Oct. 4, 2019

Scocialism Is Not America’s Benevolent God

Preview: Blog #10 from 2020 Torn Asunder. I am certain that the next few blogs posted from 2020 Torn Asunder will depict the near future of the United States if very few of We the People get involved in our battle to save our Constitution as written, when without much warning, your freedoms as you know it, will be gone forever. I fear that most in our country have no idea that when Socialist/Communist take complete control of our federal government, our economic and Constitution freedoms will be destroyed as you will read about in the next few 2020 scenes posted, for they definitely will be your future.

Jude, the main character in my book 2020 Torn Asunder, is on a terrifying trek across America in an effort to find her dad, and therefore, I must inform those of you who read these blogs and have not read the book, that as Jude continues her devastating travels, she has become friends with people that she has placed trust in since she soon  realizes that most Americans have one thing in common, each is in a struggle to survive financially and physically in a country with over 30-40% unemployment that has led to Americans living in fear as chaos, mayhem and deadly situations are daily experiences; here is a poignant scene from the book.

I set the scene; no sooner had the group of bikers parked their bikes alongside Jude and Kim that the twosome instantly greeted them as if they had been old friends. Not long after the engines had become silent, the group as a whole conversed about travels, the weather and the road blocks ahead or behind. They shared their desires for the freedom to roam far and wide in order to get away from crazy people in higher places. Jude heard all the complaints that she equated to talk-radio conspiracies. She figured that the other biker’s troubles arose from built up fervor that came from embellished reasoning. Though the motorcyclists all agreed that the U.S. government was against them as well as against white corporate America, she could not connect her views of life to what they talked about.

Appearances Deceive/ here is the poignant scene

“You just wait young lady. They have plans to dismantle your life,” one burly guy said as he first guzzled at a Teddy’s Cream Soda then a Teddy’s Orange & Cream Soda. “Hell, my wife and I lost our jobs. We tried to sell our house, but the government had to first inspect it to see if it was up to their New Green Deal laws. Was it up to their standards? Hell no!” He took several glugs of pop from both jugs and then wiped his mustache. “They ordered us to fix it to the new EPA laws on cap and trade standards before they would allow us to sell it,” he yelled angrily. “Do you know what it would’ve cost us to make the changes to all the doors, windows, insulation, appliances, and to change from wood heat to wind or solar power? And that was only part of what needed to be done. It would’ve cost us a quarter million dollars to make all the changes.” The big man took what appeared to be his last, long drink of the soda, wiped his mouth on his sleeve then hurled the plastic jugs toward the pile of garbage on the ground surrounding several overflowing garbage cans.

Jude cringed. All I want to do is make small talk. I hear the man, but I think he’s delusional. I just want to race away.

Another man noticed Jude’s reactions and spoke-up. “Lady, he’s telling the truth. These things are happening all across America. All of us lost our jobs. Our Socialist in government want to force people from the small towns and into the cities where they’ll become dependent and be more easily managed by the government. They’re using the rioters to get their way.”

Jude tried to listen as one biker talked, the other men and women bikers shouted words of agreement.

The burly biker took a bite of a sandwich and with a full mouth spoke again. “Now you two ladies listen, what we say is true. My wife and I went to the bank in hopes to work out a deal. You see, as it was, we couldn’t pay our mortgage unless the payment was lowered.” He took another big bite, chewed a moment, swallowed and then continued his speech. “Well, guess what? The government owns the bank, and runs Fannie and Freddie who said we can’t receive financial help. My wife had a heart attack and died. The government only gives us food stamps or unemployment checks. There are no other jobs. Unemployment is now at 30%. Then as I was getting ready to leave town to take this trip across the country, a group of illegals were given my house, and they’re living there as we speak. Hell, that’s America today!”

Jude could clearly see that the husky man was angry, yet her mind ran negatively, I think his story is bogus, even if the sixteen other bikers say they have similar tales. At that moment, Jude heard the sound of a crazy conservative talk-show host coming from a biker’s radio. It seemed to be a replay of an earlier program, but the subject being discussed was beyond her wildest imaginations as the seemingly, the pleasant host now read from a document on global warming.

The biker group sat on or stood beside the bikes as they ate snacks, drank Teddy’s sodas and repacked storage compartments. Nobody said a word as the ‘great communicator’ spoke forth provocative information that Jude realized she needed to hear.

Although she disliked the talk-show hate-monger, what she thought she heard this morning from the so called ‘truth detector,’ shocked her. “Now as I told you folks, this climatologist has studied, experimented, tested, and set up computer models for decades. You see, Professor Jacobson is known as the leading expert on earth’s climate. He has reports from all parts of the earth that tell us there is no harm coming to Mother Earth from CO2’s. You see CO2’s are not the cause, they are the effect of the natural warming that comes from cycles mainly created by the sun’s irradiation emissions.”

Jude was happily surprised to hear the host quote Dad’s report as she tried to refocus on dad’s words and finally leave the leather clad group that continued to listen to the talk show and shout vocal support. Her mind was still confused, Dad, why are we deemed enemies of our government? What did you do that vexes me? Your acts breed consequences. Huh, maybe it is as these bikers said. Perhaps most regular news stories are lies. Is it possible that the truth be called untruth? Blast it all, I need to focus on what is important for our safety.

Jude waited patiently for just the right opportunity to get out of her stressful situation.

When more probable truthfulness still blared from the radio, “five years of cosmic ray activity could cause as much warming as two hundred years of human greenhouse gas emissions.”

“Amen!” the big burly man yelled. “You tell the nation man. Tell them to send the demons that run D.C. to hell.”


Jude’s freedom was in jeopardy even as she conversed with the bikers, but I the writer of the story could not reveal her most stressful issue lest I give away to many details of the wild and crazy saga. Therefore, you are advised, yes, yes, buy 2020 Torn Asunder to read the 95% of the story that you must find almost impossible to resist spending the $26 to find out what will be your future, that is unless Americans see and do everything as the Founding Fathers said would keep our politicians on the straight and narrow way of life.

Founding Father Quote

Robert Winthrop (Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives December 6, 1847–March 4, 1849) “Men, in a word, must necessarily be controlled either by a power within them or by a power without them; either by the word of God or by the strong arm of man; either by the Bible or by the bayonet.”

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