Immigration Lawlessness Vs Immigration Law

Per the book, Hell’s Fork Advances, America’s Warning, I present these Freedom Thoughts. On what basis does Congress refuse to create wise naturalization (immigration) laws, and not even enforce those on the books? How is it that cities and states refuse to obey the law of the land and get away with the lawlessness? And then there is the issue of the so-called DACA illegals brought into our country by illegal immigrant parents as well as other children brought in by people with the intent to force trouble on our government. How is it that Congress could solve these problems, yet they do nothing?


If one carefully studies power #4 in Article I Section 8, it is duly noted and duly read, that immigration laws is enumerated as a federal government power in the Constitution. Hence Congress definitely has the power to create immigration laws and enforce them. To be honest with you the reader, most in Congress would do nothing unless they realized it could cost them a seat in Congress. Therefore, Congress will only do something if it favors their political agenda, which results in lawlessness in regard to lack of wise immigration laws that benefit legal citizens with Constitution ordered protection.


Congress, by the law of the Constitution, must create immigration laws. And they have. They have set up a legal process that most in government could not care less if they are enforced or not, and therefore, illegals are allowed to come freely into our country. Again this is evil in that it ultimately allows terrorists and illegal voters into our country. Another question that Congress must address in regard to an unconstitutional fact is that nowhere in the Constitution does it give the legal right whereby one judge has the power to order the federal government what it can or cannot do in regards to immigration? It seems that our justice system is controlled by oligarchic authoritarian judges and not Congress; it is utter judge craziness that rules our country. Think on that fact. One judge can control our country. God help us. Please God, give Americans some wisdom.

I must ask a couple of questions to clarify a Constitution power point. Where in the Constitution does the President and those in the executive branch have the authority to not enforce the immigration laws? Is it constitutional for the President to say who comes in or who cannot come into our country? The obvious answer is that there are no such powers given to the executive branch, unless there is a matter of safety for our citizens, otherwise it is an exclusive Congress power. But as always, Congress wants to pass the responsibility back onto the Executive Branch and those in the Justice Department whom always do whatever they see fit to do for the safety of the country’s legal citizens that politicians will criticize for their political gain.

The number one priority of the federal government through the laws of the Constitution is to protect We the People, yet Congress will not protect us from the invasion of terrorists on our southern border where a wall is needed and large sums of money needed for more border agents. Meanwhile, Congressional members relish every fanatical action or deadly event that they purposely use to stir up greater hate and bigger demonstrations of chaos to further their political agenda which is to take away our Constitutional rights when We the People cry out for help from the government. As it always has been, evil agendas control self-minded people in our government.


After one devotes themselves to a deliberate study of the eighteen powers that Congress has, that one will quickly be drawn to the fact that eight powers are directly connected to the protection of the whole of the United States, with the number eighteen power given to provide for the regulation of all the powers along with the collection of money in the first power. One could then say that ten of the eighteen powers are for the nation’s citizen security. But then, if one considers immigration as keeping our nation safe, the total number of powers related to protection is eleven.

Consider this thought; if over half of the powers that Congress has are for the America’s defense, then it is obvious that most of the laws created by Congress should be directed towards security of the country without taking away any of our freedoms. It is also apparent that most of the taxes collected should be spent on the defense of the country. But, we all know that is not how the money is spent.

We have in America inumerable citizens and most politicians who want to legalize illegal immagrats in the cause of love that in reality is a belief in lawlessness that is formulated from a source of evil that desires chaos and anarchy in their plan to destroy our freedoms granted by the Constitution. This fact, in reality is evil that is called love in the name of equality for anybody in the world. Does that bother you enough to force you to become involved in some area that will secure our freedoms from the votes of lawless politicians?

Our borders must be secured from the onslaught of foreigners that come into our country illegally. But a majority in Congress seem to have no concern for the safety of the country’s citizens; therefore if illegal aliens are not completely stopped by Congress, then Congress’ lack of concern for our safety from illegals and terrorists is comparable to treason; is not aiding and abetting a terrorist easy access into our country an act that helps our enemy. When politicians aid and abet a law breaker it makes them guilty of a crime. Is this why registered voters in America elect their congress members into office? Do you really want Congress not to protect We the People, which is their number one priority?

Illegal aliens have no U.S. Constitutional rights; they have broken our laws, and therefore, they must receive no schooling, no social security, no free healthcare and no license of any kind; they must be deported immediately upon being caught.

All Americans should know that illegal immigrants coming into our country must be stopped, yet many congress members think lawlessness is not criminal. Thereby, We the People have two options that will help correct the immigration idiocy. Firstly, we must vote into Congress only politicians that will pay for a wall and more border agents as well as provide new border technology and then, ratify new wise immigration laws. And the second option is that our current President may be able to push for new wise laws. But, We the People must encourage our President with boisterous help, and therefore he will take action that is for our PROTECTION.

We have serious problems in our country, and yes it is of utmost importance that you study the eighteen powers of Congress enumerated in Article I Section 8. I have studied these over and over and I am certain that if you study them with your political biases removed from your mind, and if you reflect on the country’s major problems, you will come to understand why we have so many problems in our country. Think deep within you soul, do you think that our federal government can solve any of the nation’s problems? I mean, comtemplate on our Congress people and you will observe and even feel that there is a rebellious evil spirit in too many of our congressional members. Therefore I ask, what is the solution that will in someway solve  any of our nation’s problems? Or could it be possible that there is no solution? Or perchance there are many solutions, but nobody cares to institute even one of them? Of course there is a solution that I will find hard not to give at least a hint as to what it is in my blogs. Read Hell’s Fork Advances and study the chapters devoted to our country’s only solution. And if you read those chapters, you may disagree with me at first, but I proclaim, it is the true answer for all America’s problems.

Here are my last words today in regard to how judges, lawyers and politicians interptet the Constitution in these days of lawlessness. They say that the only law the government must obey, is changeable to mean anything different today from what the Founding Fathers meant it to be forever, and I say if they are correct then your present government of elected politicians and non-elected officials follow no written law and are a group of lawless thugs bent on a total control binge to rule over their servants, which is what they consider all of you to be.

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