November 18, 2019

Future Daily Life In The New Green Deal Era


If you think that the terrifying scenes I reveal to you from 2020 Torn Asunder are most of the wild and scary ones, you are wrong, wrong and wrong. Get your credit card out and spend the few dollars needed and then enjoy the 516 pages of the 59 chapters after chapter of breathless unstopping drama.

2020 Torn Asunder is America’s Warning in a saga that I hope will create a passion in your soul to help save our Constitution freedoms.

Almost every sentence in the novel depicts what Socialism/Communism will do to America, for in every other country in the world throughout history, socialist/communistic dictatorships destroyed freedoms and their people perished because the economy completely collapsed.

This will be the United States in the near future when a socialist/communist President and Congress pass many New Green Deal Laws if We the People do nothing to stop THOSE WHO WANT THE POWER TO DESTROY YOUR LIBERTIES.

Loving Americans Help The Hopeless

No sooner than Jude and her friend Kim had taken a few steps, delirious shouts came from a man nearby. The ladies spun around to see a bent-over, rag-clothed man with a large stick in one hand as he stumbled into the stream yelling weird words amidst strange groans. He crazily shook the knobby tree limb at them from fifty feet away and then slipped, falling head first into the water. The large-boned man instantly sprang to his feet. Water ran off his full head of wild hair and long matted beard. Again he came toward the startled ladies, who still stood motionless. Grating sounds erupted from his mouth. Foam formed at the corners of his lips. In seconds, he came to be only thirty feet from the shocked ladies. The tall, filthy dude stopped to glare at something up near their vehicle. He raised the tree branch and pointed it toward them.

Spittle spewed from the man’s mouth as he blathered, “The devil, see, evil here, go, go, hurry. Wait, wait!” He charged Jude and Kim who ran up the steep slope screaming. Both ladies slipped and lost their footing as they scrambled up the stream’s steep, sandy bank and just as Jude finally got to the top, Kim again lost her footing and slowly slid feet first down the slippery slope toward the deranged man ten feet below her. The crazy man screeched in devilish laughter and with an evil grin waited for Kim as he shouted, “Devil president took job, woman gone, they took house, you’re mine!” In seconds he grabbed for her feet.

Kim clutched onto a branch of a small shrub, she shrieked and kicked wildly with the crazy man grappling with her feet.

Jude whirled around and charged the dude with her revolver drawn. “Back off or you’re dead!” she yelled then fired a shot over the man’s head.

“Yes, yes!” the man shouted and let go of Kim’s legs as he slowly backed away. “But ladies, please, please, help me,” he pleaded as Jude helped Kim up the slope.

Jude sent Kim to the truck with the keys. In mere moments, the still shaking Asian lady returned with her arms full of food.

“Oh, no, no, look, toward road!” Kim shouted and frantically pointed.

Jude beheld the dozens of people. She shuddered at the sight of the tattered, torn, and dirty clothing the people wore. She quickly noted the make-shift tents under the nearby bridge over the creek where they must live.

“Sir, the only help we have is food!” Jude spoke firmly. “We’ll set it here on the ground. But, first you must cross over the brook and stand by that big tree on the other side.” She pointed the revolver. “We’ll leave. Then you can come get this food. Do you understand?” she asked loudly while hiding ten twenty-dollar bills with the food.”

The crazy man had already walked to the stream’s edge. “Yes, lady,” he called back meekly.

 “Sir, you stay over by that far tree until the truck drives away. Got that?” she ordered and again fired the revolver as the man turned and ran into the water, where again he fell. In an instant, he stood up and ran harder up the creeks far side toward the tree about one hundred fifty feet away. Jude fired another warning shot.

She watched the man’s every step as well as noting that his friends had stopped coming. She walked backwards toward the pickup where Kim waited with the doors open.

A loud blast came from back up the road. The girls squealed. The weird man across the stream howled and dove for cover as did all his acquaintances. Seconds later, an old car, engulfed in smoke, bobbed and bounced around the road’s bend and came to a stop alongside the old Ford truck. A crying young woman leaped from the smoking, broken-down car and ran toward Jude as she pleaded for help. Jude, overcome by too many troubles, jumped into the pickup’s cab, slammed the door shut and started the engine. The girl pounded repeatedly on the door window.

“Please, please, could you take me and my baby to my mother in the next town? It’s only ten miles from here. We have nothing but a few cases of stuff, please, please help me!” the well-dressed mother pleaded. Jude lingered a few seconds. She revved the engine. “Oh, please, please, please take me!” the young woman pleaded in tears. “Please, my husband left after his job was gone. I have no money.”

Jude reluctantly opened the door, stepped out and touched the beleaguered mother’s hand. “You may come with us,” that was all she could say.

In the next instant, Kim had pulled the desperate mother’s cases from the broken-down car. “Hurry, lady! Yes, we take you! Get baby,” she ordered.

Jude looked to see that the homeless group remained where they had been a minute before. She breathed a sigh of relief after Kim and their hitchhiker loaded the last bag into their old Ford, but then noticed a ticket on the windshield.

Worries of the lawman lying in wait somewhere ahead harassed her thoughts. She read all the scary details. The warning ticket informed that a federal law ordered all vehicles over ten years old off the country’s roadways unless the owner paid a yearly $3,000 dollar user fee, and the law would take effect in seven days. It also said that if any of the old vehicles were parked on or in public places, the owner would receive a warning until the law went into effect. It also reminded all citizens that they must buy permits to travel between states.

A momentary silence hovered in the cab. Jude took another glance at the food and money left for the man. She revved the old engine, looked at the poor people one more time, shoved the gear shift and seconds later, three women with a baby raced eastward in an old Ford truck that would soon require them to buy two permits.

One mile later, Jude spoke up. “You know, Kim, the new law, it’s impossible, but we’ll need to stop for gas. Everything is like evil crabgrass. Use only credit cards, voices of secession, and now this. Holy crabgrass, we could be ticketed again, even in a gas station. It’ll take a miracle for us to find a gas station that will accept cash! Well---OK, Kim, it’s time to listen to music.” Both sisters chuckled.

Their new friend cleared her throat and talked for the first time. “Hi, my name is Star. Thank-you so much, God will repay you. Oh, yeah, those marauders back there? Well, there are others like them everywhere, so keep a look out.”

Jude nodded. “Thanks for the advice, I think we better introduce ourselves,” she said with a broad smile knowing that for the present all appeared to be fine.


Patrick Henry Quote: “Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect every one who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are ruined.”

Thomas Jefferson Quote: “The greatest danger to American freedom is a government that ignores the Constitution.”

I thank you for telling others about my books and this website. Get involved in our battle to save our freedoms. Pray that the spiritual eyes of millions of Americans will be open to the evil that is wide spread in our society, and that they will turn their spiritual eyes onto God’s Words, the Bible.

I will return soon with the follow-up on the Treason II blog.

Bill Basaar

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