July 4th 2019


What Do You Want, Constitution or Communism/Socialism?

Before any words of warning we first must consider the attribute of HATE and its ultimate conclusion in the political world; EVIL=HATE=ANTI-GOD=NO CONSTITUTION=NO CHRISTIANS.

HATE per Webster’s Dictionary: to dislike greatly, an extreme aversion; intense hostility towards others; to detest; odious; contempt of somebody or something.

We the People are definitely wielding a powerful force behind Hell’s Fork that is destroying America’s freedoms. We go to picnics. We roast hot dogs. We go to games. We do all sorts of fun things. We even go to spooky, scary Halloween parties, when in reality we should be scared of the horrors that are happening in Washington D.C. as politicians take away everyone’s liberty! Meanwhile, most Americans are too busy living, and do nothing to stop them. Indeed, almost everyone keeps on assuming that all is well in America. Most students believe the lies of their teachers. Some teachers think and teach that the politicians really care. Others teach that anything and everything about our Constitution and republic are evil and just plain wrong. Then there are others whom mistakenly think that radio talk-shows will make everything alright. Why, it is even unquestionably believed by most Christians that all churches preach the Gospel truth. But all these assumptions are based upon empty promises and not upon the actual words of the Constitution, nor upon the actual words of the Bible.

Daily, young people are mindlessly indoctrinated into socialism by corrupt educators. Hourly, viewers and listeners are being brainwashed against our Constitution by the depraved media and the corrupt politicians and judges. Minute by minute, most Americans’ devoid of wisdom become lulled into a lethargic, passivism that promotes ignorance of both the Constitution and the Bible.

Few of you know what evil is, and fewer still know the evil that is unfolding in this nation. The puppeteer powers behind the scenes and their puppet politicians are jackhammering away at freedom, and America puts in earbuds and ignores them.

Evil is rampant in America. Almost weekly ungodly corporate men and women promote the vile attributes of Satan. There is no hiding their wickedness as they force their employees to accept immorality as the norm. These same vocal business people declare their hate of God and the Bible as they tell their customers to believe as they, and if not, buy from another business. They do not care, because they hate Bible principles and have become very bold in their proclamations. These corporations that are hell-bent will definitely be a major cause for God’s judgment on America. It is difficult, but if one continues to purchase their products, that one, is certainly promoting their immoral agenda. If you get to know these business people, it is most certain that you will find that they hate the Constitution and they definitely hate true Christians.

I realize that some of you listen to good talk-shows, yet still nothing is done. Is there anything that stirs your emotions enough to propel you into action that will save liberty? Or is it that most of you are only concerned about selfish pleasure, with God and country only an after thought?

I understand that most must go to work. But I implore everyone; do not allow work to consume all thoughts and activities. I know that weekends are set aside for rest and relaxation. I’m aware of the importance of both work and play. But, if they get in the way of the most important aspects of life, including freedom, God, and the Bible, then I am afraid that you definitely belong in this prong from Hell that is destroying America as we know it.

Please, get involved! Don’t just shrug off your duty. I pray that a deep concern transforms all of We the People into the type of Americans that our Founding Fathers were. I urge you, I entreat you, I beg you, I beseech you and I earnestly challenge you, that even before you finish reading this blog and buy book, Hell’s Fork Advances, America’s Warning, that you begin to pray everyday to God and start a daily routine of reading the Bible, knowing that it will take a powerful Act of GOD to save your freedoms.

Stop Hell’s Fork

Quote: Edmund Burke (a member of the British Parliament, devoted to liberty and American Independence). “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”


No matter what you think or believe, the Constitution was created to provide you the good that freedom brings We the People. What restricts government is the Constitution, and if the Law of the Land is not obeyed, only evil can exist. Evilness wants unrest. Evilness desires to make trouble. Evilness wants dissension. Evilness destroys goodness. Evilness hates God. When people are controlled by evil forces there will never be peace or love and there will never be contentment. Most Americans and most politicians are controlled, either knowingly or unknowingly by an inspired source of evil. Our nation’s problems are symptoms of evil ideas that come from the same source of all evil, Satan. When Congress, presidents, and politicians refuse to acknowledge God they will despise the Bible and they will not obey the law of the land, the Constitution. In fact, if anyone denies God, they inevitably accept evil. Remember what our Founding Fathers said; without the Bible and God, evil people will rule! Hundreds if not thousands of government employees and politicians want total control of everything in the whole of the United States, and to achieve total control over everybody, they will deliberately cause chaos. They are desirous of absolute rule that requires the loss of all freedoms in America. However, for now, they want everyone to think everything is normal while they scheme to destroy this country’s freedoms and economy. I declare, they are tyrannical people.


As you read the following quote, It would be easier to comprehend if one has painstakingly read every word in my book Hell’s Fork Advances America’s Warning, in which I reveal the almost irreparable condition in all aspects of our society, including our state and federal governments. Yet you must read the next quote of the former Soviet Unions leader, Valadimir Lenin.


“Corrupt the young: Get them away from religion. Encourage their interest in sex. Make them superficial by focusing their attention on sports, sensual entertainments and other trivialities. Always preach true democracy but seize power as fast and as ruthlessly as possible. Encourage government extravaganza, destroy its credit. Produce fear with rising prices, inflation and general discontent. Encourage disorders and foster a lenient attitude towards disorders by specious argument cause the breakdown of the old moral virtues: Honesty, sobriety, self-restraint. Cause registration of firearms to leave the population defenseless.”

Valadimir Lenin, 1921 (abridged).

Their Plan: How To Create A Socialist/Communist State

1. Control Healthcare

2. Increase Poverty

3. Increase Debt

4. Gun Control

5. Welfare

6. Control education

7. Remove Religion

8. Class Warfare


Our country is in a war between Good and Evil. We the People act as if our freedoms will last forever but they will not unless we wakeup and politically and spiritually battle for our children’s and grandchildren’s future. I declare to all Americans, every one of you in America must get involved and stop this planned destruction! You must take Hell’s Fork by the handle and control its actions! If not, the radical communist will rule over you from inside all our federal government departments and agencies.

Lenin said it, our educators teach it, the media endorses it, our politicians implement it, judges approve it, and We the People accept it. By doing nothing to stop the communist state plan, most Americans must agree with Lenin’s plan, it seems that even most church leaders and even some of the conservative voices must agree.

Out of the eight objectives that will create a Communist State, there are only two that are yet to be completely taken over by the evil ones who are daily blasting away at our gun rights and our rights of Christian beliefs and the freedom of its religious expression.

It is one minute to midnight in our history and America is at the crossroads of EVIL and GOOD, and We the People are caught betwixt and between a Constitution rule of law or no government law. Our country is once again in a pre-Civil War era wherein almost hourly evil proclamations assault our Constitution that if obeyed restricts our government’s authority that in so doing allows a free economic system which promotes every person in our country to work in their pursuit of happiness.

I question all Americans, do you want treasonous socialism/communism to destroy your freedoms and self-sufficient capitalism or do you want absolute government controls on everything, that when applied in other countries all through history have destroyed all freedoms in that country and caused shortages of medical and food supplies that killed millions of  people? Please, reason in clear ‘Freedom Thoughts’ and you will agree that We the People must stop the evil insanity that enthralls millions upon millions of American.

One major reason for our country’s freedom being close to extinction is that a majority of retirees selfishly feel that they have worked hard all their life, and now they deserve to relax and play; their time is theirs and nobody else can take that from them. God forbid this attitude! I declare, help save our freedoms. If one is still able to golf or travel, then that one is not too old to get involved. In all truth, are your retirement pleasures more important than your grandchildren’s future? I urge you to set aside time now for saving your children’s and grandchildren’s future in this country that is fast headed for God’s judgment. The politicians in this country’s government are intent on destroying America as we know it; and all that We the People retirees are doing is playing golf, traveling, acting as snowbirds, drinking coffee or playing bingo; with most of you doing nothing to stop the downfall of America. America is in a war between Good and Evil. Get involved! Pray! Preach! Teach! Vote! Read and know, the Constitution, the Bible, but know this, it will take an ACT of GOD to save America.

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