The Infallible Solution To Americas Problems, Part II


If a majority of people read the Bible and trust in God, there is much freedom; if few people read the Bible and trust in God, there is little freedom; if God and Bible are forgotten by nearly all the people, there is no freedom. 2 Corinthians 3:17 states, “and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty.”


I have written this information before; know this truth, the Bible reveals thousands of prophecies with half of them already fulfilled exactly as foretold with many of the others remaining being fulfilled in today’s news; and all the others soon to come to completion as foretold. It is mathematically impossible for all the ones already fulfilled to have come true by chance, only God could tell men of God to write them, only God knows the future and only God knows your future. I hope that you are a believer in Jesus because the Great Tribulation as foretold in the Bible is in the near future as written in the book of Revelation chapters 5-22. It will be the worst hell on earth in earth’s history as billions will be killed by Antichrist, earthquakes, pestilences, the Battle of Armageddon, etc. etc.

For your eternity’s sake please read to the end of this Blog.  There is a blessed HOPE, for me and all the believers in Jesus will be taken (the rapture) up into Heaven to escape the wrath of God as He punishes Satan and all who are in rebellion against God.  Read in the Bible, I Thessalonians 4:16-17 & I Corinthians 15:52-58. 

I must inform all who read these words that the source for every word is taken from the Bible. Trust me and read the King James Version Bible and study it again and again. It truly is God’s Word. A person’s spirit is only alive in Jesus Christ, and without one’s spirit being in fellowship with God, their spirit is dead. Without God there is no true happiness. If God is not our guide, if He is not our hope, if He is not our life, and if He is not our happiness and not our liberator then our souls are completely contaminated by passions motivated by evil forces. And therefore, Satan’s evil forces attack a person who is swiftly prodded into a downward spiral toward the destruction of their freedoms and a life forever without God, with Hell their forever destination.

True liberty is only found in Jesus Christ. Without God as a steady influence, one is easily seduced into believing the fabricated stories and lies of the media, medical profession, educators and politicians whom daily barrage Americans with socialist/communist propaganda. Without God no good comes from people who live in the darkness of their souls as Satan applies his evil through his demonic army. Without the Light of Jesus in a person’s soul, evil darkness proclaims that the Constitution is outdated, and therefore evil men and women purposely do not obey the law of the land.

The same is for all who read these words, without God living in ones soul there is no true happiness in life and there is a constant lack of gratification. Without the daily reading of God righteous instructions in the Bible one’s mind is easily sin polluted and eventually corrupted by Hell’s Evil Fork that are wielded by Satan and his demon forces. Look at the world around you and what you see is nearly all Americans living without God dwelling in them as most of them will praise the ones that forsake the law, while the true believers in God will urge their leaders and all others to keep the law. It says in the words of God as written in the Bible (Proverbs 28:4-5), “They who forsake the law praise the wicked: but such as keep the law, resist them. Evil men understand not judgment: but they who seek the LORD understand all things.”

The Bible clearly states, “Righteousness exalts a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people” (Proverbs 14:35). “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord” (Psalms 33:12).

God says, “If my people, who are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sins, and heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7: 14).

If a person really loves God, and if said person obeys God and if he or she is really born again and going to Heaven after this life to live forever with Jesus who died for them at Calvary, that man or woman will be full of passion for what is right in God’s eyes. That person will also be gravely troubled by evil and will be greatly concerned for who is in leadership positions in our Government. They will do all they can to inform others; these Christians are filled with God’s love, joy, peace, longsuffering and gentleness, and yet, they are ordered of God to reprove those who are sinners and headed for Hell (Matthew 10:28).

Imagine what repenting of your sins and believing in Jesus Christ does to one born again (John 3:16, John 3:3, I John 1:9). Yes, that is all one has to do, and guess what? You are free of the heavy bondage of sin! Joy will bubble up in your soul! A soothing peace will flood within; a new felt love overcomes bitterness and hate. God’s Creation will be greener and brighter and though life may still be cruel, you know that Heaven awaits you, and you will be with Jesus forever.

It starts with one person that soon multiplies into millions who truly are God’s followers, who know His word and do what He wills. After these millions of people become knowledgeable in government affairs and in the Constitution they will attempt to vote into political offices good, God-fearing people. This is a must if we want a chance to save America from the wrath of God as well as save our freedoms.


At the beginning of our history, the founders of our country were under the guidance and wisdom of God. Men and women followed God’s principles. Our Founding Fathers declared that we had God-given rights. They and thousands of American men fought for our independence to provide those rights and freedoms. Our history proves that God provided a strong influence on our Founding Fathers as He helped them establish The United States of America’s government that must obey the Supreme law of the land, the Constitution.

Patrick Henry said, “It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For this very reason peoples of other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom of worship here.”

The Gospel Of Jesus Christ Is True Freedom, If Accepted

The United States of America became a great nation. It was blessed by God, the only True God who sent His only Son, Jesus, to die on the cross for mankind’s sins, Who rose from the grave, victorious over Satan, sin and death. It was by the death of Jesus on the cross that provides our victory over sin and death; this is the message of the Bible from beginning to end. If a person truly repents of their sins and truly believes in Jesus (God in the Flesh) they are born again; they are a new man or a new woman with God now within their spirit; they are changed from a person that had evil in control to a man or woman with Jesus in control. This nation’s roots are firmly grounded upon this Gospel.

Noah Webster, (known as the Founder of American Education), his Quote, “In my view, the Christian religion is the most important and one of the first things in which all children, under a free government ought to be instructed....No truth is more evident to my mind than that the Christian religion must be the basis of any government intended to secure the rights and privileges of a free people.”


In those early years of our country’s beginning, a large portion of the men and women lived under the principles of the Bible; they prayed and listened to God for guidance when they voted God-fearing statesmen into political offices. While traveling across the country in those early years, there was a wholesome, fragrant flow, a sense of sweet relief noticed in the citizens that could be both seen in their faces and heard in their speech. In every valley, from on every mountain, across all fields and plains, over every vale and dale, it was up and down every river and lake that there arose a strong undercurrent of commitment to the freedoms that every American desired. A general sense of decency, a spirit of virtue, a common knowing spread along the ways and byways of the country with most knowing that God, the provider of Liberty was still being followed as a whole in this country. Most men and women, even boys and girls, knew the words of the Constitution; most Americans were taught from the Bible in the schools; America’s founders were considered heroes; for God and the Bible was the mainstay in a GOOD America.

In the 1700’s and in the early 1800’s, all across America, preachers called sinners to repentance. Church goers heard messages of righteousness over and over again as God spoke through His pastors exactly as the Bible teaches. They preached that saying you were a Christian did not make you a Christian; you needed to repent and serve God as the Bible teaches. So it was that these God-fearing Americans permeated their God-given virtues and morals into those around them, including politicians.

Some will still say that all these words about God and our country’s beginning is just plain poppycock. No, it is people’s disbelief that is just plain poppycock. Today a majority of Americans are in rebellion against God that has led to the majority of our country’s leaders unconcerned about the lawless, godless, unconstitutional rulings and legislation that is rampant in this country today.


It is obvious today in the year 2020, that most Americans have no real biblical principles, and I dare declare in written words, that the number of people in the U.S. whom thoroughly know the true words of the Bible and trust in Jesus for everything could probably be counted by most first graders. Therefore based upon that fact, most of We the People know very little about JESUS (GOD) and the Bible, and thereby, most of the men and women working in government have no fear of God. The Bible is The Words of God, You must read Them, They are His Words of comfort, His Words of Eternal life, His Words of Instruction for today and forever, the Bible is the only Truth. Jesus is the answer for America’s problems.

It is of great importance to know that our politicians are a reflection of We the People. If most of the people are in rebellion against God, most politicians will be in rebellion against God. If most of the people are righteous, then most politicians will be righteous. If most of the people honor God, the Bible, and the Constitution, then most of their leaders will too.

STUDY the Bible, BELIEVE IN JESUS, Place your trust in the God who created you, and if you are one of millions who turn their lives over to Jesus today, it may not be too late to save our nation’s freedoms.

Jesus said, “I am the Way the Truth and the Life, No man comes unto the Father, but by Me” John 14:6.

In John 14:9 Jesus explains, “He who has seen Me has seen the Father” (Jesus is God.)

Jesus also said, “the words that I speak unto you, they are Spirit and they are Life” John 6:63.

Read John 3:16 where Jesus said, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

Understand that Jesus informed us Who He was in John 11:25-26, “I Am the Resurrection and the Life: He who believes in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: and whosoever lives and believes in Me shall never die.”

Read my No freedom blogs again: No Freedom From Addictions, No Liberty From Depression and Is a Your Life Just Pain and Misery.

Pray this prayer and become Born Again. Dear God in Heaven, I believe that you sent Jesus to die on the cross for my sins and that He rose from the dead. Forgive me for all my sins. Jesus, I accept you into my heart. I will trust you for everything. I will tell others that I am a new creation in Christ Jesus.  I’m born again, (John 3:3.)

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