate secrets are ours only.’

A smile crossed her face as reflections of the eccentric, old scientist flooded her mind. She had so many questions for him, but it was too late to ask him, for he had died in a small airplane crash. Now his secret was her duty.

What did he mean? Why is it a secret? Why is my safety involved?

She could hardly believe that the secret sensory instrument her old professor had talked about was actually real and now hidden within the fleeced-lined canvas bag. Her thoughts raced, At last we’ll be able to analyze this new important weather data and see how plant life responds to Earth’s climate changes. Soon Dad and the many scientists he has trained will have these important details. With all these thoughts working, her booted feet now beat a swift pitter-patter upon the trail back into the thick Douglas firs, when in the next horrible instant, she detected a flutter of movement among the trees a quarter-mile below her present position.

No! Please, don’t let it be people, she whispered inwardly

Two young guys came into view. Within seconds, her sweaty hands placed binoculars to her eyes. She stopped breathing. With certainty the two were headed her direction. She did not know their real intentions, but that would soon be apparent.

To be on the safe side, she must immediately hide, but where? There was precious little foliage under the large evergreens where she could hide and conceal her stuff.

“Nuts, I hope they haven’t seen me,” Jude said as panic seized her.

She headed for the bare rock area higher up the steep hillside. There was no trail. It was a hard climb. Her breaths became more labored. She tried to reason clearly. Am I afraid because of what the old scientist warned of or is there really something evil afoot? She stopped to peer back down the mountainside.

Again Doc Sam’s words came to her remembrance, ‘Remember, Jude, people with mega dollars will be out to get you. They will stop at nothing. They will follow you, listen in on you, record you, take video pictures, and even steal your important research equipment or papers. You must remain alert and be ready to resist kidnap or harm.’ She shivered. Her mind struggled to understand. It doesn’t make sense, but then, what does? I never really agreed with Doc Sam’s fears. Perhaps people with lots of money intended to harm Doc Sam because he steadily refused to agree with the political establishment on the facts of global warming. He should have kept quiet, but he repeatedly told the world’s scientists that the warming was not man-caused. Even Dad disagreed with the climatologist establishment, but he only did so in private.

Why today? What are they after? Maybe they just want to talk. Perhaps they are out in the wilderness to enjoy nature’s beauty. “But who knows---take no chances---hurry, hurry. Follow the plan, get up the steep slope, get a grip, be wise.” She ordered self.

Jude reached the high area. A quick glance down the trail revealed that the men were not in sight. As luck would have it, these men were definitely weak hikers.

She hurriedly descended a steep, fifty foot, angle drop, sliding on her rear-end between large boulders and strewn smaller rocks to finally reach her security covering. Here, she hoped the dense mountain thicket would keep the men from finding her while she watched their every move. Her waiting game began.

The two young men came into view stopping just fifty feet above her. To Jude’s horror the fatigued climbers sat down on the hard surface to eat and drink. She could see them clearly from between the thick, dense bushes. These dudes planned to stay put for a while. Their voices carried perfectly over the boulders and rocks as if it were meant to be.

“Hey, Phin,” the shorter man spoke, then coughed. “Where’d she go?” he asked.

“Don’t know Bro. Must be up ahead, too tired to go on,” he mumbled through hard breaths.

“Why’d she run? They said she wouldn’t know anything about us.”

Phin just shook his head while still trying to catch his breath.

“Well, we’ve gotta find her. We’ve been paid to do something,” the short man said, coughed again, then added loudly, “like take her bags!” The two young men came into view stopping just fifty feet above her. To Jude’s horror the fatigued climbers sat down on the hard surface to eat and drink. She could see them clearly from between the thick, dense bushes. These dudes planned to stay put for a while. Their voices carried perfectly over the boulders and rocks as if it were meant to be.

“Hey, Phin,” the shorter man spoke, then coughed. “Where’d she go?” he asked.

“Don’t know Bro. Must be up ahead, too tired to go on,” he mumbled through hard breaths.

“Why’d she run? They said she wouldn’t know anything about us.”

Phin just shook his head while still trying to catch his breath.

“Well, we’ve gotta find her. We’ve been paid to do something,” the short man said, coughed again, then added loudly, “like take her bags!”

“Yeah, but she seems to be quite a tough cookie. Need to be careful. Hey, you know, grab her bag, then maybe a little push and a fall over a cliff!” Phin chuckled at his plan.

“That’s it, Phin---man, you’re smart!”

Jude was horrified. These men were evil and intended to do her deadly harm. She crept deeper under the leafy brush, making certain to keep the guys in sight. “Thank you, Dr. Delight,” she lipped the words. Be careful Jude, think clearly. Let them do their thing. I just hope that my perfect plan of escape works. From now on I must keep my protection devices on at all times.

Preview of the next scene; yes Jude Jacobson survives the two sinister guys, she had too; it was the first chapter. Notice: if you purchase 2020 Torn Asunder you will discover many secretive plots that will have you trying to figure out how or if Jude or her dad will manage to overcome all the evil inflicted on them while across the nation and around the world other secret scenarios are happening.

Climatology Secrets

Jude ached all over. The deep scratches on her arms still hurt and though hidden beneath her long-sleeved blouse, they served as a reminder of her newest fears that constantly had her looking for her two pursuers.

She stood directly behind Hugh Hankiless, the conference organizer, the man behind most of the government grants for climate study, who at this second appeared deeply angry. Her over stressed mind wanted to yell out, Dad, stop talking. This isn’t good.

She sighed heavily as her father continued to speak. “Yes, my fellow scientists, I realize Earth’s temperatures appear to have risen. Yes, Earth seems to be warmer. Yes, there is an appearance of a partial degree Fahrenheit higher. But we as scientists must be rational, factual, and try to attain only one thing---the truth. There is no climate disaster alarm going off. Earth has always gone through warmer and cooler phases.” The elderly man flipped his long, straight, gray-haired ponytail off his shoulders and now stood taller. His many, time, worn wrinkles went into a frown. No one had clapped for any of his recent phrases.

“My dear friends,” Dad continued to address the silent members. “I was once impetuous, and yes, pertinacious and even hostile toward rules or scientific care. I did what was right in my own eyes. It was to hell with principles, it was to hell with God, to hell with moral dilemmas; yes---my, my---all these areas did not matter. If I could find the cure for a disease or perfect cell or make Earth listen to me and do as I believed, if I could sell another book and make that extra dollar, then the ends justified the means. Yes, more money and greater power were the goal. God help me!” He gestured with a wave of arms as he energetically concluded. “And God help all of you who do the same! We must stop lying and stop deceiving the masses.”

For many, long, drawn-out seconds, Jude watched the obviously stunned Hugh Hankiless who, at this moment, got to his feet and momentarily stood motionless in the back row. The lobbyist appeared to be in a panic as he looked anxiously from one side of the auditorium to the other. He lowered his head and walked toward the back door where he leaned his head against the wall nearest the exit. Jude walked into the ten by fifteen foot area that led to the door and maneuvered closer to him, making certain that she was hidden behind several of his entourage; she could hear his short breaths.

Sweat poured off the big man’s head. He leaned over to say something to his secretary. Then the big man’s anger seemed to take control. “How much impact on our money supply from the Middle East will the words of that ‘has been’ professor have?” he asked the man to his left. “Can the climatology community recover from such revelations? What are the newspapers going to print? What will the television pundits say? Hell, what the old professor said is suicidal to our federal grants.”

Jude could not help but hear every word that Hugh hissed to his spokesperson concerning how to handle these delicate matters. “Tell the reporters that old Professor Jacobson is, uh, old, mentally ill, has Alzheimer’s, um, uh…tell them anything to debunk the words spoken. Hurry, start placing calls around the world, we can’t let the old man’s speech cut off any money.”

 A totally shocked Jude stood motionless and alone at the open back door that led outside into a rose garden. “This is awful,” she muttered with her mind in disarray. She turned and went into the perfectly landscaped rose garden. “I think I’ll just go to dad’s secret laboratory and wait for him and give him a piece of my mind,” she lipped angrily. “Dad, when you mess with my mind, my emotions and my reputation, you will hear from me,” she whispered with resolve.

Global Warming Confabs

Hugh Hankiless sat across the restaurant table from an old college friend as darkness signaled the end of another day in Seattle. From their dark, secluded corner of one of the city’s best food establishments, he recalled the harassing science seminar, where one lousy climatologist seemed intent on causing great monetary harm to the global warming agenda. Hugh grinned at his former college friend, knowing that his duties as a lobbyist, used acquaintances whenever possible. He thanked the power of the heavens to have sent one FBI connection to work with him on his schemes here on earth.

Lawrence Laramy Bookie III, otherwise known as Bootee, for reasons no one remembered anymore, looked across the table at the overzealous, overweight, rich lobbyist who would soon pay tonight’s dinner tab.

“Well---Boot, my man, I hope you will consider what is needed to be done for the Earth as well as the U.S.” H.H. stopped talking, sniffed his nose loudly and then continued to explain his plans. “We have a problem. You see, I know that Professor Jacobson has broken a federal law, but I just need you to figure out which one.” He chuckled. “He was on our team, but now he seems to be on the other team. Money no longer has any sway. Something is amiss. We must find the source of the old man’s reason for defecting. I have reason to believe the old professor has a discovery that will kill our ‘green’ agenda.” Hugh’s low, deep voice became quieter. “Hey, I know you were in the city for other reasons. But please, investigate this man’s background. Find anything, lock him up awhile, get his daughter Jude and question her. That’s all I ask. My company receives grant money from the EPA and Ecology Department to issue to climatologists who help our cause. He is hurting everyone involved.”


That is the end of the story at this time. Sorry to disappoint you, for only a few details will be disclosed, although several more readings are coming soon. But, if you do not want to miss 90% or more of the saga, I suggest that you purchase 2020 Torn Asunder. I your friendly author thank-you for your visit, come again.

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