June 14,2019


Special Note: Most of the blogs on this website are from my book, Hell’s Fork Advances, Americas Warning, and I highly recommend that every American read all of the 417 pages that include hundreds of Founding Father Quotes. Tell everybody you know about the book, it will create debate and discussion that will hopefully cause We the People as a whole to begin a greater forceful battle to save our freedom of religion and all the other freedoms provided in the Constitution.

Are not nearly all the religions of the world concerned with virtuous, moral principles, and thusly, most have doctrines that reflect their views on the sins of the human race? Though each religion varies on how they address sin, they have rules and regulations in regards to morals and as to what is sin and how to deal with sin.

Therefore, if the Supreme Court of the United States of America declares a ruling on a moral issue, a moral issue addressed by most religions, a moral issue that is called a despicable sin in the Bible, a moral issue between God and mankind, then the Supreme Court could also rule that all despicable, immoral sins laws are legal. Therefore, by that fact, those who are now the sinners, per the government of the United States of America, are the Christians who are not only breaking the government or court ordered law that says the immoral sin is legal, but that these law breaking Christians will be punished as reprehensible criminals if they do not please the now legal, immoral, wicked citizens.

Let us examine this further. The Supreme Court has ruled that what is immoral is now legal. It is also a fact that they could go one step further and rule that all the immoral sins of the Bible are legal; it is also a fact that Congress could so make it the law. And therefore, if these now legal but still immoral sins are not accepted by Christian businesses, and if these businesses do not render services to these people whose sin is now legal, and if pastors preach that these immoral sins will keep you out of Heaven, then these Christians are now the criminals. I inform you, that soon all Christians will be terminated from all society’s transactions. This is segregation. This is the logical conclusion to such demonic rulings. God forbid this evil.

If it is legal for the Supreme Court to rule on what religion deems a sin, it is possible that they can and soon will rule on everything you say and do daily. I implore you; find where the Courts have this authority per the Constitution.

Allow me to reword that thought. Amendment I states that we have the right to exercise religious freedom and that the government shall make no law establishing religion nor prohibit the free exercise thereof. I unequivocally contend that what is a moral issue of my religion based upon the Words of God is my free exercise and expression of my religion. “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother, and shall cleave unto his wife; and they shall be one flesh” (Genesis 2:24). These words are without a doubt, the same proclamations all through the Bible wherein God declared and ordained that man and woman joined together in marriage is sinless and the only type of marriage. God declares that all other sex acts are sins that will send you to Hell, unless you repent. Hence, it is my religious moral duty to obey God and warn everybody to turn their lives over to God, for I wish that nobody go to Hell. But now the Supreme Court rules that it is their religions doctrinal belief that they are the gods of America and so declare by evil dictate that same sex marriages is the law of the land. This religious moral dictate of judges is most assuredly a religious freedom issue.

Supreme Court Religious Doctrine

When the Supreme Court edict says that same sex marriage is the law of the United States of America, they have established a government ordered religious doctrine. It is now a court ordered, newly established religion of sin that all must obey. Even though it is an evil, lawless order that is flipping their finger in God’s face and at the Constitution, it is considered the law, and in affect, we have no law left in America. We are ruled by a despotic oligarchy. The Supreme Court judges are now both the high order of religious priests and high wizards of evil sorcery. And I proclaim loudly, the United States of America’s government has now established an unconstitutional government religion and has prohibited the free exercise of my religion.

These are Hate ordered laws, a blatant act of evil against We the Peoples’ freedom of religion! This wounds my freedom of conscience and that of many others!

Our country is treading in very dangerous areas of society when every person of every different belief, of every hurt feeling, from every deviant activity believes that they must be provided equal rights in hopes that they will be given special treatment by the federal government or courts, no matter the evil impact and repercussion on the majority of Americans.

My belief is in the Almighty Living God of the Bible, the God Who sent His Son Jesus to die on the cross for my sins. If I ask for forgiveness of my sins and live a life committed to Him, He gives me the power to overcome sin through the death of Jesus on the cross and His resurrection. He is the only Living God, the God who created everything, the same God who will take me to Heaven to live forever. I believe that the Bible is God’s Word and that I must obey His message to have eternal life. With every facet of my mind, with all my soul that is within me, I must obey God’s principles with His help. This is my religion; this is my relationship with God, this is my free speech, this is my freedom of religion provided by the unchanging Constitution.

Do you think that Congress or the President or any judge should be allowed to force me by an unconstitutional law to sin against my freedom of conscience, to sin against my God and His Holy Word, The Bible? The answer is NO!

Where do our government officials get their authority to take away any of our freedoms? It is not from the Constitution! It is not inspired by God! My response is; it is obvious, it is from the Pit of Hell, whereof Satan calls the shots!

PRAY to GOD that millions of Americans will humble themselves

and then pray and repent of their sins and change from their evil ways; it is

only then that God will heal our country of its wrongs

Founding Father Quotes

Thomas Jefferson: “You seem...to consider the judges as the ultimate arbiters of all constitutional questions; a very dangerous doctrine indeed, and one which would place us under the despotism of an oligarchy...The Constitution has erected no such single tribunal.”

James Wilson: “The first and governing maxim in the interpretation of a statute is to discover the meaning of those who made it.”

James Madison: “The great desideratum in Government is, so to modify the sovereignty as that it may be sufficiently neutral between different parts of the Society to control one part from invading the rights of another, and at the same time sufficiently controlled itself, from setting up an interest adverse to that of the entire Society.”

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