March 31, 2020


Preface: This is the last of four blogs that give the solution for our county’s people that if accepted by millions of We the People, We could save our freedoms from those who intend to completely destroy our Constitution.

Your comments are welcome!

Freedom From Life’s Stresses

As you begin to read this blog, your first thought might be that what you are reading is untrue, and you think that you cannot read on! However, if freedom from your afflictions, addictions and stresses is desired, you must read on. In my recent Freedom From Life’s Problem blogs the positive proof was given--the Bible is the True Word of God. If one study the Bible in seriousness, that person will believe it could not have been written without our Creator’s directions, for by chance all the prophecies could not have been fulfilled. And then, in the last Blog, you discovered that you are a marvelous creation of God, a computer that is in need of virus and malware protection that will free you from the worst virus attacks that can destroy your soul and spirit forever.

Here is a Better Way for your soul’s computer functions (Read, Pain & Misery blog) 

Consider the void you feel within. Think about how you handle the stresses of life. Are there times of depression or oppression that overcome your mind, soul and spirit programs? Do relationship issues cause you much grief? Does anger consume your mind at times? Are there rejections from family that cause bitterness that eats at your soul’s feelings? Is there complete peace deep within your soul? If not, what do you do about the lack of peace? Are prescription or illegal drugs your answer to social issues? Do you drown your unhappiness in alcohol?

Think clearly for a moment; what about all the problems hidden or not hidden that are toxic viruses still lodged in your brilliant computer programs, that soon may cause you greater problems if not cleared out by the manufacturer’s virus protection. What most of you know is that in the world of man-made computers, the only truly good and safe computer is one with virus protection.

The Bible is God’s Truth

The Bible is God’s word. It is the truth. Only God could tell the prophets the prophetic words and then have all of them come to fulfillment as written. Only God supplied the exact words in all the Bible prophecies that are approximately 1/3 of the words in the Bible with ½ of them already fulfilled as written and the other ½ will soon come to pass as written (2 Timothy 3:16, 2 Peter 2:21).

Believe God’s Word

Most people do not have a virus protection in their mind, soul and spirit programs within their God-Made computer and in reality they are in a delusional, inebriated state of mind, soul and spirit. But when you accept the program changes that will enable your mind, soul and spirit to see everything in a clear focus, you will know what is true and what is false. If you accept in your soul, heart and spirit this new God-given program, almost immediately you will feel a peace come over you as you allow your problems to be placed in control of your creator God. Your life now will be seen through the lens of God Who can and will soothe your life’s stresses. Jesus said, “Come unto Me all who are heavy laden and you shall find rest in your souls” (Matthew 11: 28-30).

Satan Is Evil

But you must know, per God’s Word, Satan is always trying to destroy your life. God has no tolerance for sin. Lucifer the most powerful angel created by God led a rebellion against God with one third of the angels and God threw them out of Heaven. Ever since, Lucifer now called Satan or the Devil, has tried to destroy God’s plans (Matt. 4:-11), Isaiah 14:12-15, Revelation 12:7-9). Satan is extremely powerful. He is more powerful than you (Ephesians 6:11-16). When mankind sinned, Satan deceived them. When you rebel against God you are in Satan’s army, thus you are a sinner. Satan’s greatest desire is for you to be in HELL with him for eternity.

Give God a Chance; What Have You Got to Lose?

I hope the truthful presentations will filter through a lifetime of biases and penetrate deep within your soul’s emotional aches and hurts that still cause inner pain. Allow God the time to soothe your soul, to free you from addictive bondages, to liberate you from emotional damages that only He the Creator of your inner computer can provide. Accept God’s virus eliminator.


The only answer that will eradicate addictions and stresses are in the words of Jesus that follow; it is He alone that will help you overcome your distressful problems. The words in parentheses help explain the meaning of the Greek as written in the original scriptures (Luke 4:18). Jesus read aloud in the Synagogue from the text of Isaiah 61:1, a prophetic verse about Himself written over 700 years before He came to earth. “I have come to preach the Gospel to the poor,” (the humble and helpless in spirit); “I have been sent to heal the brokenhearted,” (Jesus came to bind up people dashed to pieces from life’s hurts and sins); “I came to preach Deliverance to the captives,” (Jesus offers freedom to you who are bound by drugs, alcohol, pornography, or any other addiction that holds you prisoner); “and recovering of sight to the blind,” (If you believe Jesus is God Who came in the flesh of man to die for your sins, you will see the truth); then Jesus read, I came to set at liberty them who are bruised,” (Jesus came so you can be released from emotional calamity that oppresses, to be set free from those things that weigh you down). Then He read with authority to the congregation, “This day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears.”

I urge you, give your life to God and He will take away all the bondages of sin from you. Jesus says in John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that He gave His Only Begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have Everlasting Life.”

Jesus said, Believe on Me, trust Me, have faith in Me, and live forever with Me. Jesus is God. He created you. He cares for you. If you desire, He will soothe all your hurts and pains. He will free you from addictions. He will set you free from all your emotional turmoil. Talk to Jesus in true repentance. Say that you are sorry for your rebellion, repent of your sins, and within your whole being believe in what Jesus did for you and Jesus will set you free.  Just Believe in Jesus, He is your friend.

Soon you will notice that God’s virus protection is working deep within your soul. Ask Jesus to continue His virus and malware cleansing and He will help you overcome all that has burdened your soul. Read John chapters 1, 3, 10 and 14, 1 John 1:9 & Romans 3:23-24, 6:22-23. These thought provoking heart changing words will make you a better person. You may not know it, but you can change your lifestyle through Jesus. You can run from these words, you can reject them, but you cannot run and hide from the truth forever. What you do now will have a negative or positive impact on your immediate future and a great effect upon your eternity. Begin reading the King James Version of the Bible by first reading the book of John. Allow Jesus to change you into a godly person. God desires to bless you. Trust Him. It is of utmost importance that you pray the following prayer.


Dear God in Heaven, I believe that you sent Jesus to die on the cross for my sins and that He rose from the dead. Forgive me for all my sins. Jesus, I accept you into my heart. I will trust you for everything. I will tell others that I am a new creation in Christ Jesus.  I’m born again, (John 3:3.) God, I’m powerless in myself, and I ask, fill me with your Holy Spirit so that I will be victorious over all that Satan throws at me, (Acts Chapters 1 and 2). Thank you Jesus!

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