June 14, 2020

Some information: I am Sorry that in recent weeks I have not written any blogs, for of most importance was that I do what Jesus wanted me to do. On the back of my truck is mounted a 7’ 6” cross with a large American flag, & yes I was busy for the last three months driving my pickup around town from 1-3 days a week, 2-5 hours a day, playing Gospel music over my amplifier & speakers as well as proclaiming the salvation message of Jesus to my small city citizens. In a few days there will post a photo of my truck.

I AM THAT I AM’S Remedy For Race Hate

From the flaming bush THAT DID NOT BURN God told Moses to free HIS people from Egypt and Moses asked, what shall I say as to who sent me? God said, tell them, I AM THAT I AM sent you (Exodus 3: 13-14). Yes, I AM THAT I AM is still the Almighty GOD that wants to free his people from the fear of the pandemic lies and free you from the riots, and free you from the lawlessness and free you from the godless politician’s unconstitutional mandates. Yes, I AM will help Americans even in theses days of turmoil, but you must place all your trust in I AM THAT I AM your Jehovah God who tells you that He will set you free of the race hate that rages in our country. What will you do? Rebel against His words or listen to I Am that I Am who is Love. If millions of Americans give their whole body, soul, and spirit to Him, God’s love will fill their whole being till their God given love will prevail throughout our society. It is the only remedy for America’s race and justice troubles as well as the only path to real liberty from lawlessness, and freedom from unconstitutional mandates


I AM THAT I AM, the True Living GOD, and there is no other GOD but ME. I AM THAT I AM WHO demonstrates My Power in ordinary events throughout eternity. I AM THAT I AM, CREATOR of the heavens and the Earth. I AM the ALMIGHTY. I AM THAT I AM the ONE WHO controls the rise and fall of governments and nations and leaders. I AM HE WHO allows or disallows. I AM destroys or restores, for I AM THAT I AM, that sees your pride and rebellion, and I AM will judge for the good done or evil rendered. I AM THAT I AM which was and is, and is to come. Ask, seek, knock and you will receive, for I AM, created you, I AM That I AM, GOD loves you. I AM your GOD, the only TRUE and LIVING GOD.

I AM, the ALL-KNOWING. I AM THAT I AM in all places. I AM, ALL-SEEING. I AM, ALL-HEARING. I AM THAT I AM desires your praises, for I AM THAT I AM, the only HOLY, LIVING GOD, listen to Me and My Love will permeate from everyone who hears these Words from My Book, the BIBLE, and influence all people.

I AM is and is everywhere you are at all times. I AM, your GOD that listens to you twenty-four hours a day, for it is in every minute of every day of every year wherein I AM THAT I AM Loves you and takes care of you  I AM  is with you at home. I JEHOVAH is with you in your car, I JEHOVAH is with you at work, I JEHOVAH is with you while you shop, I JEHOVAH is very desirous of your fellowship. I AM THAT I AM is at your side all the time, in all you do. I AM your FATHER GOD, I AM, JESUS, your GOD, as WE always were and as WE always do, WE will always love and care for you. I AM THAT I AM your healer, I AM the supplier of all your needs, and I AM your REDEMMER, Just place your belief in Me Jesus, for I died on the cross so that if you accept Me, I AM THAT  I AM, will supply you with all I, Your God has promised in the Bible.

I AM THAT I AM YOUR Creator, I will protect you if you trust Me. Put your hand in My hand & I AM your Creator will lead you safely thru times of troubles. FEAR NOT for I AM WITH YOU.

I AM THAT I AM wants every child, every woman & every man to cry out for forgiveness and for blessings. I AM Desires to be everybody’s REDEEMER and Protector.

You Must Believe In Jesus!!!

I AM THAT I AM SAYS in 2 Chronicles 7:14, “If my people, who are called by my name, shall humble themselves, & pray, & seek My Face, and turn from their wicked ways then I will hear from Heaven, and I will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

If millions of Christian or non-Christians in America Talk to Jesus in true repentance & Say they are sorry for their rebellion, repent of their sins, and within their whole being believe that Jesus died on the cross for their sins, then Jesus will set all of you free of stresses and depression, as well as, GOD WILL HEAL OUR LAND. Just Believe in Jesus, He is your friend. Read the Book of John in the BIBLE. Make God the Lord of your life and help save America from the evil of SATAN’S forces that are destroying AMERICA.


I AM THAT I AM has your eternal abode prepared, so that where I AM THAT I AM is you can be also. Have no fear! I AM THAT I AM of eternity. I AM THAT I AM will soon return to Earth and in the air where I AM THAT I AM, JESUS your SAVIOR will meet you, and you and I, JEHOVAH will be together forever.

I AM says in I Thessalonians 4:16-17, “For the Lord Himself shall descend from Heaven with a shout, with the voice of the Archangel & with the Trump of God and the dead in Christ shall rise first, then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord.”




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