PREVIEW of the chapter titled, COWS, in the book 2020Torn Asunder

Dwight is a family friend who decided to help Jude in her quest for freedom and safety a few chapters back wherein they have been in several near death as well as near capture by federal authorities. This chapter portion is just after a shootout with a mob of people that included federal troops who were involved in the gun fight between Jude and her dad.

Thus, you will read this scene that is one of their many episodes that again reveals how the power hungry evil politicians at the local level as well from the federal government are becoming more hell-bent on total control over all Americans. It is becoming obvious that a totally corrupt governmental system has almost completely controlled nearly all of We the People in society until the same godless demonic government peoples evil corrupt infection has infected society by a selfish hate that controls almost everybody in America, and the worst is government officials are ruled by inner demons that hate everybody that is against their agenda; this is what you will read about in this blog, and this is in your near future.

The story in 2020 Torn Asunder, was fueled by climate change agenda that when it is implemented, just as today’s corona virus in America has been deceitfully planned, the result will be the same freedom loss and chaos soon, as shown in this saga. But think about this, I never thought that the corona virus pandemic created by politicians and the media in the same year as is the book’s title would almost overnight come close to what Jude faced throughout her terrifying journey in the year 2020. Imagine, all will get worse, for what we face today will soon become more like the story that Jude faced in her year of 2020. If the unelected medical and billionaire powers have their evil plan taken to finality, America will be as it is in my book, 2020  Torn Asunder.

Another Episode in Jude’s Battle To Remain Free, Chapter 43, COWS

Several hours after the life and death confrontation with the bus passengers, a rusty Suburban and a now hastily repainted white Malibu carried four people on their covert run toward Washington, D.C.

“I hope we get to the Capitol without any more problems,” Jude muttered, still feeling the pulsing shock of the shooting incident.

“Yeah, we will. Hey, I bet I know why I saw nothing in the newspapers at the gas station in regards to the illegal stuff,” Dwight said as he again tapped Jude’s hand.

She pursed her lips, in deep thought, He makes me feel good. But I think he’s hiding something.

“Why?” she asked.


“Why, nothing in the papers?”

“Huh, yeah, just a hunch.”

Jude was fully intrigued now. “Oh, I see, a secret,” she said with a slight grin.

Dwight quickly glanced at her. “No, no, not really.”

“Well speak.”

“Well, if you insist. I think, well, maybe they hesitate to report the story. That is if they don’t have all the facts. Perhaps they don’t want to scare the citizens or the politicians want to keep the story quiet. Yeah, that’s probably it.”

Jude sensed an odd sort of crazy off-the-wall feeling. At first he acted kind of naïve as I was for too long. But he says these ideas as if he knows they are the truth. “So you think there is cooperation between the news media and the government?”

“Let’s just say it’s possible,” he answered.


“Yeah, I bet.”

“Crabgrass idiots.”

Dwight grinned. “Yep, they are. But remember, it’s only a theory.”

“Sure. Anyway, thanks again---gosh---it’s so nice to have you helping us,” she said; then grinned at him.

“No, Jude, it is my pleasure---especially with you beside me.” He patted her hand.

Her heart quivered in delight. “Ooh---are you serious?” she asked, gazing into his adorable eyes.

“Yes, my Lady Jude!”

“You are so wonderful. Thank-you sir.” Jude could hardly talk.

“No, no, you are wonderful, Lady Jacobson. I believe this is the best trip I’ve been on in my life.” He took a long slow swig of a ‘Two If By Tea’ drink.

“Mine, too!” Jude whispered sweetly and leaned over and placed a soft kiss on his blushing cheek. “Hey, where’d you get that tea?” she asked.

Dwight shrugged. “Someone gave me several cases; I brought a few from home.”

Jude felt flushed. I feel as if I’m floating heavenward. It’s too bad that we’re on this dangerous trip. “Blast it all---every talk-show today has said we’ve lost our freedom! Why hasn’t TWA network said anything about the bill?” she asked disconcertedly. “Crabgrass, we can’t be the only ones against the global warming frenzy? Are we the only ones demanding that we drill for oil up north, off shore, or anywhere? It seems stupidity reigns. Congress only believes the bogus climate data that declares the change in Earth’s climate is man-caused. Scientifically their facts can not be proven. But if we disagree with them, we loose our freedom!” Jude expressed loudly, followed by a long, deep sigh.

“Whoa---Lady---hokey Pete!” Dwight spouted his shocked response. “You do have strong beliefs! Do you learn this stuff from talk-radio?”

Jude took a short breath. “I just recently learned about how corrupt our government is. You see, the talk-show hosts do study and their words really do show that they are for a free America. Gosh, I was really stupid to have rejected these conservative hosts.”

She sat in a meditative silence. Since that day Glenn Beck wracked my emotions with the idea that people were created to worship God, I’ve pondered God’s existence and now believe that He exists.

“Hey Jude, what’s your father planning?”

“Nothing planned---he’ll just march into the Capitol.”


“Yep---his way! But we had better stop soon and make a few final plans before driving into the city tomorrow!”


“Holy crabgrass, look at those huge billows of smoke up ahead! There must be a lot of buildings on fire!” Jude yelled. I’d like to turn around, but the FBI nearly got us last night at Dad’s friends place. Just glad the underground bunker saved us.

Dwight’s face depicted troubled surprise at the sight. “What could be so big out here? Hokey Pete, we’re way out in the countryside. Where’re the police?” he asked.

Jude focused her binoculars on the fires as she reminded Dwight of the roads he must take to meet up with Dad on the other side of this county. What is that horrible stench? She questioned under her breath. She glanced in all directions and still couldn’t figure out the source.

“What’s that awful smell?” she asked. “Oh no, it can’t be true. Look Dwight, the fires, there are maybe ten huge barns on fire in a mile radius and no fire trucks anywhere!”

Dwight frowned. “This isn’t good; it smells like trouble. Should we go back?” he asked.

“Holy cow, no! The FBI is back there. This is awful. It’s blood that we smell! Oh, my God!” Jude yelled. “Look, there are hundreds of slaughtered dairy cows across the next two fields. Look, further up the road on the next farm!” She refocused the field glasses. “My God, all the Angus cow’s throats are cut. There’s the stench of death.” She covered her nose as tears welled up in her eyes.

Dwight started to slow down, when abruptly several men with guns jumped in front of them from behind some bushes in the next field. He hit the accelerator and shot past the wild-eyed men as they fired their guns at them with the bullets hitting the back of their rusty vehicle.

Jude ducked and pushed Dwight’s head lower as she let out a groan of exasperation. “I knew it!” she yelled.  “I knew we should keep at least one gun, blast it all!”

Dwight stared ahead with their dilapidated metal box on four worn-out tires going ninety miles per hour. “We’re safe for the moment,” he yelled while looking to their rear. “This is nuts! They must be crazy city folks, but why?”

“Famine?” Jude yelled.

“Maybe strikes.”

“We could get killed.”

“No doubt.”

“Dwight, slow down, you could kill us. This is insanity.” Jude looked sideways at a road sign and as they slowed down she did a quick mental review of their planned route. A sudden shot of panic hit her heart. “Ohh, God no, blast it all. Crabgrass!” She shouted realizing that nothing could help them change directions now.

“What now?” Dwight asked. “Did we miss our turn?”

Jude nodded grimly.

“What’re we going to do, my dear navigator?”

“Hopefully, drive through the city untouched and meet the others on the other side of the city.”

“OK, but we already have a problem,” Dwight said with a pound of his fist on the steering wheel.

“Yeah, wish I had a detailed map so we could avoid the main part of town. Crap, I see smoke, oh no! We can only go straight because of the road blocks on both sides. Don’t look now, but a truck loaded with people is coming up behind us,” Jude mumbled after looking in the side mirror. She frantically tried to come up with a solution to a very dangerous situation.

“What’s going on?” Dwight inquired with a worried look.

Damaged cars sat along each side of the roadway as they came into the city. Every house had smashed windows, broken furniture lay in the yards and every side street was blocked by smashed vehicles. Buildings were burning everywhere; they could hear explosions coming from up ahead. The truck following them drove into their rear bumper as the driver swore and shook his fist at them. Dwight hit the accelerator.

After a couple of minutes, Jude noticed that they were driving into a main business area where a very large crowd of raucous rioters completely blocked the street. In seconds, the mob charged toward them throwing bricks, rocks, and hunks of metal at them that thankfully fell short of target. “Crabgrass, crabgrass.” She gave the code over her radio.

The chanting rioters quickly surrounded them. “Tie’em up! Tie’em up!” The chanting grew louder.

“Join them!” Jude shouted. She jumped out, picked up a brick and hurled it at the nearest store. “Down with corporate America! Food for the poor! Feed us or you suffer!” she shouted. She hurriedly found another brick and tossed it into a broken window of a store with the crowd quickly joining the fun and to her surprise, Dwight drove farther into the city untouched and then disappeared.

The chaotic mass of people of all ages ran in all directions as they hurled rocks, bricks and Molotov cocktails into businesses while shouting slogans against the rich and stealing anything they desired from the stores. Jude worried. Her mind raced, There are no police in the area, but I think I’ve fooled the rioters. The chanters began to shout, “She is our queen of destruction. She is our queen of destruction.” Over and over they repeated the chant. Jude tired to escape by pushing through the throng that chanted and danced all around her. Oh God help me. I can’t escape. Please, please. The crowd forced her toward the city square where she saw six thirty foot high wooden apparatuses with twelve butchered cows hanging over six huge bonfires. The blood dripping from the ugly carcasses created a violent sizzle as the licking flames rose up higher and higher. On a high rise, in the central area between the bonfires, a large throne had been set up about sixty to seventy feet from the twenty foot wide barbecue pits.

Wild chants rang out. “She is our queen of destruction! She is our queen! She is our queen!” the thousands shouted louder and louder.

Dozens of men and women picked Jude up and began to carry her toward the throne while the mob roared approval. When she was placed on the throne, the rioters went into a wild frenzy as they shouted, danced and some began to strip off their clothes.

Two muscular men dressed in green uniforms, stood guard beside Jude as hundreds of women, men and kids tossed more wood on all the fires. Men snatched the cows with long handled hooks then slashed off hunks of charred meat from the burnt carcasses, then hurled them out into the delirious mob. One of the guards brought Jude a large piece of bloody meat and told her to eat. She shook her head no. Abruptly, the man who gave her the meat yelled at her, “Eat or they will sacrifice you!”

Jude faked a bite. “Sir, where are the police?” she asked while pretending to chew.

“We run the show here!” he yelled angrily. The throng was getting wilder. On the far side of the town square stood a wooden, make-shift, thirty to forty foot tall, green statue where some of the rioters appeared to be bowing down to it as if it were a ‘green god.’ Then Jude saw the words on the boards. ‘God is Green,’ ‘Our New Green God Rules.’

She took a bite from a burnt section of the meat. “Sir, are these some of those cows killed just outside town?”

“Yeah, the farmers are in jail. They murdered or wounded thirty citizens.”

Nearby a large group of rioters talked of stripping the queen naked and raping her. In this way they would honor the dead people killed by the farmers.

Jude could feel her whole body shake. “Sir, but weren’t the farmers protecting their property?” she dared to ask.

The Guard frowned. He nodded at the other guard. “Woman---the President ordered that all property such as food, cars and clothes belong to all citizens in these hard times!”

Hundreds of the women began to shout, “Do it! Do it! Do It.” They grew bolder.

Jude started to panic. I need a little more time to figure out an escape. “Sir, where’s the news media? They love to report on riots,” she shouted.

“Woman, shut up! You say one more disruptive thing and we’ll lock you away inside one of the new cities that the Chinese are building in our country for people like you!”

The throng jostled toward Jude. The FGA guards nodded at each other. God, help me! I think the guards are on the side of the mob. She stood up to attempt an escape when the head-guard shoved her back onto the throne. She seemed doomed to a sacrifice if she did not escaped soon.

The crazed crowd chanted, “Do the queen. Kill the queen. Do the queen! Kill the queen!”

Jude’s heart beat faster. Her thoughts ran wild. I can’t think. I can barely breathe. I know what civilizations in history did to their virgins. In desperation she tried to locate Dwight. The fires heat reddened her bare skin; it felt as if her arms were already cooked. She saw the men cringe from the latest scorching blasts from the six huge fires. Smells of burning leather, singed hair, burnt meat and a stench of blood filled the air. Soon all hell will break loose. At any second they’ll slit my throat.

The huge mob inched closer chanting, “sacrifice our queen! Sacrifice, sacrifice, sacrifice,” they chanted as Jude’s guards ran from the terribly hot fires.


You will never know what happened to Jude if you do not purchase 2020 Torn Asunder, for as I type these words, I have decided that this is my last story blog from the novel that I finished in 2012, titled the year 2020 thinking it would all take place by 2020. Well it is upon us, but if I’m correct, it will get much worse. Although some of you may be disappointed, you do have the opportunity to purchase the saga that soon could be our very different America.

But if I have done justice to the scenes presented, you will become a better citizen, both spiritually and mentally, a born again person ready to become involved in politics or in helping people overcoming their dependence on the false hopes of government helping them out of their hopelessness and helplessness. Our freedoms are nearly gone. I knew this would happen, but to happen almost overnight took me by surprise. There is only one way that will fill people with hope, joy and peace and that is if they place their dependence on Jesus Christ for their blessed hope of Eternal Life in Heaven, as in John 3:16 Jesus said, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Begotten Son (Jesus) that whosoever believes in Him (Jesus) should not perish but have Everlasting Life.”

If you place your whole being in the hands of God He will take care of you as it says in Isaiah 41: 10-13, “ FEAR YOU NOT; FOR I AM WITH YOU; BE NOT DISMAYED; FOR I AM YOUR GOD: I WILL STRENGTHEN YOU; YES, I WILL HELP YOU; YEA, I WILL UPHOLD YOU WITH THE RIGHTHAND OF MY RIGHTEOUSNESS.

VS 11 They who strive against you shall perish

VS 12 They who war against you shall be as nothing

VS 13 For I the lord your God will hold your right hand, FEAR NOT I will HELP you!!!!


Let me introduce you to your Creator Who will help you overcome the hurts that are furrowed deep in your soul, the ones that cause great stress to your inner self that few know of. Here is the help that will solve your needs with the words in parentheses explaining the meaning of the Greek words as written in the original scriptures.

In the words of Jesus (Luke 4:18), “I have come to preach the Gospel to the poor,” (the humble and helpless in spirit); “I have been sent to heal the brokenhearted,” (Jesus came to bind up people dashed to pieces from life’s hurts and sins); “to preach Deliverance to the captives,” (Jesus offers freedom to those who are bound by drugs, alcohol, pornography, any addiction that holds them prisoner); “and recovering of sight to the blind,” (If you believe Jesus is God Who came in the flesh of man to die for your sins, you will see the truth); “to set at liberty them who are bruised,” (Jesus came so you can be released from emotional calamity that oppresses, to be set free from those things that weigh you down).

Stop rebelling against God and the Bible and Give Jesus (Who is God your Creator) a chance to set you free from everything that has you addicted and oppressed. Who or what can help you? You have nothing to loose, try Jesus. Nobody can set free your soul and spirit but God.

If America is to be saved from Socialism/Communism at the political hands of corrupt men and women, then millions of Americans must do as God said, “If My people shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then I will hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land” (II Chronicles 7:14).


Trust me. The information I write will help save the United States from a total collapse of our government and our society. Everything typed will hopefully be accepted by you who read these words. But my words alone will do nothing for you or the country, for only the Words of JESUS will save you! YOU MUST believe only the Words of God in the Bible. A Priest’s words, a pastor’s words, a church doctrine, ceremonies, nothing else will give you eternal life. If you want Eternal important words, I suggest that first you read the New Testament in the Bible and then purchase my book Hell’s Fork Advances, subtitled, America’s Warning.

Again, I thank-you for visiting this website, wherein, I hope it was beneficial to you. I pray, God Bless America.

Bill Basaar.

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