July 13, 2019


Preview,  8th 2020 blog: I trust that all who read these words will soon purchase 2020 Torn Asunder where in the 516 pages of the book your soul will feel the deadly evils of godless people as they terrorize and kill normal citizens. You will feel the fears and  terror of the main characters in their life or death battles against the evils of  political and government tyranny as they try to outthink the CIA and FBI in order to remain free and alive in what will be your near future if Americans do nothing to stop the onslaught that is daily destroying our freedoms provided by the Constitution.


Hugh’s deep voice reverberated, “Folks, silence today is not golden! Only cooperation to achieve more and more ‘green’ laws is golden! You will stay on the team or you will reap the consequences. Yes, yes, as you know, to fall once is to have fallen much. Yes, the world will know. Yes, all is on videotape.” He paused and grabbed a tissue from a model who exited as quickly as she had entered. “Yes, you devils, your last evening’s sex is on video.” He blew his nose and then smiled. “Folks, you will get a ‘green’ bill passed into law with a clause that will lock up a certain few. Each of you will see to it that the Senate ratifies the Global Climate treaty. If one or the other does not pass, your sins will be exposed! That I promise, so don’t try any resistance,” he reminded them with a deep, authoritative voice.

With complete silence, the seven politicians watched Hugh’s every action. They were his to control. “Each one of you will help on one very grave matter,” he said. He flicked his tongue across his lips. “Scientists get grants and I control thousands. They follow my agenda and all of their research helps the New Green Deal cause.

Hugh pulled out a high backed stool from the side of the small room. He leaned forward with his foot on the stool, with his eyes intent upon each one in turn. He again spoke, “I feel we have a people problem from a long time ago, and, and, and there is no control over them by money or lack thereof. But, you see, it goes beyond the money. These few scientists can inflict tremendous harm to our resources. Rumors have been out in the science community. I feel an ache in my gut. It is a knowing. I believe these few have come upon something very big. Yes, it is possible our huge amount of green dollars could come to a stop.” Hankiless paused, shuffled his feet, and licked his lips. His audience sat in a stoical silence.

“My friends, it began long ago. At the beginning of my chess game with the end results of billions waiting, there was a queen, a king, and a bishop who really were very good scientists. Then, as the game went on and on I think these three developed research with other pawns around the world that were on our team, but now have turned against us. Now it seems, more enemies have emerged and in these turn of events, it has brought what appears to be a conflict against our wanted results. We have fought. We struggled to overcome, and alas! Dr. Delight was killed in an accident. Professor Jacobson is alone since his wife, the Queen, died years before. Well---I figured I had won the game.”

Hugh spoke tersely to his new chess pieces, “If what Doc Jacobson says is true, that they are on the verge of a brilliant breakthrough for science, well, well, we have reason to believe that the discovery will possibly shoot holes in our ‘green’ earth policies. Then we really will have major money troubles. You see, that man will not buckle under monetary threats. Believe me, I have tried.”

“What in Sam-hill can we do about it then?” Spar Doublesay asked. “We do much or we do little. It has no apparent affect on these kinds of people. Humph!” He grunted then took a sip of steaming hot coffee.

“Congress is for all of the people. But, well---for one certain person---maybe we could add a little hanging amendment in a new ‘green’ bill, I suppose,” Delilah Cliffhanger said thoughtfully while looking down at the marble floor. “Yeah, maybe we could do something.”

“That’s it! Yes! That is why I have you all here!” Hankiless said enthusiastically. “Hear me out! The FBI has searched everywhere, for anything of their research. A few CIA agents are on the look-out. We have no trails. We have no evidence. These doctors have done all their stuff with great secrecy. What we need is an executive order or an unobserved law added to a bill. We need to do a search and seizure. We need to make these people out to be domestic terrorists. That’s it! That’s it exactly!”

The big man took a sip of tea. He stared at his chess pieces. “The one thing that bothers me more than anything else on earth is that I can’t find a way to control Mr. Jacobson and that lousy fact seriously worries me,” he said, then smiled. “We’ll get him. He says that his daughter is in control of his secret research and she will help him earn millions. We will also get her with every one of you doing your part. Yes, we believe the Professor recently made Jude his heir apparent. She is his new queen. We are watching the doctor’s every move. We had a trail on Jude, but lost it.” He took a swig of the hot, spicy tea then ordered adamantly, “You have your orders, follow them and we’ll get Jude. More instructions will follow. Remember, the President wants greater government controls on everything, so get it done!”

The rotund man paused to wipe a finger under his wet nose. “For the rest of this weekend, we will plan every detail. I have agreements with certain foreign governments that will send you into money heaven. If you do your part you will reap the rewards now and even after you leave office.” He took a sip of his tea while he peered at his men and women pawns, then said, “Folks, let’s take a nice long break. The surrounding grounds are for your pleasure.”

A grin flashed across the lobbyist’s face as the seven stood up. Several discussed congressional matters; others spoke of various forms of business that had to do with what had just been addressed. Hugh smiled and then whispered, “Heaven couldn’t be better than this.”


Are you ready to buy 2020 Torn Asunder and come to understand the political mess our nation is in and finally realize that We the People are losing our freedoms and will soon loose all aspects of a life of liberty in pursuit of happiness as the citizens of America in this wild and crazy saga that will soon become your reality. I hope that you will have a very good future. Thanks again for visiting my website, Bill Basaar.

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