June 13,2019


Supreme Court Falsehood: The Supreme Court is not the law of the land as they ruled in the case Cooper v. Aaron in 1958. They must not be the law of the land. The Constitution does not give them the power to make laws; only Congress has that Constitution mandated duty. Beware, rarely does Congress obey the Constitution per Article I Section 8.

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


If any state or federal law slightly diminishes a right or even somewhat hinders any of our rights, it is an unconstitutional law. The federal and state governments are not to even consider taking away any of our American’s rights, not even tweaking a right a tiny bit, not even less than a trivial bit can they impede one of the Bill of Rights.


Remember; evil is when political leaders scheme to deceive anyone into believing that there is no wrong when the government manipulates the laws enough so that Americans slowly lose their freedoms. Evil is when judges and politicians know that the American people want to live comfortably, and therefore, they know exactly how to use the people’s emotions as a tool. Thus, they ever so slowly, chip away at your freedoms. Yes, even the Supreme Court does not obey the Constitution!

Knowing these Constitution and moral facts, and knowing that breaking any law is not a good characteristic and therefore an evil action, I will list a few historical Freedom of Religion court rulings that reveal the evil intents of the Supreme Court and the employees in Executive Branch of our government as they function today. Today, prayer is banned from public events; prayers are banned from schools; religion as a historical fact in our country’s history must not be taught; Bibles may be read but lessons must be secular; explain how the righteousness of Jesus, and the power of Jesus who is God cannot be concerned with religious activities such as moral character? But they ruled that love, morality, virtues and the fear of God are not to be proclaimed. Therefore the grace and mercy and righteousness in God’s Word, which is the Bible, are not in America’s classrooms.

And since our government believes God must be expelled from society, it has been that chaplains in the military cannot quote scripture verses from the Bible nor pray in Jesus’ name; Christmas decorations are banned from public locations; killing babies in the womb is legally permitted; same sex marriage is legal, and the federal government can force you to purchase insurance, and the Supreme Court has at one time ordered that one cannot peacefully assemble in protest on the steps of the Supreme Court Building.

It definitely appears obvious that most congress members and nearly all other government leaders hate God and the Bible; they have an extreme aversion towards Christians. They call evil good and good evil; they order the Bible out of the military, and then allow the violent Quran into the military. If the Supreme Court has the authority to declare and change the meaning of marriage, they will soon declare that all sin is a right granted by the Constitution and that the True Word of God, the Bible, is illegal since it declares that sin is wicked and wrong. With this a logical continuation, judges and Congress will soon ban the Bible from all public locations nor allow it to be quoted or preached over the radio or TV, nor permit such preaching from the pulpits in America.


The godless professors, the Christian hating politicians, the God hating government leaders and most in the Devil inspired media personnel have no truth in their souls, they are liars and their leader is the father of lies. “You are of your father the Devil and the lusts of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie he speaks of his own: for he is a liar and the father of it.” (Jesus said if you habitually lie you are a son or daughter of the Devil (John 8:44).

Therefore, if any person does not believe in Jesus and they certainly do not believe that Jesus was God in the flesh, it is a fact that they are in rebellion against God, and evil courses through their soul. To substantiate this truthful discourse one must ascertain that if God is not the center of your body, soul and spirit, who or what else is? Thereby, ungodly, evil-minded educators teach children straight-out lies whom grow up to become spiritually untaught, godless judges and politicians through whom Satan’s hate radiates and therein they cannot be trusted in constitution or legislation decisions. In other words, if a person hates God and the Bible, that person cannot know what real love is, cannot know what is the truth from a lie, and cannot comprehend spiritual aspects and therefore they cannot understand anything spiritual and they will not follow God’s order of creation, which is, marry someone of the opposite sex, and do not kill (abort) your babies.

Be it judges, be it lawyers, be it politicians, be it business people, if they do not have Bible morals and virtues they have no set principles to guide them in their daily life concerns. And based upon this fact, the only people truly qualified to govern in any political capacity are Christians who follow all the Godly principles in the Bible and are truly born again. They who believe that Jesus died for their sins are they who pray and listen to God and are they who ask for guidance from God and are they who daily read the Bible, and are they who live a righteous life and are they who follow God’s guidance and live a victorious life with the Holy Spirit dwelling in them, these people are indeed the best qualified to serve as a judge or serve in political offices.

Our country is treading in very dangerous areas of society when every person of every different belief, of every hurt feeling, from every deviant activity believes that they must be provided equal rights in hopes that they will be given special treatment by the federal government or courts, no matter the evil impact and repercussion on the majority of Americans.

The judges in this country believe that they have a higher intelligence than most Americans who are reading these words. They consider themselves to be highly touted in the intellectual clubs of legalism. They think they are wise. They know that they are supremely logical. Yet, they are operating in the evil realm shown through their evil rulings against God and the Bible. I inform you, that when men and women rebel against God, and they refuse to make God supreme in their lives, they are absolutely foolish in God’s sight. But it appears that nobody cares. DO YOU CARE ENOUGH TO WARN OTHERS?

I cry out; Americans, get up and get involved. If We the People do not turn from our lackadaisical, do nothing attitude, and if we refuse to call out to God in repentance and give God a reason to hold back His judgment, He will not refrain from Judgment on the United States much longer. It will happen.

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