Preview: In the novel 2020 Torn Asunder, the President and his right-hand man meet to discuss their political world of New Green Deal legislation as the country’s leader listens to a couple of conservative talk-shows. Preview of the second scene allows you the reader to observe the money and law aftermath of the first scene, (Enjoy).

Conservative View-points

The critical words leaped from the old, wooden radio as the man listening was certain he understood the gist of the host’s words. “Folks, we have Marxist political operatives playing on people’s fears while they work with the so called climate experts who say Earth’s climate is changing. In short, the temperatures will rise to the point that the oceans will cover cities, most crops will fail, forests will die, and the deserts will expand while the lists of deadly diseases and plagues of insects causing harm to all mankind are growing longer. Well, folks, I will expound on these matters.” The host cleared his throat, sniffled his nose, then said, “But first, we must take an evil, free-market economic break.” The gentleman in the oval office turned the volume down from where he sat in his old, comfortable chair brought in from home. He took a sip of hot creamed coffee, leaned back and sighed.

In minutes, the conservative talk-show host’s voice again filled the beautiful room as the President listened to the monologue, trying to comprehend the conservative host’s words from his progressive point of view. “Earth’s evidence speaks forth volumes telling us that it was much warmer thousands of years ago when Greenland was a location where farmers grew crops. On our planet, droughts come and go, crops grow or they fail. Yes, folks, we do not need any more ‘green’ bills that will wreak more havoc on our already wrecked economy. And certainly we do not need the Global Climate Treaty that will give governance to other nations that would then control our government and tell us how to live.”

The President took a suck on a cigar that quickly resulted in an elegant puff of aromatic smoke. In moments, more enlightening words came from the talk-show.

“I have right here in my formerly nicotine stained fingers a report written by a renown climatologist that tells it like it really is. This research document details the rise and fall of temperatures on Mother Earth for over a thousand year period of time. Listen carefully to the facts printed on this paper made from cut down trees. It says that planet earth goes through cycles of higher temperatures when there are enormous explosions of gases on the sun that effected Earth’s rise in degrees. Then the temperatures fall during prolonged periods of less activity. This man---let me see---somewhere here in these piles of papers is his name---yep, he is climatologist, Forest Jacobson, and he writes of when temperatures were warmer on God’s green Earth than in recent years. You see, yep---back in the thirties when there were fewer cars, virtually no planes, no large power plants, yep---back then the planet was hotter than today. How can that be? Explain how that was so, when man had little from which to cause the higher temperatures back in the early 1900’s.”

The country’s elected leader knew that Stub Mooch would, at any second, personally deliver the latest news on the Green Peace bill before Congress. The sound of a soft whistle wafted down the hallway. In a slow deliberate manner the leader of the free world leaned over to turn down the volume of the old radio just as Stub entered the office with a smile of a cat that had just eaten the bird.

“Well---I see by your grin that the Green Peace bill passed,” the country’s leader said, to which Stub nodded ‘yes.’

“Yes, sir, and by a veto proof margin!” Stub exclaimed with a big grin.

“And I hope that it is good for the country.”

Mr. Mooch chuckled. “Hell yes, it is good for the whole country. Sir, emissions will be much lower, cities will be cleaner. It will be an example to the world that we can be trusted to do our part. Now they will begin to like us. You must sign the bill into law soon. There is no sense to delay and cause us grief.”

Abruptly, another conservative talk show voice came from the old radio. “This is a sad day in America. Our country’s politicians have taken another plunge off the bridge of economic sanity into the gulf of fiscal insanity. Congress must receive the wild, green dollar, extravagance award. Our country’s unemployment is at 25% and going higher, prices are rising; taxes are skyrocketing and garbage piling up. The government is ordering how businesses are to be run which is causing more economic havoc. Yet, with all these terrible troubles, there are people who still think highly of the President. I do not understand their convoluted thinking.”

The President leaned forward and shut-off the radio.

Stub looked away towards the windows with an incredulous look on his face. He hated the conservatives. The President was crazy to listen to them. Conservatives would do nothing that would aid in the redistribution of wealth.

“Sir---we should be ready to sign the bill tomorrow,” Stub quickly advised.



“Why so soon?”

“It is very important. Some of the legal stuff needs to take effect immediately.”

“What can be so important? Why so fast?” the country’s leader questioned. He knew that the bills passage gave them the names of the senators that would probably vote to ratify the Global Climate Treaty.

“Not certain the exact part, sir, but someone in the know told me it will make our country safer,” Mooch answered earnestly.

“Well, my friend, I’m not so sure of the expediency.”

Stub frowned, and then responded, “Sir, I was told that it has to do with the security of our country from domestic terrorists. We need to trust our elected people. It is a fine bill. It will cause no physical harm to any citizen. Most businesses have enough time to come up to speed on these new ‘green’ laws,”

The President knew it had taken a miracle to pass the bill into law. Now every vehicle in the country came under his manipulation. He stood up and softly hit his fist on the desktop. He turned and walked over to gaze out the windows. He stood motionless a long minute with a noticeable disgruntled look on his face. His ‘green’ teams would soon be in total control, and all he needed to do was get re-elected and then He would have complete control of the country.

Money Vs Law

A soft, gray mist drifted from the drab heavens over Seattle’s waterfront as far-off in the distance, fog horns bellowed in the wet, autumn-like air. In this common damp Northwest weather, the hundreds of gathering seagulls appeared oblivious to any of these weather or sound annoyances. Some of the birds flew, many sat on roof tops and others waited for food to be thrown their way while the humans walked by in a silent, hustle bustle after departing from the ferry that had just docked.

In the hither and thither of birds and people, only the flying ones seemingly communicated with their kind. It was obvious that most of the people remained focused on their to-go cup filled with their favorite drink on this another wet, ordinary, workday morning in the big city. It was noticeable that every person hurried to somewhere else, except for a few that occasionally remembered the gray and white birds eating habits.

Inside a nearby coffee shop, two men sat at a table along the outside wall as they sipped their drinks and nibbled at tasty pastries while they waited for their accomplices to come and help carry-out their latest plans. The bigger man appeared quite impatient as he continually stirred his drink. He would first look at his friend then peer across the dreary dock as if expecting someone at any minute.

The larger man nervously blew his nose into a paper tissue. “Well, Boot---we can now legally get our people.” Hugh Hankiless spoke boldly after taking another satisfying sip of his dark brew, though acting reluctantly to take the last bite of his blueberry scone that he toyed at with his plastic fork.

Boot nodded. “Yeah, but it is best we keep it under the radar,” he mumbled. “You know, Hugh, when we get these guys it must be kept from the conservative talk-show circuit. Even if it’s the law, all crap will fly if they catch wind of what has taken place.” Bootee reminded as he finished off his cranberry orange scone.

The big man hoisted up his pants. He leaned forward onto the table. He sniffed his nose. He furrowed his sweaty brow. “But Boot, I’d say it is the law!” he said angrily.

Bootee remained calmly silent. He wiped the sweat from his bald head with a white handkerchief. A deep frown now spread across his face.

Hankiless scowled. “What the hell---I’d say it is the law and hell can’t stop us,” he stormily voiced his opinion.

Boot responded with silence as both men nervously continued to consume hot coffee. Each took turns looking out at the wet scenery, each uncertain of the outcome to their present dilemma.

“Hugh, these are troublesome times in the world of law enforcement,” Bootee finally reflected aloud. “It’s the first time in my career that I think our country has a major legal problem. I believe that the Green Peace Bill is unconstitutional. How and why we arrest Jude and her old man should be kept quiet.” Boot saw sweat pour off Hugh’s forehead as the big man looked around the coffee shop that had quickly filled with talkative customers.

“Listen Hugh, we must at all costs keep a lid on our activities!” Bootee said above the room’s buzz of voices. “I don’t think the right-wing idiots on the radio have much clout, but I still worry that any spark they set may become a major firestorm.”

Hugh nodded acknowledgement. “Yes---I’ll work on it, but only a few know of the actual language in the bill. I’ll tell them of our possible problem. Your actions had better be fast! Hugh informed his lawman of choice. Hell, any luck finding that climatologist filly? Hugh asked nervously.

Boot shrugged. “Not yet, we were on the trail of Jude, but we lost her almost immediately. You know, Hugh, your chess game is missing some key pieces,” Boot said with a smile.

Hugh frowned. He flicked his tongue across his lips. “Tell me something I don’t know,” he said thoughtfully. “Yeah---money does not always get you what you want---can’t find that old man Jacobson. Anyway, his daughter must be caught---she is the one that will lead us to him. I wish we knew for sure where that girl is.” His furrowed brow revealed a distressful, full-scale, mental storm blew. He peered out into the dreary weather as he silently lipped his thoughts, “I really want her to be dead, but nobody can find her dead or alive. Boot, get her, it is now the law.”

Founding Father Quote

 John Quincy Adams (United State’s sixth President) “It is essential that you should form and adopt certain rules or principles, for the government of your own conduct and temper. Unless you have such rules and principles, there will be numberless occasions on which you will have no guide for your government but your passions...It is in the Bible, you must learn them, and from the Bible how to practice them.”


I will again recommend that you read the entire exciting 2020 Torn Asunder saga, for in the story are many different secret dangerous scenarios of politics, climatologists, and divers others that unknowingly and slowly will come together in a terrifying conclusion.

It will be worth your time and money to purchase and read the book, albeit you took the time to visit my little place on planet Earths internet. I therefore, once again thank you for coming to my website, Bill Basaar.

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