April 29,2019

I Choose to Murder My Baby, I Dare God, Stop Me

It is hard to believe that the evil forces of Hell’s Fork have completely brainwashed Americans by filling their minds so full of lies that they kill in the name of self freedom. Their lies are evil. There is no truth in their minds and there is no love in their souls.

Throughout the history of the world you will find that every civilization or government that refused to honor and obey God, crumbled into obscurity. Some died from diseases, some were eliminated by opposing armies, and some fell into an economic collapse. A few became so caught up in their orgies of deviant behavior that God annihilated them. Many civilizations sacrificed their babies to their gods, an evil practice that was abhorrent to God, an act that He always judged with severe punishment. Most of you shudder at the thought of sacrificing babies to the gods. Most of you think that you live in a very civilized society in America, and yet babies are killed in the womb, a practice that in reality is a human sacrifice to the god of SELF.

We the People of the United States of America are quickly crumbling into wickedness that is worse than any heathen nation in the world’s history. Our federal government deliberately will not obey the Constitution. Corrupt politicians worship their false god of power. In general, people in the state governments and the federal government hate the True God. They do not fear God. They have cast God out of society; in fact most have eliminated God from their life.

Most in our country, for the sake of sexual freedom and perversion within their demented thoughts of glorious liberty with no repercussions and for fornicating pleasure, are sacrificing unborn babies to the god of self. Over sixty million babies have been offered as living sacrifices to idols in cathedrals called clinics/hospitals where worship is finalized by the deaths of the babies on the sacrificial altars called operating tables. And the high priests, called doctors, kill the babies for billions of dollars, some given to them by our government.

Most Americans Worship Your god Called Me.

In the name of liberty and in your selfish pursuit of the elusive happiness, most of you obey the god of Me and are living a life that resembles Satan and his fallen angels whom only wanted to do anything and everything that had no boundaries, no limits and no principles. Most of you are controlled by your selfishness, that is your god Me who is ordered by the same intoxicating evils that caused Satan and the angels to be cast out of Heaven by God, and debauchery runs wild. As a whole, We the People are a morally degenerate people, an emotionally sickened people, whom race along life’s pathway caring little about the future, for it is in the lust of our eyes, it is in the lust of our flesh, it is in the lust of our money and it is in the lust of our thoughts that energizes our addicted souls that forces nearly all of us to worship our god of self-glory in our freedom to be foolish that will soon lead all of us into a wretched future.

You do not follow God’s Biblical words.

You do not listen to God.

Your gods are Baal (prosperity), Molech (child sacrifice = modern abortion) and the Queen of Heaven of the Old Testament (the fertility goddess = sex).

God Warns All Americans

Babies in the womb have their own DNA. Each precious baby in the womb is created in the image of God. Babies in the womb have their own blood circulating through their little human bodies. And GOD warns all Americans, “Whoso sheds a human’s blood, that human shall pay with their blood. For in the image of God made He man” (Genesis 9:6). You can deny the truth, but the truth of God will find you. You must repent before Jesus, Who is God, The only true God, born from a woman’s womb; He knows that a baby in its mother’s womb is a tiny helpless living human who relies on mommy to keep it feed and safe. Therefore, if you killed your baby, you must in godly sorrow ask Jesus for forgiveness, and He will forgive you. But if you do not repent of your wrongs, you will eventually suffer the consequences before Jesus at His Great White Throne on Judgment Day and be cast into the Lake of Fire (Revelation 20:11-15).

Innumerable people in this nation deny God exists, deny that the little unborn babies are real humans, and even deny that an atrocity has been committed as they kill their infants. But know this, someday the debt will be paid, and their blood that is crying out will be answered, for God hears the faint cries of the aborted babies as they die. He hates the wickedness of the so-called civilized world as the evil forces of Satan tell women and men that murdering their babies in the womb is the civilized thing to do. Jesus sees every aborted baby these heathens kill and He knows the name of every killed baby for He has written its name in the Book of Life (Rev. 20:15). And unless We the People, including the mothers of these aborted babies, repent and believe in Jesus, there is no doubt that Jesus knows the names of those who are NOT in the Book of Eternal Life (Rev. 20:15, 2 Samuel 12:23).  Is your name in the Book of Eternal life?

Americans, Repent!

God hears the cries of every murdered baby. Their blood is crying out all across this nation. Unless Americans repent of this horrific sin, and ask for forgiveness, and in faith believe that Jesus died for all sin, and then live as God desires, swift justice will descend on America. Americans, you are fully warned; if millions of We the People do not repent, and if the people in our federal government do not return to honoring God and the Bible, our economy will collapse and all our freedoms will vanish. It may not be now, but it will happen in God’s time in the near future.

God’s Plans or Man’s Plans

God loves everybody, God loves every baby in the womb, but God is a Holy and Righteous God Who must judge unholy evil practices of Americans and He will harshly judge our federal and state governments and the heathenish citizens for their approval of the slaughter of sixty million unborn babies.

You may not know it, but as you believe or do not believe is also the same reason why your government does not obey the Supreme law of the Land, the Constitution. The politicians and judges are a rebellious people against God and His Word. Their decisions are evil as they rule and govern as they believe and selfishly see fit to do. A severe lack of biblical knowledge has led to a severe lack in constitutional knowledge, and a disbelieving of the inspired words of the Lord has led to disobedience of the U.S. Constitution. Therefore, evil is being called good and good evil, and that which is unlawful is being made lawful. God has been barred from school, prayer is forbidden at public events; Bibles are ordered out of the school class rooms, chaplains are silenced, and to make matters worse, your government leaders, fully intent on evil, allow for the abortion of babies and same sex marriages.

It is a fact that the wild beasts of the jungle care more about God’s natural law, which is male and female created for each other. Indeed the animals do not communicate with God nor are able to read the Bible, yet they mate with the opposite sex and then raise their conceived babies as God intended. Though this is the intended order of things, the courts of America deem evil to be good and good to be evil, and law abiding citizens are declared law breakers. The norm is everything turned backwards and upside down as all sorts of evils is on a rampage and yet Congress remains silent in its agreement of the wickedness.

Founding Father Quotes

Charles Carroll (Mr. Carroll signed the Declaration of Independence):“Without morals a republic cannot subsist any length of time; they therefore who are decrying the Christian religion, whose morality is so sublime and pure(and) which insures to the good eternal happiness, are undermining the solid foundation of morals, the best security for the duration of free governments.”

Thomas Jefferson: “God who gave us life gave us liberty. And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are of the gift of God? That they are not to be violated but with His wrath? Indeed, I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that His justice cannot sleep forever.”


Woe unto you who are in absolute rebellion against God. Woe unto all who are overrun with riches and deny there is God. Woe unto you evil-minded, haughty politicians whom do not turn from the sins of neglecting God and the principles of the Bible. Woe unto so-called Christians whom refuse to abide in Christ and therefore you reject most of His teachings. Woe unto all in America whom continue to live a life controlled by willful sins. I proclaim; such pride will destroy America.

“For God so loved the world (that means He loves all humans) that He gave His Only Begotten Son (Jesus), that whosoever believes on Him (Jesus) should not perish, but have Everlasting Life” (John 3:16). Jesus also said, “He who believes on Him (Jesus) is not condemned: but he who believes not is condemned already, because he has not believed in the Name of the Only Begotten Son of God (Jesus). Light is come into the world (Jesus), and men love darkness rather than light, because man’s deeds are evil. For every one who does evil hates the Light (Jesus), neither comes to the Light, lest his deeds should be reproved (humans do not want to hear that they are wrong, or that they have sinned, and therefore they will not repent and they will not be forgiven and they will be judged. Repent, ask Jesus to forgive you), (John 3:18-21, John 8:12).

Americans Beware

I warn all Americans, Christian Americans included; God will eventually punish America for this evil, barbaric practice of baby killing, called abortion.

God Loves Your Babies! Satan Wants To Kill Your Babies! What Will You Do?

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