June 30, 2019

There Is No God

Preview: 2020 Torn Asunder is a political novel that takes you the reader through hell and high water, wherein reading these terrifying scenes your emotions will be bloodied and torn apart by evils unheard of in America, but without God no longer thought needed in the lives of those involved in our government, what can you expect but devious government secrets that create horrors and inner chaos in the lives of normal citizens in America, for they also reject God and without the help of God they struggle to survive everything that an evil unconstitutional government offers them, which is not enough emotional sustenance to fight and save our Constitution Freedoms. Therein, be ready to survive this episode called, There Is No God.

Life or Death

In a split second, great fear rushed over Jude when she saw the nearly silent, nonexistent helicopter flying directly at her hilltop. She dove into the thickest brush with her loaded backpack as the black flying machine flew straight for her exact location. In seconds the harsh wind from the rotors blew directly overhead. It hovered. She could clearly see the pilot. Dead leaves and twigs whirled into the sky. One of her smaller, empty, camouflaged containers flew out from the underbrush. In near panic, she crawled into a hollow spot under a large moss covered log. Stealthily, she pulled dead sticks, leaves and dirt over her clothes, when surprisingly she heard men’s voices shout out from the helicopter’s open door.

“Hey, over there, Bud is coming up that long, steep ridge. They said she is headed this way. The guys in the plane didn’t see her today, but she’ll head for the car from this area. She would come here first. It’s the best way down to the car.”

In horror Jude listened and watched the big blades of the flying machine that now circled the hilltop from at least two hundred feet away. Two wily looking men stood in the aircraft’s door, each holding a large automatic rife. At any moment she would either be dead or captured. Almost in slow motion the whirly machine maneuvered across the hill with the two heavily armed men aboard looking far and near. Jude cowered deeper under good-cover. She wanted to run, but would have to run at least one hundred feet over mainly open space.

Momentarily, the scary craft hovered in a stationary position, only a short stone throw away. Jude again heard the two men discuss how and why they wanted their prey.

“Did they see her at any time?” the shorter man asked.

His taller counterpart answered, “They saw a gal yesterday, but not certain it was her. We only know that it’s her car. Anyway, we think she’s the girl. The stupid CIA missed her.”

“Who informed us that the car we found is hers?”

“We roughly questioned the owner who lives in this area,” the taller man responded as he raised his gun and aimed it toward the bushes that covered Jude. “Too bad though, the guy had no idea who she is or what she drove before borrowing his car.”

“Are we looking for another vehicle parked somewhere in the area? It has to be close by.”

“Nuts, who knows? The boss says get her, and we will get her. He said that soon the FBI will be involved. She is a domestic terrorist, but he can’t wait for them. Anyway, as it has always been, we either get them, scare them, or they become extinct.”

A sharp voice came from the helicopter radio, “Hey, we found our gal; she’s quite a ways down the mountain over here. We need your helicopter to reach her before she escapes from view. We are where she camped last night. Found an apple core. We just missed her yesterday.”

“You sure?” the shorter of the two in the helicopter asked.

“No, but it’s a young woman. Have you guys seen anybody? Hell, you flew over the whole area with that secret thing borrowed from government forces.”

“OK, OK, but we’ll check out the area over here where we thought we saw some movement. Anyway, we must wait for Bud; he’s still in the tall trees directly below.”

Jude carefully extracted her two revolvers. Who these guys were and why they wanted her did not matter at this time. The helicopter flew closer. Think clearly Jude. These dudes are not lawmen. I will shoot if it means my survival. Seconds later, the whirling machine headed north toward the long, narrow valley.

Many minutes crept by, yet Jude dare not move, although her patience grew thin. Each moment in hiding forced her to think she must race off the flat hilltop. She started to stand up when a man yelled desperately from somewhere below. Instantly she hunkered down.

The man’s terrified words came clearly, “Guys, I need help. Cougars are after me. I fell. I lost my rifle over the cliff. Hurry guys, hurry! A sudden blast of wild wind hit Jude from above. She held her breath as she tried to see what was happening.

A loud gunshot blasted from somewhere. Jude frantically crawled behind a large boulder alongside the thick log in her hiding spot. Again she carefully attempted to catch a glimpse of what was happening. Nearby a man screamed. The nearly silent helicopter banked directly overhead with the heavily armed men still standing in the open door. Fire sparks flew as shots exploded across the breezy knoll. Bud howled in pain. Horrendous animal growls roared. More horrific blasts sounded. Then in another blast of gun shots, Jude felt her body fly and roughly land a few feet to her right alongside the large log. She groaned. Terrible pain raced through her left shoulder. She gasped at the sight of blood saturating her clothes.

In the next instant the helicopter landed almost directly in front of her that sent her plastic container flying. One of the men raced right past her with his gun raised. He took a shot. Jude, fighting through her pain peered through the branches and could see that about fifty feet away, two dead cougars lay beside the man who must be Bud. He staggered to his feet with the help of the other man. Bud bled badly from the ghastly cougar wounds and in moments both bloodied men stumbled only twenty feet from where she lay hidden.

Just as the two men reached their aircraft, Jude was overcome with a need to sneeze. She tried to restrain the eruption, but it grew tougher to halt the noise that may get her killed. She squeezed her nose, she massaged her sinuses. Then she sneezed, bumping her wounded shoulder on the log, causing terrible pain as she spun away and fell against a large bush. It bounced roughly. It seemed she waited forever for a response from the men. Bud and his helper boarded the black machine from hell and seconds later the engines roared.

Suddenly, somebody yelled out, “I think someone is in those bushes---it’s her.”

“Yeah, they moved, man, let’s get her,” the taller man shouted.

Both men jumped out of the helicopter with their powerful guns pointed at the bushes where Jude lay. They took a few steps; then stopped. “Come out or we shoot!” the dude who had helped Bud shouted the order. Each man aimed their guns from twenty feet away.

Excruciating pain raced across Jude’s body as she used the big boulder for protection and the log for the support of her right hand that now aimed her largest revolver. Her whole body quivered. Blood flowed from her left shoulder; her whole left side was red. The pain was awful, but no matter what they wanted, she would not follow their orders. These guys could not be trusted. If they captured her they probably would torture her.

Each man readied their large rifle and took three short steps toward Jude. The dude who helped Bud yelled, “Come out now. We know you are in there!”

Nobody moved. They haven’t seen me. But they’re about to shoot me. They mean it. I don’t think they see me. The pilot revved the whirling blades that stirred greater dust, twigs flew, leaves swirled crazily and her brush cover bounced wildly.

Abruptly, the blood covered guy yelled, “Oh, my God, it could be a cougar!”

Jude’s fingers trembled as she checked her revolvers target. With a quick glance she checked on her protection. Then, without warning, loud explosions bolted from the men’s two large rifles with bullets hitting everything around Jude. With her eyes closed, she quickly pulled the trigger of her revolver, four times. Instantly, a stressed human silence hit the area. She peeked to see that the men had fallen to the ground, each groaning in great pain. The helicopter’s engine sounded ready to leave.

She saw bloody spots on the men’s legs. She had hit her targeted area. Although wounded, both guys somehow crawled back to the helicopter with their rifles and in the next minute the horrifying event ended as the helicopter flew off into the distance.

Jude trembled. She looked at her wound. The bushes were shot to pieces. They resembled bare, dead plants only one foot taller than the large boulder and log. Terrible stinging sensations raced across her face. She placed her reddened fingers to her cheeks and felt trickles of blood. Shattered pieces of the boulders were hurled everywhere. Pieces of twigs and leaves stuck to her clothes like a blanket. But, she was alive, the men were gone, and she must get the heck out of there as soon as possible. Albeit for a short period of time, she could not move. Her heart beat so fast, she could barely breathe.

The craziness of the men shooting at her swept across her mind. How can this be, evil men are hunting me and the cougars attack them? Oh, my God---what hath you wrought? Oh, please, oh, please help me. I simply must speak with Dad. I must get to the laboratory. She frowned---then shouted, “Oh no, I forgot---there is no God!”


This is life in America as freedoms granted in the Constitution disintegrate into evil inspired absolute government control on everything you do. You will be living in Hell on earth; and America’s freedoms will never return.

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