February 28, 2020

Preface: This is the third of four blogs that give the solution for our county’s people that if accepted by millions of We the People, We could save our freedoms from those who intend to completely destroy our Constitution.

Is Your Life Just Pain and Misery?

  • Physical & verbal abuse in family
  • Love conflicts. Nobody gives a rip about you
  • overbearing authority at work/low pay
  • Drugs are a way of escape; no other hope of help
  • Alcohol is your only freedom from life’s troubles
  • Physical pain afflicts you hourly
  • Suicide thoughts torment you often
  • Your family is not the solution for anything
  • You have absolutely no peace in your soul
  • Counseling does not have the answers
  • Drug addiction rehab fails to help you
  • It seems that nobody cares, nobody loves you
  • Friends could not care less for you
  • Churches, priests and pastors cannot solve your problems
  • BUT, God loves you
  • Why not give God a chance to help you
  • Yes, your life is just pain and misery, but there is help!

God Created a Marvelous Computer

Consider how you were actually created in comparison to the computer you use in your work place or the one in your home. The computer is a machine with beautiful functions and fantastic programs. Most of you have fought the mess-ups in the thing. You have called it every name under the sun. Computers will crash. Your computer sometimes freezes up. At times it seems to take over what you are trying to do. Everybody knows that you need virus and malware protection at all times, or soon your computer will become almost worthless.

Consider this: YOU are a living, marvelous, elite computer made by your Creator, God. Each of you is a type of an ultra megabyte computer, truly the greatest computer ever made. The Creator of your computerized mind made you into a model that is beyond brilliant. Your mind not only functions like a computer but it thinks and comprehends in mental actions and social reactions with other humanoid computers. You are a computer that is loaded with a soul that is filled with fully functioning emotions and a spirit full of possibilities. This soul and spirit are connected to a physical body that can and does fantastic works of music, art, literature, architecture construction, manufacturing and inventions. You are much more complex than any ordinary computer that any man has ever created. There is the mix of your mental programs with a history of emotions and your reactions. There is a program of past thoughts and deeds that impact your mentalities and spiritual senses. Installed is your family background with you taught and trained in different education programs that are loaded in to make you quite distinct from anybody else’s computer on earth. This mix of your computerized complicated self is why you will be the subject of a change that will protect you for the remainder of your life.

No Freedom from Inner Viruses?

Think about this clearly; you were born and forced into this world without any virus protection in your computerized mind, soul and spirit. At your creation you immediately faced new programs thrust at you from all directions. Your mind received new data, your soul caught new feelings and soon there was a throng of program possibilities of which you had no idea as to how to use most of them. Nobody told you how to differentiate between truth and lies. What you did not know is that you needed the manufacturer’s virus and malware protection. The problem for most of you is that your parents also had no virus protection in their computer. In reality, in those early years you had no idea what truth was. In fact, you had to believe something, and therefore you thought that teachers or professors could be trusted. So you accepted their programs into your mind. Media influenced you, movies impacted you, friends had sway over you, family break-ups affected you, and through all these events and influences, the mental, soul and spirit programs in your computer became a scrabbled mess, yet you thought that you were in control and functioning perfectly.

You Can Remove the Addiction Viruses

What you did not know is that all these difficult circumstances of life are contagious viruses that damaged your computer programs that are still causing a malfunction in your hardware and software. There are those around you who want to keep your computer mind from performing as created, and they will slip in a Trojan horse that appears as a valid function but contains a hidden function that damages all your other computer programs. You believe that you are a normal human being, but a ‘worm’ has entered as it replicates itself and greatly interferes with the operation of your spirit and soul. You received warnings, but you deleted them. The maker’s virus and malware protection is ready for you to straighten out your programs and every once in a while a pop-up asks for your action to stop the ‘worms’ and Trojan horses. But as you go along your life’s pathway to please self, you ignore the warnings. You think that you can control these viruses without the manufacture’s help. But you have been deceived; an evil source has entered by way of a Trojan horse and you do not know it.

Remove the Trojan Horse Addictions

The sad reality is most People have been taught untruths; most believe that the Bible is full of fables and that God is merely a figment of a person’s imagination. All untruths are evil viruses that come into our beings by way of evil, sinister professor and political/media liars including most churches that are denying the truth of the Bible with their pastors and priests preaching only what the itching ears of their parishioners want to hear. Because of the abundance of political lies and Biblical untruths taught by these same evil liars our government bans prayer, the Constitution is rejected and the Bible tossed aside. Thereby our computerized minds, souls and spirits are totally screwed up by these satanic sin viruses making us of way less value to society than what God intended. God Forbid! Americans Forbid! Accept the free virus protection from our Maker, the one and only True God of the Bible, and almost immediately an unreal, almost euphoric, joyful sense within will begin to flow throughout your once depressed soul.

Virus Protection From Addictions

If you do not accept the words of truth in this blog, it is guaranteed that what you believe is just a figment of someone’s falsified imaginations, and you will never be free from your addictions and prescriptions for stresses. What all people must come to realize is that without God and His Words in the Bible, all mankind’s opinions and thoughts are only based upon feelings and wants and are nothing but contaminated evil intentions from within their virus infected computerized minds that have no truthful, virtuous knowledge and no moral precepts to base their facts upon, and therefore, they do not know what is truth.

Are all the drugs prescribed by doctors truly the answer for all our physical and emotional health conditions? Do our doctors, educators, politicians or judges solve all our problems? No, no, no and no!

With the thousands of the so-called brilliant politicians and the sophisticated legal profession in control of the United States, yet evil is on the rise. With the aid of doctors and psychiatrist a majority of Americans are still controlled by the troubles listed in the paragraphs just read. Depressed Americans, over-stressed Americans, and more and more angry Americans are seemingly out of control, with the only answer being more drugs or more alcohol.

Are you unable to overcome all your emotional problems and yet you reject God as your Savior? Do you still think that there is no need of God and that the Bible is only a book of stories?  Do you live to please self, yet you hate the life you are living and you think there is no need of the Bible or God? What do you believe? Believe that Jesus will set you free.

Jesus Will Heal Your Emotional & Physical Needs

Jesus is God (John 1:1-17). Repent and believe in Jesus, it is the best decision you will ever make. If you accept Him as your Savior He is your Healer of physical needs, Isaiah 53:5, I Peter 2:24, James 5:16. Jesus said in the book of John in the Bible, John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Begotten Son (Jesus) died so you could be forgiven) that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting Life.” Repent of your sins and rebellion and believe in Jesus, at which moment, you are Born again (John 3:3).

Born Again Joy

When you are Born Again the power of God falls on you and it completely overhauls your heart, soul and spirit, wherein a sensational, overwhelming, Almighty Glory consumes your being. You will never be the same. God has forgiven you. Your mind is renewed, bondages are eradicated, addictions annihilated, hate extinct, dissension forgotten, depression departed, and oppression obliterated. Imagine the almost unbelievable euphoria in your soul and spirit that is now healed from the bruises of life. You are overwhelmed by the cleansing sense that comes within, it a refreshing new creation in your mind, soul and spirit when everything in the world now comes in clearly and even how the government operates as everything political comes into focus. You now see and hear and understand God’s Word, you now know the truth about God’s salvation plan and are Born Again and able to live in society free from the old evil bondages of sin; you are free in body, mind, soul and spirit for the first time in your life (John 3:3). Place your faith in Jesus alone for what He did for you when He died on the cross and every word written here will be your future on EARTH AND IN HEAVEN FOREVER.

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